
Scream - .:7:.

Matt walked out his door at 7:00 AM the next day, ready for school. He had called Brian immediately after Jimmy had left to tell him all the great news. Brian was standing on the sidewalk, eyes wide as he watched his best friend walk out. "You did what?" Brian screamed at Matt the following morning. He had told him about inviting Jimmy into his house, them having sex, and then deciding that they were officially a couple. Matt was extremely happy about the whole thing, but Brian's face paled when he found out that Matt had been in a relationship with the taller boy.

"I have nothing against him, really. He just scares me... but.. how was the sex?"

"He's the kinkiest fucker ever. I love it." Matt sighed dreamily. "He's a real sweetheart too,"

They got to the school a few minutes later, and like usual Brian went to go find Zacky, Matt going to find Jimmy. He found him parked on top of his motorcycle in the parking lot, surrounded by girls. A sharp pain went through his heart, chewing on his lip. He decided to walk back inside, but Jimmy had already caught up to him. "Well hello there, gorgeous."

Matt couldn't help but smile at him, wrapping his arms around Jimmy's long torso and giving him a hug; getting a bunch of digusted looks from a few girls that had follwed Jimmy. Jimmy leaned down a bit. "They mean nothing to me, don't be upset."

He merely nodded, feeling a lot better at the elder's comforting words. Jimmy took Matt's hand boldly, giving him a childish grin.

"I had a lot of fun last night," He continued, "Do you want to hang out later? We could go out for coffee!"

"That sounds great, Jim." He replied, twining their long fingers together.

Later that day.

"Oh my god, that coffee was fantastic!" Matt grinned, hopping onto the back of Jimmy's motorcycle as they decided to head home.

Burying his nose into Jimmy's back to prtect himself from the wind, his senses tingled. The strong scent of honey and cinnamon wafted off of Jimmy, and Matt couldn't get enough. He nosed into his back some more when they pulled into Matt's driveway. Jimmy parked and turned around to face Matt. "Are you smelling me?"

"You smell gooood." Matt whined. Jimmy wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, kissing the side of his mouth. "You..smell like.. Rain. I like it."

"I'll see you tommorrow then, dear?" Matt cackled, ruffling Jimmy's short spiky hair. Jimmy nodded, pressing another kiss to Matt's lips.

They said the last of their goodbyes before Matt walked into his house. It was unusually quiet in the Sanders household. Usually when you walked in it would smell like cookies and you could hear the television from the other room, but tonight it was quiet.

"Mom? Dad?"

"We're in here, son." His father called from the kitchen. Matt frowned and walked into the kitchen slowly.

"Hey, guys." He greeted his parents. His mother looked oddly nervous and his father had a blank expression on his face. "Have you ever met Sullivan's parents?" His dad asked bluntly.

"Uh, no actually."

"Well they know who you are. And Matt, that is not good." His dad passed him a small note with a hole through the top. Dear Matt. We know you're dating our son. And you need to stay the fuck away from him. Or else.

"They stabbed it to our door, Matthew. You can't hang out with him anymore..."