Status: active

What Lies Within


Draco Malfoy paced back and forth around in his large and quiet home, his long fingers tugging at his blond hair, as he tried to calm his racing thoughts.

Where was his wife? Why hadn't she come to him yet just to make sure he was okay or to let him know what was going on? It had been 4 days since the wedding and there had been no sign of Sophie since she disapparated with the trio.

The only thing giving him reassurance that she wasn't dead was his bracelet. It glowed red but the warmth had changed. It felt like a distant cold. It, just like her presence, felt removed and unreachable. He was glad to know she was at least alive but what if she was harmed?

Every moment he shut his eyes in an attempt to sleep he heard her voice as she screamed out for him. She may be calling out for him as she lay weak and dying somewhere and he would not know and could do nothing. He just reminded himself everyday that she was strong. This was Sophie, after all. She was a fighter. That was something that attracted her to Draco in the first place. She never gave up and he knew she wouldn't now.

She would come to him when she could, he knew that deep down, but in the mean time he was a mess. He ached for her beside him, he missed her presence, her laugh, her sarcasm. He even missed fighting with her. He wanted his wife back and it had only been 4 days out of however many there were left until this Wizarding War was over.

Their house felt so big and empty without here there to fill it with her love and laughter. She made this house a home with just her presence and he felt so cold and the loneliest he has ever felt in his life. He should have tried to make her stay, he should have begged and pleaded but he knew this was something she needed to do.

The Dark Lord had single handedly reuined her life with the deaths of her parents and controlling everything she's, both of them actually, done this last year. He knew she couldn't just sit around waiting for it all to be over - she needed to help. He just missed her so much.

After he watched his wife be pulled away and disappear with the trio - he tries everyday to forget the image of her terrified face as she looked at him in that moment, terrified to leave him - he managed to get away from his Aunt Bella and disapparate back home. His mother had come to see him the next morning and told him his Aunt was not happy with him, nor was the Dark Lord. Though she said He wasn't near as angry with Draco as he still was with Sophie. Especially now that she was off with Harry Potter. That just made his anxiety over her being gone worse.

He needed to be patient and relax though. She would return to him when she could and when the time is right. He tried to fill his day with reading and going on walks but everything was just so dull without his wife at his side. He also craved her cooking. He was dreadful at it and had resorted to eating premade meals from a muggle store near by and cereal everyday. Needless to say he was miserable.

He even thought about going back to the Weasley's just to see if she was there or if any of them knew where she was and had heard from them but he couldn't do it. He most likely wasn't welcome without Sophie and he didn't really want to be there anyway - it would be a last ditch effort. He even thought about going back to Hogwarts, just to fill his time, but the thought of leaving his home when Sophie might come here looking for him made it impossible to leave. And he hated Hogwarts and it would be even worse without his wife at his side to endure it with.

"You should come back home, Draco." His mother urged him one afternoon a week and a half after the wedding. "This house is too big for you to be alone in all day."

"I can't leave, mother," he starts. "This is where she would come looking for me. I must stay here." Narcissa sighs, knowing she couldn't change her sons mind. She really hoped Sophie wasn't killed while she was off with the trio, not just because she cares for the girl but also for her sons sake. She knew it would probably kill him to lose her and she never wanted her son to hurt that way.

"Would you like me to stay with you? I'm of no use at home anyway and I could bring a house elf with me. Heaven knows you probably need an actual meal." She eyes the boxes of cereal on the counter with disapproval. Draco lets out the first chuckle he's had in a week and smiles softly at the only person he truly cares for apart from his wife.

"What about father?" He questions her, his smile turning to a frown. He watches as his mothers lips purse together. He knew things were tense with his father since he got out of Azkaban but he could see it hadn't gotten any better in his absence.

"He will not miss me and will understand." So it was settled, Narcissa would come stay with him and Draco was grateful. He needed the company and who better other than his wife than his mother? He was also looking forward to having the service of a house elf again. He wasn't sure why he hadn't asked his mother for one sooner.

After his mother officially came to stay with him he started to feel a bit better. The home felt less empty and he was happy to have someone to share conversation with. They passed the time playing chess, discussing books they had read recently, and even went out to a nearby Wizarding town to have dinner and shop a little just to have some time away from the house.

They ventured there on this particular night, laughing and enjoying each others company as they ate delicious food. Draco was so grateful to his mother. He would have surely gone insane by now, it being over two weeks since his wife disappeared. At night he still craved her touch, her body pressed against his, the smell of her perfume and shampoo wafting around him as she kissed him and held on tight. Her smell had almost disappeared completely from her pillow and the sheets. He was tempted to buy her perfume and spray it on them since she had taken the bottle with her when they left - he figured that may be a bit much though and resisted when he saw it in a shop one afternoon.

He had no idea that night that when they would arrive back home things would change almost the second he walked through the door. As he was handing his cloak to the house elf, the small creature held out a folded piece of paper to him. Draco frowned.

"From Mistress Sophie, sir." The elf muttered and Draco felt his heart begin pounding rapidly against his chest, a fluttery feeling encompassing his body as he ripped the paper away from the elf. Narcissa stood behind her son, waiting for him to read the note and inform her of what it said. Draco scanned over the words clearly written by his wife as he would recognize her handwriting anywhere. As he finished the note his heart felt like it was going to drop into a pit in his stomach. He hands the note to his mother and takes in a deep breath to steady himself as he begins to think of what to do next.

"Draco," He feels his mothers hand on his shoulder as she finishes the note. He reaches out and takes the paper back from her. "Go." He looks up and meets her determined gaze, getting an encouraging nod as well.

I hate that I happened to come while you were away. What great timing on both of our parts, right? I was told by the house elf that your mother has been staying with you and I'm glad you haven't been alone like I feared you have been.

I thought about waiting here for you but... I just couldn't. The thought of being alone right now, even just for twenty minutes, scares me and I couldn't do it. I need emotional support right now at all times it seems as I'm not very stable, mentally. I had to get back to Mrs Weasley.

I returned to the Burrow this morning after getting separated from the trio. I do not know where they are or how to find them and in a split second I had to leave our location as we were discovered. I was alone and went to the first place I thought of as I was unsure where you were. I came here as soon as I had calmed down enough to travel.

I will be back to you as soon as I can but disapparating is something I may not be able to do for much longer and I'm pretty sure it's unsafe for me to do it at all right now but I need to see you. Immediately. I need you, desperately. I need to tell you something that is going to change our entire lives. I have yet to determine if it will be in a good way or a bad way..

I love you so much and miss you with every bit of me. See you soon hopefully.

Love always,
Your wife

Draco gave his mother one nod and then turned on the spot. He was terrified and nervous. What waited for him at the Burrow? He had no idea but the thought that he was about to see his wife left him with a slight excited flutter in his chest. No matter what she had to tell him, he was about to hold her in his arms again.