‹ Prequel: Disaster Reformed

Liars Revived

Chapter One

A figure clad in a black floor-length hooded cloak roamed the streets of the Land of Fire. Whether the person was male or female, you could not tell. The cloak was baggy, not showing anything of the female sort, but not being able to show even a male under there.

The facial features of the person were shielded by darkness, the hood of the cloak coming to rest over their eyes. Sleeves covered their arms and hands, never to reveal the skin underneath.

Unknowingly, the person was walking into danger’s arms.

Glancing up from the safety of the darkness in the shroud of their cloak, the person narrowed their eyes on a pair of feet coming to rest before them. They were, maybe, twenty feet away, perhaps less than that.

“Who are you?” the person asked, voice coming out as a growl, the gender not even being revealed that way.

Instead of answering, the man remained silent, staring at the figure before him.

“Well fine,” it replied, a small smile curving onto pink lips, the slight white of teeth showing. A hand appeared out of the sleeve of the cloak, fingers wrapped around the handle of a kunai. “If you don’t wish to tell me, then I will not hesitate to attack.”

Moving forward, the person was fast, their hand slipping back into their sleeve until they were up close and personal with the red eyed male. Their arm shot out, going for the throat with the kunai, but he simply stepped back, the kunai missing by an inch. “How unfair. You can read my movements. Cheater.”

His lips never twitched, never formed the expression of amusement. Instead, he pulled out a kunai, and went at the person.

With every attack they both made, they deflected it with their kunai, blade against blade, metal on metal. Sounds of it echoed throughout the land.

Gritting teeth together, the person shifted the blow, purposely missing the man’s kunai and nicking his cheek, a small line of blood running down to his chin. He ended up catching the sleeve of its cloak, a small tearing sound appearing as it tore.

Jumping away, the person studied the newly made hole and then groaned. Throwing the hood back, the cloak revealed a female with blonde hair and red eyes, which were now glaring at the man before her. “How dare you damage this material!” Sighing dejectedly at the torn fabric, she stared the man down. “Just who are you?”

Ignoring her question, he said, “You’re fast. I don’t often meet a person with your level of skill with a blade. Especially one so small. Who are you?”

“Oh no, you don’t get to turn this around on me. I asked you first.” Taking a step forward, she continued her stare-down. “You have the Sharingan, so you must be an Uchiha, correct? There are only two survivors of the Uchiha clan - Itachi and Sasuke. So which are you?”

“Ah, you’ve done your studying, I see. Clearly you haven’t come from the Leaf Village, or you’d have their headband. Unfortunately for you, I’ve got somewhere I need to be, so I don’t have time for idiotic questions such as yours.”

Eyes zeroing in on his headband, something she hadn’t thought of before, she smirked. “That’s right. You and Sasuke are now traitors to the Leaf Village, despite the simple fact that you were ordered by the Elders to kill your clan. But Sasuke doesn’t wear a headband--” Stopping short, she noticed his eyes changing, going to form a Genjutsu, to which she crossed her arms impatiently.

When nothing happened, he merely stared her down with narrowed eyes. “How do you know so much about me?”

“Now that we’ve established that I’m immune to Genjutsu and that you’re the one and only Itachi Uchiha, I’ll be on my way. I’ve got to fix the sleeve of my cloak, might I add, that you ruined.” But as she went to walk away, she found clones all around her. “Excuse me?”

“I believe I asked you a question, girl,” Itachi growled, breath fanning on the back of her neck as he came up behind her, a kunai pressed to her throat.

“For your information,” she growled, knocking his hand away, “my name is Celestica, and I don’t have to answer to you. But, if you must know, I’m friends with your sister.”

“My sister?”

“The one everyone calls Suki, but whose real name is Ravine.”

For once in his life, Itachi was shocked.


Kisame knew he was being followed. He could sense Suki’s presence, but he never gave her any acknowledgment. She didn’t want him to know that she was there, so he didn’t bother knowing.

Once they had come to the hideout, though, did Kisame finally turn around and fix Suki with a glare. “Why did you come here?”

“For one purpose and one purpose only: revenge. Itachi is dead, and therefore, I will kill Sasuke. Plus, there was nothing in the Leaf Village that was satisfying enough to stay there; I want to join the Akatsuki. I want to enact the murder of Sasuke Uchiha.”


“What’s so funny about it?” Suki’s eyes flashed, red seeping through.

“You’ll see.”

And together, side by side, they walked into the Akatsuki’s hideout.
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First chapter to the sequel! Tell me if you like it!