Status: Up and Running ^_^

The Otherside

Shitty Headaches

I woke with a shitty headache and two Alex's in front of me. I groaned and asked,

"Why the hell am I back here?"

"Well, maybe you shouldn't sleep on roof tops its dangerous." Julie snorted.

"I wasn't sleeping, I hit my head on the brick and blacked out." I hissed I didn't really mean to get mad, but this head ache is shitty.

"Well next time when when you wanna hit you head on brick, tell us cause you boyfriend here" She pointed to Alex "Won't break another mirror." I giggled.

"Lex, breaking mirrors is a no, no." I shook my pointer finger at him.

"Yeah, well jumping roof tops is a no,no." he was shaking his finger at me.

"Hmmm, I wanna hang out with Zack he sounds like fun." I giggled out, but then my head ache stopped me and I turned into a groan.

"Never mind I want a aspirin." I murmured.

"Here." Julie handed me water and an aspirins.

I took it and bottle of aspirins and opened it and threw two aspirins in my mouth and chugged the water down getting rid of the medicine taste.

I threw the bottle in some direction and snuggled into the blankets getting as warm as possible,

"Hey! that bottle was hard!" I heard Jack's voice come from the direction I threw the bottle and I giggled.

"Yeah, well I had to get rid of it someway." It was muffled by the blankets.

I felt some one pick me up and throw me over their shoulder and scream,

"Well, I got you know my pretty!" knowing that voice was Jack.

"Let me down Pleaassssee!!!" I pleaded.

"Never!" he screeched.

"Fine." I got comfortable on his shoulder and layer my head on his back and avoided all the talking.

I drifted of into a empty filled dream avoiding everything and everyone around me, no matter what is around me.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry about the shortness, well it's been awhile hope you enjoy it!(;

love you,

- Hannah <3