I Wish He Knew

Just another day

Yes, it felt like just another day but was it really? I had just gotten into class a few minutes late but that didn't matter because the teacher was always late anyway. I sat in my regular seat next to Louis and looked over at him.
"so who is harry inlove with..?" I said curiously because it has been bugging me since I heard it.
"I don't think he would like me telling you miss nosey, why don't you tell me who you're inlove with and we will start from there" He said with a slight smirk. I just laughed.
"you would like to know that wouldn't you" I smirked back at him and the teacher came in just in time. He shushed up and started just in time with the assignments we had to do with our partners the previous night. Louis and I handed in our papers and the teacher smiled at us. We were the only ones. I think she liked us more then the others. Anyway, for the rest of class, Louis didn't speak to me anymore about any of the "In Love" thing. I was greatful too because as much as I loved Louis as a friend, he doesn't stop till he gets his answer, even when he is joking. So after class, I was great full to have a spare block with just me and my thoughts. I settled down in the study room in the library when I hear something down the hall coming from the locker room. I leave my stuff where it is and despite it being the guys locker room I walk in. To my surprise I see Liam getting the living shit beat out of him, I let out a little muffled scream and the jocks all looked up.
"Oh well well, what do we have here? a little sophomore who I'm guessing is friends with the dweeb" one of the biggest guys says to me while taking a few steps closer. I backed up and right into another bigger guy, but as soon as I tried to scream his hand came over my mouth and I was caught. I looked at Liam for help.
"Let her go" He muffled out between dry heaving and coughing out blood.
"Hah! Fat chance.. If that curly headed faggot wont claim her she's all mine" the biggest one said and moved closer. I started sobbing and the one who was holding my mouth told me to shut up. They were all closing in on me and I was getting scared. Until I heard the door of the gym being opened into the locker room and someone walk in slowly. It was Harry... He let Liam go first because he was closest.
"What the hell are you doing to her" He said between gritted teeth. Thank god! my best friend came to the rescue me, I was terrified. the 3 big foot ball players let me go slowly and turned towards Harry, still blocking the way to get out.
"We were just going to have a little fun, don't worry about it and take your little butt buddy back to the game. we should be done in an hour or so" One said and moved closer to me again, before I knew it he was on the ground holding his head in pain. Harry had grabbed a hockey stick and smacked him over the head with it. I kept sobbing and before I knew it Harry was just rushing me out of the locker room and back to his bike. School wasn't done yet but this was an exception. of course when my parents back I can't tell them I was going to get raped...
"oh my god Madison, are you okay? Did they touch you at all? did they hurt you?!" He was frantically hugging me and rubbing my back. I just shook my head and took what he had to offer me.
"I'm fine, thank god you came into that room when you did Harry" I had made his shirt wet with tears. He just kept on rubbing my back.
"lets go back to my house and let me get you all better... For now on you're not leaving my sight in that school and we're reporting them... stupid jocks" That was the last thing Harry said before He rode off...

~Madison's Blog~

I just... I can't even... I can't beleive this.. I think... I think I may be In love with Harry... Oh god what have I gotten myself into...?
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Thank you for reading! And I am sorry for not posting anything, i mean it's hard enough to just get through school but to actually have time to sit down and write my chapter of this? and I didn't have this sorta twist planned in the beginning, it just happened. i hope you like and continue to read :) Love you, you gorgeous people.