Hormonal Wreck

Anne: The Hormonal Wreck

Hormonal Wreck
That god damned time of the month had come once again and it had really gotten to me this time. It had completely set me off and now the mix of hormones and pain from stomach cramps was making me sob as I crouched in the corner of my front room.
“Agh! I feeling like I should just die!” I whined over dramatically, unable to be reasonable. And that is when he opened the door.
“Anne?” I gasped at the sound of his voice. I couldn’t have him see me crying like some blubbering girly girl! It happened despite my efforts to stop and compose myself. “Oh my word, Anne?!” he rushed over to me as he spotted my shaking figure in the corner of the room. “What the matter, love?” almost choking on a sob I coughed and sniffled turning away as he approached. “Anne, dear, please...tell me what wrong.” He ushered in that warm voice he used to coax things from me. I felt his body warmth as he sat behind me pulling me down into a sitting position, wrapping his arms around me comfortingly.
“A-Arthur...” I stuttered, still crying liking a child. Mentally hating myself for being so utterly ridiculous and hormonal, I made myself feel even worse and thus cried some more. “Oh Arthur I feel awful! Am I being punished or something?” I whimpered turning myself around to return the embrace and sob on him.
He was obviously flustered and his hand hesitated toward my back as I continued to spout utter nonsense while hiccupping from crying.
“Shhhh, shhh it’s okay Anne. I’m here for you, so let it all out. I’ve never seen you cry before, and I don’t want to see it again because I don’t like you being upset.” He assured the completely out of control me. And I finally stopped crying. Only that was my mood swinging...Swinging from an emotional wreck to a horny predator. After a few moments of silence Arthur got worried, I assume, and pushed my shoulders back a bit to see my face. “Anne?”
“Arthur...” I said breathlessly looking up a sultry look upon my face. Arthur, taken completely off guard, blushed agape.
“A-Anne, I-I-what?” I put on hand on his tie and the other and the back of his neck-the base of his skull.
“I think I’m coming down with a fever, care to check that out for me, honey?” I asked eyes half-lidded and lips slightly parted. Thinking back on it I’d like to kick myself in the face to be honest, but what’s done is done I suppose.
“W-What?” his blush got even worse as I pulled him closer by the knot of his tie. His arms went limp as he was freaking out too much to even think of pushing me away like a sensible Arthur.
“Arthur, don’t you like me? I thought you’d want me.” Sultry pouting evidently exists as he blushed even more, his entire face going pink.
“I-I do! I-” I looked up in surprise, “Like you! I do like you I mean.” I pulled him so close he could feel my breath and I could feel his. It smelled like Earl Grey tea. It was nice actually...I hope my breath wasn’t too bad: oh great another thing I’ll be pondering for the rest of eternity. I brushed my lips again his as he inhaled shakily,
“Then prove it.” I can only assume that in that moment he lost his grasp on all inhibitions as he smothered my mouth pushing me to the ground. His mouth left mine and my mood had once again changed...only I was my normal self. The most embarrassing moment in my life, I swear. I stared up at him cheeks bright red as I gawked at his face, astonished that he dropped his gentlemanly air and did that.
“A-Ar-uh...” I struggled to form even his name, and he blushed even hard than I when he realised I was not the same as I had been.
“I-I’m so sorry, Anne!” he moved from his position above me and stood up. I was still lying there in shock when he offered his hand. I blinked repeatedly as I slowly sat up and took his outstretched hand. I just stood there trying to comprehend when my body was deciding whether I would swing into a rage or a crying fit.
“AH!” and then a sudden stomach cramp hit me and I yelped loudly in pain holding my gut. It felt like someone had punched me! Although, I’ve never actually been punched in gut.
“Anne! Are you alright?” Apparently my body decided angry was the way to go.
“GET AWAY FROM ME! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME LIKE THAT!” I yelled for no apparent reason, I scared the living daylights out of poor Arthur that day; twice in fact because he was scared when he saw me crying too since I don’t cry.
“A-Anne, I didn’t-” I held up my hand and shushed him, rage etched into my face. He looked absolutely terrified the poor bloke.
“I just...” And once again I began crying and collapsed onto my knees and sobbed into my hands. Arthur flinched not knowing whether he could comfort me or not. But he couldn’t just there being the gentleman he was, I guess, and he hand his hand on my shoulders and calm me down convincing me I needed to go to bed.
The next day I had a headache and even worse cramps. But I was in my normal mood and I was eternally grateful to have control of myself. When I got downstairs and had some Nuerofen Period Pain relief tablets and put on the kettle I the poor Brit peek his head round the kitchen doorway nervously.
“Anne?” I turned and look at him. He looked a little bit scared and I sighed.
“Arthur...I’m sorry about yesterday. It’s just...” I sighed again, “I started my period yesterday and I don’t usually have mood swings...but yesterday I had mood swings.” I explained still clutching my gut.
“Oh.” He looked at the floor blushing a bit. And then I bent over, not bending my knees, in an attempt to ease the pain. Arthur looked taken aback, obviously thinking I’d changed mood again.
“Sorry, trying to make the craps sod off for a little bit.” I explained again, looking up.
“Really? Wow, you girls sure have silly ways to try to ease pain.” I scoffed at this.
“Oh really? I’d like to see you deal with this for a week!”
-The End-
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If you want me to post a second chapter with Arthur switching bodies with Anne and having to deal with her period comment and tell me. It'll probably have other/another country in it and obviously it will be filled with funny situations, I mean the plot itself is amusing to imagine just as it is. :D