Hi, My Name Is Beb.

Beginning of the End, How Ironic

I'm in love with someone I've never met.

So..the beginning of the story. I'm thoroughly obsessed with Demi Lovato. As most people know a way to keep up with celebrities and other happenings is twitter. Of course I will have Lovatic (what Demi's fanbase is called) followers, and will follow fellow Lovatics. Somehow this girl named Kyla O'Bannon found my twitter, and followed me. I followed her back and then our friendship started, which at the time would have never believed it would turn into this.

We talked randomly on twitter about Demi for a month or so and she told me I should add her on facebook, about three more months went by and we had been talking on twitter everyday so I said to myself, why not just exchange numbers, she's a cool person. So I Direct Messaged her on January 19th, 2011 and said "I don't want to sound like a creep, I promise I'm not a pedophile, but you should text me sometime" attached my number and sent it. Of course she texted me.

We'd text for a day then we wouldn't talk for a couple and one of us would text each other about how we haven't talked. We were pretty much the same person, conversation was just so easy. It got to a point where we texted everyday nonstop about nothing at all most of the time. We became great friends; she even invited me to her high school graduation, granted she was a year older than me. But of course I couldn't go seeing as she lives in California and I live in North Carolina...and there's the dilemma.

As summer started we still talking everyday and EVERYTHING about our relationship was completely platonic, we just enjoyed talking to one another.

Then we started to skype..it happened a couple of times every few weeks, then it turned into a daily basis situation. We talked three or more hours every night until the early hours of the morning. We talked about everything and nothing, most of the time Kyla and I talked about Demi or whatever happened to be going on in our life.

By the time September came around I started to get these thoughts and feelings that weren't normal, we had been friends for a year and I started to think I might ...like this girl. But how could that be when we had never met? I guess when you talk to someone 24/7 365 it doesn't feel like you haven't met.

So one day I was at work and I decided to text her and tell her about these strange feelings, I typed the message "I think I have a crush on you" and sent it and went back to work as if I never did it.

She replied and she was cool about it, it was kind of weird because we were both supposedly straight, I hadn't come out yet.

She said it wouldn't change how she thought about me or our friendship and things were cool. But as time went on things start to change, they started to progress...she started to like me too. We would talk about it and I would push for it, I was very persistent because I like to get what I want, and I wanted her.

We started weighing how much she liked me by percentages. 100% was complete and when we started I was at 50%.

I thought that was amazing because she was straight, I was gay, we were almost like best friends, we'd never met and she said she liked me 50%. I kept thinking it was amazing until three months passed and I was still at 50%. In my mind things were going great. We still talked everyday, we even talked about our relationship throughout those three months

Then one day she texted me "90" in the middle of the night, I didn't know what it meant when I woke up. But it meant she was at 90%, we wanted each other, but there was still one big problem.

She lived clear across the country.
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You should keep reading, ill update pretty fuckin' often, it doesn't take long to type truth. :D
