Status: active

What Lies Within

Always A Showoff

A couple of days after term resumes, Sophie finds herself not as interested in her classes. She was now just as scared as Draco about not getting finished, she was at the point of doubting them both and afraid for their future. Not just their future as individuals but their future as a married couple. What if the outcome of whatever happens ruins everything between them? Or The Dark Lord makes it so that happens. He brought them together, he could just as easily rip them apart.

"You seem less interested in class than I do." Draco commented during their first class, History of Magic. Sophie for once wasn't even taking notes, let alone listening to Binns drone on and on about the most boring magical facts to have ever happened in history.

"I've just had enough of Binns." Sophie shrugs as they leave a few minutes later, heading towards the courtyard for break. "And besides, everything he says can easily be found in the textbook and explained much better." She explains. Draco laughs and squeezes the hand that he held a little tighter. Once they get outside, they see Harry and Hermione standing a ways away, seemingly in a deep discussion.

"Maybe you should head over there. Whatever they are talking about may be serious enough to pass on.." Draco suggests, giving her a look that told her exactly who would want such information. Sophie sighed, looking down as she nodded. "I'll see you in Potions, okay?"

"Where are you going to go?" Sophie wonders, making her husband shrug.

"Somewhere warm." He jokes, finally bringing a smile to Sophie's face.

"I wish you could stay here with me. We could keep each other warm." She suggests, grinning at him, but knowing he would never agree.

"Potter would never speak about anything important that way. He'd just glare at me and say I'm bad for you." Both of them give a small laugh. Sophie nodded, knowing it was true.

"Well.. you are pretty bad for me. You've corrupted me in so many ways, brought me to the dark side." She winks at him, leaning in close to him. He grins, wrapping an arm around her, hugging her against him tightly.

"It may be dark but it's a pretty nice place to be." He says, making her smile wider.

"I agree." She answers before reaching up to kiss him deeply before pulling away.

"Now go, be a bad Slytherin and join the Gryffindors." He lets her go and then grimaces. "I can't believe I just said that to my wife." Sophie breaks into laughter, loud enough to make Hermione and Harry finally see them.

"I'll see you in the Dungeons." Sophie playfully shoves her husband away before walking toward her friends.

"Where's the hubby going?" Harry asks, his voice slightly bitter sounding but Sophie ignored it, she was used to that.

"Somewhere warm. I wanted to come say hi and we all know he's not the kind to just say hi and hang out with people."

"Especially us. A half-blood and muggle born, both Gryffindors." Harry jokes but still has the look of disgust in his eyes.

"No, Draco just isn't really one to make small chat. With anyone." Sophie shakes her head. "Anyway, you guys looked pretty deep in discussion. Everything okay?" Sophie knew there was only so long left of break and wanted, well didn't really want to, but needed, to get as much, if any, information as she could.

"We were talking about Won-Won." Hermione says, grimacing.

"What's so bad about him, apart from the obvious that has you guys so serious?" Sophie asks again, knowing it was something more. "I know you guys, this talk wasn't just about Ron."

"Did you're husband send you over here to get information from us?" Harry spat, narrowing his eyes. Hermione gasps, smacking his arms while Sophie's eyebrows went up.

"No, he told me I should spend time with my best friends." She defended back. "But if you don't want me here.." Sophie raises her hands. "I'll go somewhere that I'm actually wanted." She takes a step backwards but Harry sighs and shakes his head.

"I'm just really stressed right now. I'm sorry, Sophie." He apologizes, making her give him a small smile.

"What's going on?" Sophie genuinely wanted to know and thought that even if it was good information for You Know Who, she still may not pass it on.

"Dumbledore has been having his lessons with me, right?" Sophie nods her head. "He's been showing me memories. Memories of Voldemort." Sophie doesn't even flinch at the name, she was too shocked.

"What kind of memories?"

"Things about his past. Things that we can... that we can use against him. To.. kill him." Sophie gasped, her hand over her mouth.

"Is that possible, have you found a way? I'll help you in any way possible." She said instantly. Harry frowns.

"Isn't your entire family, including in-laws, like his best friend?" Sophie's jaw drops open.

"Excuse me? How many times do I have to tell you, Harry? We are not the enemy. We both have a common enemy. Draco and I want him gone, probably more than you do."

"Why? He's never hurt you." Sophie looks over at Hermione who gives her a sympathetic look. Harry sees it and looks back and forth between them. "Or has he?" Sophie looks down at the snow before looking back up at him.

"He killed my father." That was all she planned on telling him, it was safe enough. Harry gasps.

"What? Why?" He questions. Sophie simply shrugs, looking back at Hermione for a second.

"Why does he kill anyone? Because its You Know Who and he can." She explains, obviously somewhat telling the truth, but not the exact truth for her fathers situation. Just then the bell rang, making her jump. "Um.. I should go. See you in class." Before either of the others could say anything, she turns and rushes back into the castle, quickly making her way down to where her husband hopefully already was. He wasn't though so she paced back and forth, trying not to cry.

"Hey, baby!" He greets happily when he comes down the stairs. His smile falls as soon as he sees the distressed look on her face. "What happened? What did Potter do to you?" He puts his hand on her shoulder, pulling her closer while she looks at the ground.

"Him and Dumbledore are trying to come up with a way to kill The Dark Lord. And Harry thinks what they have on him is a possible way." She says, rather than saying what she really was upset about. Thinking about her fathers death and everything else The Dark Lord had done to her, and more importantly her loved ones.

"That's not it. Tell me what really upset you." Sophie should have known he would see straight through that answer, though it was true. He knew it was something else. He knows her too well, she would have been able to tell with him just as easily.

"I told Harry who killed my father." She blurts out, tears falling down her cheeks finally. Draco sighed and pulled her against his chest.

"I'm sure you had a viable reason why you had to, I'm just really sorry it was brought up." He whispers, kissing the top of her head. She pulls back a second later and smiles up at her husband who looked back at her, his eyes full of concern.

"One day it won't be so hard." She says, shrugging. Draco sighs and kisses her forehead. Others were starting to arrive but neither of them paid them any attention. That was until Harry came up to them, clearing his throat. Sophie lifted her head from Draco's chest and looked at her friend. "What is it, Harry?" She asks, wiping at her cheeks.

"If you're upset about talking about your father, I'm really sorry. I had no idea that Voldemort had hurt you like that. I should have trusted you when you tell me that you guys aren't the enemy." His eyes glance up at Draco who's hold on Sophie doesn't waiver, if anything it gets stronger.

"Thanks, Harry." Sophie whispers, smiling at him softly. He nods, looks at them both one at a time for a second before he turns and walks over to Ron. A minute later, they all enter the classroom and take a seat at their tables. Sophie noted that Hermione sat away from both Harry and Ron now. She made a mental note to ask her friend why that was later.

"What do you say you and I have a nice relaxing weekend, yeah?" Draco suggests, grabbing the attention of his wife. He brings his hand up, brushing her hair from her face, smiling at her. "After apparition lessons on Saturday we can go escape for a bit, just me and you. No cabinet, no other friends, no thoughts but about me and you."

"That sounds.. perfect." Sophie responds, smiling. Draco smiles back and leans over to give her a soft kiss before Slughorn begins his lessons. After talking about poisons and antidotes, he set them all off to create the antidote for the potion they get from the table.

"I know how to make poison.. I don't really need to learn how to make the antidote as mine is already in someone else's hands, someone who I don't want to have the antidote." Draco mutters as he holds his poison bottle up, peering at the color of it.

"Draco!" Sophie scolds, smacking his arm. He simply shrugs before they both get back to the task at hand.

"Shit!" Draco hisses as he spills his unfinished antidote down his robes. Sophie can't help but laugh.

"That's what you get." She mumbles, making him glare at her. She just smiles back. Draco can't help but smile back at her, unable to stay mad at that beautiful face.

Ten minutes later, Slughorn calls for time and starts to examine everyone's potions one at a time. When he gets to Sophie's, he grins at her.

"This is wonderful, best so far!" He compliments, making her smile.

"Thank you, sir." She answers. He then moves on, making no comment at Draco's, who simply shrugs, going to rest his arm across Sophie's shoulders, indifferent. When Slughorn then gets to Harry's table, he nods satisfactorily at Hermione's then turns to Harry, who simply holds his hand out. Sophie narrows her eyes at what it is, until she recognizes it.

"A bezoar would certainly act as an antidote to all of these potions!" Slughorn exclaims. Sophie looks up at Draco when his hand tightens on her shoulder, making her wince. He looks down at her and loosen's his grip but still looks angry. Sophie sees Harry look over, and seeing Draco's anger, smiles. Which in turn, makes Draco even more angry.

"Let's go, Dray." Sophie says as soon as the bell rings. She grabs both of their bags and his hand, pulling him from the room.

"Does he ever stop? He just has to show off every second." Draco grumbles as they leave the dungeons. "How is he all of a sudden so good, anyway? He was dreadful for five years with Snape."

"Draco, Snape purposely made Harry do bad. He ruined everything he did. Or you ruined it." She added. Draco shrugs, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"I tried." Sophie laughs and shakes her head a little.

"And just like always, the thought of tormenting Harry brings you happiness." She jokes, shaking her head. Draco smirks down at her. They come to a stop at the entrance of the Great Hall, heading to lunch.

"You wanna know something else that makes me happy?" He asks, smirking. Sophie narrows her eyes.

"Eating?" She questions, jokingly. Draco smiles wider.

"Apart from that." He shrugs. Sophie shrugs back, shaking her head. "You." He says before pressing his lips to hers. She giggles against his mouth before kissing him back.