
Scream - .:9:.

Matt always used to think that things came easy in his life. When it came to his parents, as long as he didn't get into any trouble, he could do pretty much anything - and everything that he wanted. When it came to school, he had teacher's that adored him. But, Matt didn't think that really applied in his case at the moment.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me, Matthew. We told you that you shouldn't be seeing this juvienile anymore, yet you bring him into our house!? Why!?"

"Mom.. please listen to me. Jimmy needs a place to stay. And he's my best friend -"

"Brian is your best friend," His dad cut in sharply. Matt flinched. He wasn't going to back down. If Jimmy needed him, he'd be there.

"No, mom, dad. Jimmy needs me at the moment. And I'm going to be there for him. Either you let him stay; or I go too."

His parents simply glared at Jimmy, eyes shooting daggers into his soul. Jimmy seemed completely unaffected by it, just standing beside Matt awkwardly, chewing his fingernails.

"Fine. Just.. Fine, Matt." His parents finally gave in.

Matt smiled charmingly at him. "Thanks guys. It'll be fun. We can all bond."

"Fan-fucking-tastic." His dad muttered before going into the other room. Matt just rolled his eyes.

Jimmy nudged Matt with his elbow. "Hey, if I'm going to be staying here for a while, can we sneak back to my parent's house and get my clothes?"

Since the note from Jimmy's parents, Matt had been skeptical to going anywhere. Cautiously, he agreed. They told Matt's mom that they would be back in a few minutes, Jimmy only living about a block away. Hopping onto the motorcycle like they had so many times before, they drove the short distance to Jimmy's house. Trees and people blurred by and soon enough they were there.

Matt had never seen Jimmy's house; yet when he thought about the type of people who lived there he suspected the house to have dead bodies everywhere, maybe some blood spatters. But suprisingly, the house looked really clean from the outside. Large windows covered each side of the house, in the middle of them was a big oak door. It was decorated with a fall time reef, full of flowers.

"This kinda looks like a old ladies house, dear." Matt laughed, swinging a leg off the motorcycle and standing up. Jimmy chuckled and held a finger upt o his lips, ushering for Matt to be silenced. The two boys slowly creep around to the back of the house. Down by the ground was a tiny window with a bright light shining through it. Jimmy crawled down and through the window, his slender figure getting him through it with ease. For Matt, it took him a bit, trying not to make much noise, but eventually he was standing in the middle of Jimmy's room. Flashing a one of a kind smile at Matt, Jimmy went over to his closet and grabbed out a duffle bag. Next, he went over to his dresser and threw a variety of clothing, belts, eyeliner, a duck blanket, and rubber bands into his bag. Matt sat at the edge of his bed and snickered.

A banging came from directly above their heads, and Matt flinched. "Mother fucker.." Jimmy whispered, zipping up his bag real fast. "They know I'm here."

Matt cursed under his breath before getting up and quickly running over to the window. Jimmy passed him the bag and Matt shoved it through, letting Jimmy go first. Getting up onto the window seal, Matt knocked over a tiny glass picture frame and sent it to the floor. He didn't mean to do it, yet his body froze in horror as he looked back at the tiny frame. A picture of Jimmy and two middle aged people smiling looked up at him. Banging on the door sounded and knocked Matt out of his frozen state, struggling to scramble up and out quick enough. Jimmy grabbed him by the collar of the shirt and pulled him up, dragging him around the house and to his bike.

Jimmy shoved the bag into Matt's hands and started up the motorcycle. Another door opened and Matt assumed it was the front door of the house. He didn't dare look back as he got onto the bike and started back towards his house. Shouting was heard for just a few seconds, and then a few gun shots. Windering what he had just gotten himself into, he snuggled into Jimmy's back helplessly.
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What have those boys gotten into? Tsk tsk. :3