
Scream - .:1:.

Matt walked into the kitchen of his elegant suburban home at exactly 7:00 A.M. His mother stood by the stove, a plate of eggs, bacon and toast on a plate set aside for Matt. "Mornin' sweetheart!" She sang happily, Matt coming up and kissing her on the cheek.

"Hi, momma." He smiled at her, taking his plate and scarfing down the food. He chewed contently, loving his mother's cooking. He leaned against the granite countertop, his plate in his hands.

"Did you get all your homework done, Matthew?" The blonde, younger looking mother asked him.

"Of course I did." He always had his homework done; it was just a small quirk about Matt. He liked everything perfect. His room was always clean and tidy, bed made and floor clear. He was what you would consider the perfect teenager.

The door bell rang and Matt quickly washed the hand crafted plate and put it into the sink, running to the door to see his best friend Brian standing there with a smile. He was dressed in a silky blue v-neck and black ripped jeans, a bandanna over his hair and a black fedora to top it off. Brian smiled brightly at him and ushered to the outside. "Ready, Matt?"

He grabbed his black Pantera messengers bag and yelled to his mother goodbye, walking out and shutting the door.

"We have a test in CPM Geometery today," Brian groaned. Matt rolled his eyes and slung his backpack over his shoulders. They began walking to the school; which was only a block away.

"I did some studying last night, I'm sure I'll ace it." The taller boy replied, hints of determination in his voice. Matt was a straight A student, the lowest grade he had ever gotten was a B-.

Shifting his fedora so it went more into his eyes, Brian nodded. "I got drunk last night, so... I didn't study."

"Idiot! Drinking is for losers, why would you want to kill your brain cells?" He chortled.

"Whatever. It was great. Zacky came over and everything."

Matt just sighed, looking down at the ground. He was about to make another smartass comment when something from behind him cut him off. The loud rev of a motorcycle sounded and made Matt jump. He looked over his shoulder and to the person on the bike. Raven hair lay limp at the base of his oval shaped face. With beautiful proclaim skin the tiny silver stud in the bottom-middle of his lip was visible and Matt could clearly see pearly teeth biting at the tiny thing. Avaitors over the mysterious boys eyes the color remained a secret.

The boy drove by, not even bothering turn his head towards Matt and Brian. As the boy drove by, Matt noticed that he had a giant scar cutting down the side of his neck, right on top of a pair of handcuffs with blood dripping off them. Matt looked away quickly; feeling that if the boy caught him staring at the scar he would be angered. People get mad about that kind of stuff, don't they?

The rest of the walk to school was in silence; neither boy bringing up what they had clearly just seen. Matt said goodbye to his comrade and started to his first period class; Geometery. He had the class with Brian, but Bri just had to go see his long-term boyfriend, Zacky. Matt sat down at a wooden desk and waited for class to begin.

3rd Period

Matt walked slowly into his Science class alone, his head down. Science was his worst class. The teacher was alright but all the students were horrifying. They all honestly scared the shit out of Matt.

"Sit down class," the teacher; Mr. Becker muttered from his desk in the front of the class. Matt took a seat in the middle when he walked in. He just stared up for a minute before looking down, burying his head into his Science notebook, pretending to read something about the scienctific method.

Mr.Becker looked up at the pale boy and cracked a small smile at him, standing up. "You must be Mr. Sullivan. I'm Mr. Becker. Welcome to Science."

"You may call me Jimmy," He said, slowly shaking the outstretched hand that was in front of him. Jimmy. Matt was going to remember that.

"Alright, Jimmy, you can go and sit in the middle next to Matthew." Shaking his head, Jimmy plopped down in the seat next to Matt and sighed, dropping a black Misfits bag onto the floor by his desk. Playing with his fingers, the buffer of the two glanced over at him nervously. Why was this boy making him so jittery?
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My first Mimmy chapter story. :3 Please enjoy, and I'll have more up soon.