
Scream - .:11:.

Matt had always wanted someone special. Someone that would understand all his point of views. Someone that would listen to him. When Matt had first seen the mysterious boy riding past his house on his motorcycle, he would have never thought the words 'I love you' would ever come out of his mouth. Yet, that very moment they did and Matt couldn't help but blush and grin like a idiot at the simple phrase.

"I love you too, Jimmy." Matt barely got the words out of his mouth.

Gently taking Matt's hand and holding it up, Jimmy kissed over Matt's fingers. His lips lingered a bit longer over the youngest's ring finger then the rest, and Matt looked at him curiously. Just shrugging, Jimmy pushed a small kiss to his cheek. "I'm glad to hear you say that, doll."

Matt threw his bag out of his window and onto the ground before swinging himself out of the window and to the ground with ease. Jimmy hopped out and shut the window quietly, making his way back over to his bike. "I don't think we should take the bike," Matt muttered. First of all, he didn't want to go on a road trip on a motorcycle and second of all he didn't want Jimmy's parents go track the motorcycle. They were obviously smart; so Matt and Jimmy had to be smarter. "Let's take my car, okay?"

"Gotcha." Jimmy went and wheeled his motorcycle down the side of the house and the other went to go start his rusty old pick up truck. Getting it started as quickly and noiselessly as possible, Matt hopped into the driver's side.

Jimmy hopped in a few minutes later after throwing his bags into the back. "Ready?" Matt asked him.

"Ready as I could ever be,"

"Well.. where do you want to go?"

"I've always wanted to go down to Florida." Matt said after a small pause. He looked up at his love, trying to see what his facial expression was. The only thing that shone so brightly that Matt could always see them was his eyes.

"Florida, huh? That doesn't sound that bad, babe."

Matt nodded, driving towards the highway. "You, me, and Florida. This should be fun."

Hours Later.

"Matt!" Jimmy screamed from the driver's side. "We're in Orlando!" Matt woke up with a yawn, stretching his long limbs up.

Looking out the window, they seen the most beautiful sight. A crystal blue lake surrounded the one passage bridge they were on, in the distance boats nestled in the water, swaying without a care in the world. A huge fountain stood in the middle of the lake, shooting water a hundred feet up in the air.

"It's gorgeous. Just.. it's perfect, Jimmy!" Matt was in complete and utter astonishment as he gazed out the window like a little kid.

Jimmy wrapped a long arm around Matt, pulling him close to his side. One hand stayed firmly on the wheel.

"It's stunning. I can't wait to find a place.."