One Shots

katie pt2

Some how Louis knew I loved sundaes. I smiled
"Sure thing." As Jeff was walking away he winked at me. I bout chocked on my Burger.
"What?" Niall gave me a look of concern.
"The waiter keeps weirdly smiling at ne and when he walked away he winked at me." Niall laughed.
"Katie that means he fancies you." Niall smiled while he was taking a bitevof his food.
"There's flirting and being creepy." I took another bite of my burger. Everyone laughed and talked while eating our food. Louis was really funny. I couldn't stop laughing. We all finished eating. We were jsust sitting talking and waiting for our sundaes. A little girl walked over to our table smiling really big. She tapped Niall on the arm. He looked over at me thinking it was me. I smiled at the little girl. Niall smiled at her too.
"Hi Nill can you sign dis?" She was si cute. He snipped at her.
"I'd love too." She smiled big and handed Niall her paper and pen. He smiled and started signing his name and a little saying Katie continued
for her. "What's your name cutie?" She smiled at Niall.
"I'm Anna." Niall smiled and finished signing her paper. The waiter was handing out our sundeas. When he was handing Niall his Anna leaned into Niall.
"I fink your girlfend is pretty." I smiled at her.
"Thank you but." Niall cut me off.
"Thanks I think so too." Anna smiled and skipped off. Niall pointed towards Jeff. He handed me my sundea. This tine when he was walking away he didn't wink or smile at me. I looked at Niall.
"Thank you a lot." I smiled at him. "You didn't have to do that." He smiled.
"No I didn't but I wanted to." We all finished our sundeas and Ed and the boys spilt the tab. We all walked outaide.
"You all want to come to our hotel and watch movies?" Harry leaned against Ed's car looking at Nevaeh. She looked at us and smiled.
"Sure we'll come back and hangout." Ed smiled as he got into his car. We all drove back to the boy's hotel. We walked in and got in the elevator.
"So what movies we watching?" I really loved watching movies. Harry laughed.
"Oh nothing much. Just some scary movies." He laughed at my face. "Dude Niall I think your going to be Katie's hiding spot. Harry smiled as he opened the door to the hotel suite.
"I don't mind." I smiled. We all settled down and cuddled up. I laughed when I looked over at Zayn and Louis cuddling together. I looked up to see Niall smiling at me. I smiled at him. We started leaning into each other. We kissed. It wasn't just some little kiss. It was a long passionate kiss. I smiled in the middle ofbthe kiss. When we stopped kissing I saw Heather smiling at us out the corner of my eye. I smiled bigger.
3 years latter
"Niall I um we um." I couldn't say it. Niall sat beside me on our bed.
"What is it love?" I could find the words to say it. I handed his the plastic test I held in my hand. He looked at it and smiled. "Are we really?" I smiled are his reaction.
"Um yes we're pregnant." Niall picked me up and spinned me.
"I was waiting until our anniversary but." Niall put me on my feet and got down on one knee. "Marry me?" He pulled out a ring and put it in my finger. I smiled.
"Yes.....Hell yes!" I pulled Niall up by his shirt and kissed him.
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Katie's story had to be posted in two parts cause I types it on my phone sorry