Status: active

What Lies Within

Try Not To Kill Each Other

"We should probably get to class." Sophie eventually says after the couple sits by the lake. Draco reluctantly nods and the couple stand up. "So what do you think Defense Against the Dark Arts will be like with Snape teaching it?"

"It will probably be more 'embrace the dark arts' than defending against it." Draco responds, making her laugh and nod as they enter the castle, making their way up the staircase to the DADA classroom.

"I'm sure that's true." They make it to the landing, finding a lot of people already lined up. Pansy glares at them from her place at the start of the line waiting. Draco and Sophie ignore her. Sophie waves at the trio, Hermione's arms full of books, before the door opens and there stands Snape.

"Inside." He barks, making them all file in, completely silent.

"Let's sit here." Draco whispers, pulling her to a table in the back corner.

"Oh my god." Sophie gasps as she looks around the room. "Look at those photos." Sophie points towards gruesome photos on the walls. People were silently screaming, while others had terrible injuries.

"That's Snape for you." Draco mutters as Snape gets to the front of the classroom, everyone completely silent. When he begins to talk, it's just as everyone expected. Snape going on about how the previous teachers they had were awful, and that he expected none of the students to make it farther than this year. What a marvelous way to start out a term. He then went on to explain what each picture was.

"... you are, I believe, complete novices in the use of nonverbal spells. What is the advantage of nonverbal spells?" Snape questions. Of course, Hermione's hand shoots up but he ignores it, his eyes sweeping across the other students. Sophie knew the answer but she wanted to make Snape have no choice but to call on Hermione. "Very well - Miss Granger?" It seemed to really pain Snape that he had to call on Hermione, even though everyone knew she would have the correct answer.

"Your adversary has no warning about what kind of magic you're about to perform," Came Hermione's answer, right of course. "which gives you a split-second advantage." Snape's cold eyes dug into Hermione, obviously displeased that she was correct.

"An answer copied almost word for word from The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Six," Draco gave a quiet laugh, making Sophie smack his leg, he just smirked at her in return, making her shake her head. "but correct in essentials. Yes, those who progress using magic without shouting incantations gain an element of surprise in spell-casting. Not all wizards can do this, of course. It is a question of concentration and mind power which some" It's completely obvious that he stops to stare at Harry, making Draco laugh again. Sophie just gives him a look. "lack. You will now divide into pairs. One partner will attempt to jinx the other without speaking. The other will attempt to repel the jinx in equal silence. Carry on." The classroom then began moving and partnering up.

"Alright, try to jinxx me first, babe." Draco says, the couple standing a few feet away. Sophie smirked at Draco, both of them knowing full well that they both could do nonverbal spells easily. Draco did almost all of his spells without speaking.

"Try? I will succeed." She responds, making him smirk. Before he even had time to think, she pointed her wand at him and in the next second he was knocked back onto his back. Sophie stood in her spot, grinning. Draco stood up, smirking.

"Nice go there. Now it's my turn." Draco did just the same, jinxing Sophie before she could even raise her wand. She didn't fall as Draco had, just stumbles back, almost losing her footing. She smirks and raises her wand to do the same.

"Very good, you two." Snape says, walking up to them. "I'm sure married life is hard, but try not kill each other now." Snape walks away while a few students that had been in ear shot gave the couple wide eyed looks, having heard Snape just say they were married. Sophie and Draco exchanged a look before shrugging and going back to jinxing each other. Eventually they were able to anticipate the others attack and get a blocking charm up in time.

Just like every class Snape taught with Harry in it, he had to pick on him in some way. Today he went off on him for not doing the nonverbal spells correctly and then attempted to do it on Harry himself, to which Harry jinxed him, verbally, before he even had a chance. That earned Harry a detention on Saturday night.

"That's awful that Snape tried to jinx Harry." Sophie said as her and Draco left the room.

"I thought it was pretty great." Sophie rolls her eyes, of course Draco would think so.

"It was wrong." She then spotted Harry and Ron walking down the hall, Hermione surely having headed to her next class already. "I'll meet you in the common room, yeah? I want to talk to Harry and Ron."

"If you must." Draco pulls her to a stop and leans over to press a kiss to her lips. "Actually, meet me in the Room of Requirement." Sophie gives him a look.


"Not for that." He cut her off. "We can start on Snape's homework in the tree house." He suggested, making her smile. She nods and leans over to to give him another kiss.

"See you there." She then turns and rushes after Harry and Ron while Draco heads down the hall in the other direction. "Hey, guys." Sophie greets as she catches up with the two.

"Oh, hey." Harry smiles at her.

"So, Snape has already got it out for you, huh?" Harry laughs and nods.

"When doesn't he have it out for me?" He questions, making Ron and Sophie laugh. "And anyway, Dumbledore needs me in his office on Saturday night so I can't do the detention."

"What does Dumbledore need you for?" Sophie wonders as they walk up a flight of stairs.

"Not sure. He just sad he wants to give me lessons this term." He explains, shrugging. "Saturday is going to be a busy day. I've got to do Quidditch tryouts. My first time running them, so I'm a little nervous."

"You got made captain?!" Sophie asked, excited for her best friend.

"Yeah, I was shocked." Harry points at his chest, making Sophie now notice the small captains badge beside his Gryffindor crest.

"That's so great, Harry!" Sophie reached over, linking arms with Harry. "I told you last year that would happen and you didn't believe me." Harry laughs and nods.

"I'm glad it did. Are you and Draco still going to be on the team?" Sophie hadn't thought about that. She wanted to be, but perhaps Draco wouldn't want to, so he could focus more on the tasks set for him.

"I think so. I'd like to be, but we'll see." She responds. "Well, I should get going. I'll see you guys later!" She leans over, kissing Harry's cheek, then Ron's, and then rushes off in the direction of the Room of Requirement. Once she was inside, she found Draco sitting on the couch, his head leaned back and appeared to be asleep. "So much for doing homework, huh?" She says, making him jump and look around at her.

"I'm tired, I had an awful nights sleep." He responds as she makes her way over, curling up against his side. "I was upset that my wife was mad at me."

"Well I'm sure if you stopped being such an ass, your wife wouldn't get mad at you all the time." Sophie answers easily, lifting her head up to smile at him sweetly.

"And I'm sure if my wife didn't pretend to be all innocent and sweet, her husband wouldn't have to be an ass." Sophie laughs.

"That doesn't even make sense. But you're still cute." She kisses him before pulling away, reaching for her bag. "Let's start on that homework before lunch." He groans but agrees none the less. With her help, they are able to almost finish it. Sophie finishes hers, Draco almost finished. "Promise you'll finish that during your break after lunch while I'm in Muggle Studies?" She asks later as they make their way down to the Great Hall for lunch.

"Yes, love." Draco promises, making her roll her eyes. She would be really shocked if he actually finished it, even though all he had to do was one paragraph and the conclusion. Once they finished lunch, Sophie headed off to Muggle Studies while Draco went to the common room to work. They met up again an hour later in the dungeons. There were few people who made it to this level Potions class so they were joined by only a few people. Only two other Slytherins were there, one of them being Pansy, the other being Blaise. The four of them stood together awkwardly, the girls standing there with their arms crossed.

"Is it true that you guys are married?" A Ravenclaw leaned over to ask the couple. Draco just glared at him while Sophie smiled and nodded.

"And happily so, right Dray?" Draco looks down at her, a smile spreading on his lips.

"Very happily so." He leans down, pressing his lips to hers. Pansy made a disgusted sound, which everyone ignored.

"Congratulations, you guys are cute." A Ravenclaw girl said, making the couple smile.

"Thanks." Just then the door opened, letting them into the dungeon. Everyone began sniffing about, noticing the boiling cauldrons all around. "Why does the room smell like you?" Sophie asks Draco as the four Slytherin's sat down together. Draco laughed.

"I was just going to say that the room smelled like you." He answered, making Sophie frown.

"No, it smells like Draco." Pansy cuts in. Blaise shakes his head.

"Nah, it smells like cookies." He says, making them all frown at him. That was not even close to what anyone else was smelling. Soon, Slughorn began his lesson. Apparently he had brewed all of these potions and wanted them to be identified, which Hermione did easily. It turns out, that was giving the room the smells was a love potion. The smell of it changed according to what attracted them. After explained what Felix Felicis, or liquid luck, was he explained that they were to brew a Draught of Living Death and the one with the best potion won the liquid luck.

"I so need that." Draco muttered as they all began getting their ingredients and lighting the fires under their cauldrons. Sophie gave him a soft smile, knowing what he would need the luck for. "So the room smelled like me to you?" He asks as they begin cutting up their ingredients.

"Of course it did, I'm attracted to you. Quite a bit actually. And obviously you're attracted to me, since it smelled like me." She answers, making him smirk.

"Oh, I'm very attracted to you." She laughs, shaking her head. "Now it's even more creepy that Pansy said the room smelled like me." Draco says in a hushed town, leaning closer to his wife. As what he said sunk in, she glared across the table at the girl who was focusing on her potion.

"She's not allowed to be attracted to you anymore." Sophie grumbled, making Draco chuckle. He leans over, kissing her cheek before going back to his work.

"Well now we know that Blaise is attracted to cookies." Both of them burst into laughter. Soon, the double potions class was over and Slughorn was judging the brewed potions. He gave an approving nod to Sophie and Draco's, smiling at them both. Everyone watched as he got to Harry's, everyone expecting him to have done awfully since he always had with Snape as the teacher. They were all shocked when Slughorn praised him and announced he was the winner.

"That's such rubbish." Draco mutters as they leave the classroom later. Draco watched as Harry put the bottle of liquid luck in his back. "I need that. He doesn't."

"It's okay, Draco. We'll still be able to get through this. We don't need luck, you are still awesome with out it." She tells him, trying to cheer him up. He just gives her a smile and reaches over, resting his arm across her shoulders.

"I'm hungry." He states, making her laugh and lean into his side as they walk, her arm wrapping around his waist. Her husband, always thinking about food.
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I'm sorry I kind of disappeared again. I started my college classes for the summer and also have been having health problems so writing hasn't really been my main focus. I'll try not to disappear again. D: