Status: active

What Lies Within

The Offer

"Ugh," Pansy groaned as her and her friends sat at the table the next morning for breakfast. "We have McGonagall today." Sophie kept silent as her other friends groaned. She kept her head down, looking into her bowl of cereal. She didn't mind McGonagall. Sure, she could be a little mean some times but then Sophie was a Slytherin so that didn't really matter to her. She was a tough teacher but Sophie loved Transfiguration.

"We should go so we aren't late." Blaise said, making the others agree. Sophie stayed in her seat for a second before grabbing her bag and following them in the direction of the classroom. She saw the trio sitting at the Gryffindor table and gave them a small smile, even Ron, before following the Slytherin's out of the Great Hall.

After Transfiguration, they had double Herbology. Both of which were filled with McGonagall and Sprout going on about the importance of O.W.L.S and how much harder it was going to be than any of their previous examinations.

"Maybe we should do some of our homework during break." Draco suggested as the group made their way from the greenhouses to the courtyard for break. They spent their break attempting to start on their moonstones essay for Snape. It just ended with Sophie having to explain about the properties of moonstones to the rest of them because they were all far too lazy to actually read their books.

When the bell rang they left the courtyard and began making their way across the grounds towards Hagrid's hut where Professor Grubbly-Plank was waiting for them. As they made their way towards their classmates, Sophie noticed that Hermione was standing a few feet away from Harry and Ron, meaning that of course, her and Ron would be arguing, again. Sophie was so caught up in thought about how their bickering was getting annoying that she hadn't heard whatever joke it was Draco had made that got everyone else laugh. The laughter had gotten Harry turn to look at them.

Sophie gave Harry her usual smile but he simply looked away, making Sophie frown. She ignored it and looked at Professor Grubbly-Plank. When she asked what the twig like things that were resting on the table in front of her were, Hermione's hand shot up, making Draco do a very rude impersonation of her.

"Be mature, Malfoy." She growled at him, punching his arm. He glared at her, rubbing the spot she had just punched. Beside them Pansy had done her usual shriek of laughter, which made whatever the twig like things on the table were jump up. Pansy shrieked, even Sophie gave a yelp and jumped back. She stumbled on the uneven ground and would have fallen over if Draco hadn't reached out and caught her at the last second.

"Are you alright?" He asked her as he set her back on her feet. She nodded at him.

"Yes, I'm alright. Thank you." Sophie had to admit that she was a little flustered. Never has Draco ever offered her any kind of help, he normally would have let her fall and then laughed at her as she lay on the ground. Sophie made eye contact with Pansy who was slightly frowning as she watched Draco continue to look over Sophie, making sure that she truly was alright. Sophie shrugged, shoved Draco away from her slightly and turned back to the professor who was instructing them to get in groups of three and grab a Bowtruckle, which was the creature on the table, and draw a detailed diagram of it.

Since the trio would be working together, Sophie had no choice but to group up with Pansy and Draco, while Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle got one together.

"This thing is hideous." Pansy said, staring into the little face of the creature that was in front of them. They cleverly put a freezing charm on it so they could all three draw it and not have to touch the thing anymore than what was necessary.

"At least it's better than what that giant was making us learn." Draco commented, making Pansy nod but Sophie looked over at him and glared.

"Hagrid was a good teacher." She defended as she continued to work on her drawing. Sophie always enjoyed Hagrid's company. Sure, he didn't always make the greatest of choices, like the Dragon egg he got in her first year, but he had a huge heart.

"Oh sure, except for that time I almost got my arm ripped off! That was his first day of teaching, too!" Sophie rolled her eyes at Draco.

"That was your own fault! You didn't listen to Hagrid. You just charged up at Buckbeak, and you insulted him. You had it coming. Plus, you were not that badly hurt. I went with you to the hospital wing, remember? It was barely a scratch. You are just a pussy who can't handle a thing."

"Well I still say that Hagrid is an awful teacher who doesn't deserve to teach here." He told her, making her roll her eyes at him again. "Besides, I heard that he won't be a teacher here anyway. Not with the ministry working to right this school now."

"Oh really?" Sophie was almost finished with her drawing and for that she was thankful. The sooner she finished this, the sooner she could get away from Malfoy.

"Yes," He started, raising his voice. Harry lifted his head up and looked over at Draco's loud tone. "Father was talking to the Minister just a couple of days ago, you know, and it sounds as though the Ministry's really determined to crack down on substandard teaching in this place. So even if that overgrown moron does show up again, he'll just be sent packing straight away." He boasted, grinning like he had just announced that Christmas was coming a few months early.

"OUCH!" They all turned to see Harry cradling his hand that was dripping blood, the bowtruckle that he had been holding was now running off towards the forest. Pansy and Draco laughed at the site, and even Sophie chuckled a little as it was a little comical but from the look that Harry gave her, she instantly shut her mouth. The bell then rang so they turned in their completed bowtruckle drawings and headed back towards the castle. Sophie tried to catch Harry to apologize for laughing but he darted away from her, Ron and Hermione following. They were heading towards the greenhouse and she needed to get to Charms so she had no choice but to turn and catch up with Draco and Pansy.

"Did wee little Potter get his feelings hurt by what I said?" Draco questioned her, making Pansy laugh and Sophie glare at him.

"I don't know, jackass. He won't talk to me now. Thanks." With that she sped up her pace and basically ran to Charms class. Professor Flitwick spent almost half of the class time drilling them about O.W.L.S. Sophie was instantly bored, there was only so many times that you could hear about this kind of thing in one day. Finally, it was time for dinner.

"So, Montague's told me that he wants to start beater tryouts soon. Also, the team needs one more Chaser. Would you be interested, Hill?" Draco questioned her as they sat down in their usual spot. Sophie had to admit, she was a little taken back by Draco's offer. When she had said a few years previously that she would love to be on the Quidditch team, he had laughed at her and said that it would never happen.

"Are you serious, Malfoy? Would you really want me on your team?" She wondered as she began to dig into her pork roast while Malfoy shrugged, digging into his own delicious food.

"You are a decent enough flyer, I've never seen you throw around a quaffle though, so I can't really say. Montague has a thing for you though, and he knew we associate with one another so he wanted me to ask if you'd be interested. He even offered to give you some lessons before tryouts next week." Sophie actually burst into laughter, almost choking on the drink of tea she had just taken.

"Seriously? I admit that I could use some more flying time and some practice throwing the quaffle around but I would rather die then get it from him. He gives me the creeps. I'd never want to be alone with him." She admitted, looking down the Slytherin table at the man in question. His black hair was long and greasy, his snaggle tooth was always very prominent when he sneered at people, which seemed to be the only facial expression he could make.

"Alright, how about this," Draco offered, putting down his fork to slightly turn in his seat and look at Sophie full on. She actually put down her own fork to look back at him, interested in what he was about to say. "After we do some homework tonight, we can go watch the Gryffindor tryouts and then when they finish, we can have a go together. I can just see how you do. If you seem to have some potential, I'll keep working with you and you can try out, deal?" Sophie narrowed her eyes at the blonde haired man before her.

"You're serious, Malfoy?" She questioned, making him laugh and nod.

"As serious as a heart attack. I really think you would do good for the team." Sophie continued to watch Draco apprehensively.

"You are also the only female that any one else on the team would ever get a chance to talk to." Pansy cut in, making Sophie laugh.

"Especially Draco. I'm all he can get." She joked, shoving him a little. He glared at her but then smiled anyway.

"So how about it?" He questioned, resuming the consumption of his food.

"Alright, fine. I do want to be on the team so if some one on one training with you will get me on the team, I'm in." She agreed. Sophie had to be loosing her mind. Agreeing to be trained by Draco Malfoy. She never would have thought she'd see the day where Draco would help anyone other than himself.

"Great. When we are done eating we can head to the library to get started on some homework, get at least something done before going down to the pitch." He told her, making her nod. They finished their food about five minutes later and bid goodbyes to the others before grabbing their bags and heading towards the basically empty library and set to work on some of their charms and transfiguration homework.

"So, Draco," Sophie started as soon as they were settled in.

"So, Sophie," He responded, not looking up from the page in his book that he was skimming across. It was that moment that Sophie realized that they rarely ever called each other by their first names. The thought made her look at him, analyzing the boy in front of her. She never had the chance, or the want, to just look at him. Now that he didn't have his usual sneer on his face, he looked quite relaxed and, dare Sophie ever think this, quite handsome. His blonde hair hung in his face, his blue-grey eyes swept back and forth across the page. His big hands held a quill delicately between his fingers. "Was there something you were going to actually say or were you going to continue to just stare at me?" She jumped slightly when he said this, realizing that she had been just staring at him.

"Oh, right. Sorry. I was just going to ask... what is your real reason for wanting to help me? I mean, you used to make fun of me for wanting to be on the team. You always said it would never happen. Why now, after five years, would I be good for the team?" She asked seriously, watching him for some sort of reaction. He kept his head down but she could see that he frowned slightly.

"I just... I want the team to be good this year. I want us to win." He shrugged. "Plus... believe it or not, I don't mind your company." She raised her eyebrows at this. "I know you hate me, but-"

"I don't hate you, Draco. I don't particularly like you, but that's just because you always act like you are better than everyone else. You may be, but that doesn't give you the right to flaunt it. I mean, I'm better than every girl here but I don't go around boasting it." She joked, grinning at him, making him smile back. It was a true, kind smile that filled his eyes with happiness. She had never seen this smile, at least not since they were kids.

"You really are better than every girl here." He spoke quietly, the smile slipping from his face a little.

"Oh yeah? Don't let Pansy hear you say that. You know she's got a thing for you." Pansy would go absolutely crazy if she knew that Sophie had just said that. Of course, it was obvious that Pansy like Draco, everyone knew it, but it had still been something that she had confessed to Sophie in secret and wouldn't like it that she was talking to someone about it, especially Draco.

"Yeah, I know." Was his only response as he looked back at his paper.

"Do you like her? I mean... she's very pretty." Sophie figured maybe she could try and play matchmaker, then telling Draco that Pansy liked him wouldn't be such a big deal.

"Sure, she's pretty but... I wouldn't go much past that. She's got a nice body but... she's a tad annoying." He admitted. "She's not much my type." He shrugged.

"Well... maybe if you just ask her on a date, get to know her more personally you'd like her." For some reason as an image of Pansy and Draco on a date popped into Sophie's head she got a sharp pang in her stomach. She didn't like the idea, and she wasn't sure why, it just didn't feel right to her.

"No thank you. I'd rather not have anyone, if that's alright." He then looked back up at her after scratching a few lines onto his parchment. Sophie then realized that she hadn't done a single thing since they got to the library. "Plus... there's someone else anyway." Sophie felt that pang in her stomach again and she frowned.

"Oh yeah?" She then grinned, trying to play it cool. "Who is it?" Draco simply laughed and shook his head.

"I'm not going to tell you." He then started to put his things away. "We should start heading towards the pitch." She nodded and cleared up her things as well. As they walked side by side towards the Quidditch pitch, Sophie couldn't help but imagine him reaching over to take her hand. She quickly shook her head, trying to clear the horrid thought. It was Draco Malfoy for goodness sake. She couldn't want Draco like that. Maybe as a hook up, friends with benefits thing, but never as anything more. "You okay?" Draco asked her when he noticed that she looked a little pale and continued to shake her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said, smiling at him softly. He nodded, smiled back, and continued to walk towards the lighted field. She sighed and followed him in silence.