Simply Niall

Simply Me.

Hello, I'm Niall! I have originally brunette hair but it is blonde right now. I live in Ireland, I have deep green eyes that apperently can melt a girls heart. I have braces and some very awesome friends. This is my story on how I came to met the most wonderful girl ever but I let her slip through my fingers... it all started about a week before I was going to sign up for the X-factor. Before I met the lads. And before I met the girl of my dreams. I was laying around my house with my best friend who was a girl, Madison. She has Brown hair with a red tint to it. She has really neat eyes. they are brown, blue, yellow, green and I think with some speckles of gold in there. Not too sure. Anyway. We were sitting there yelling at the tv, drinking a beer because we are awesome like that. When she turns to me and asks "Niall... Am I that unappealing that I can't get a boyfriend... The only guy who actually hangs out with me is you and I kind of force you" I knew she was being serious but i laughed to myself because she was really funny at time. And the look on her face was just really funny also. "Madi, you're gorgeous. All these fucking irish men don't deserve you... You're wayyy cool and they are all wankers with no lives. Plus i drive them all away with my good looks and dashing charm" I said and she laughed hard. I laughed too and we went back to drinking. When a commercial came on about the X-factor we both jsut looked at eachother like we had the same idea. "You need to go on that and take me with you" She said to me and smiled. I really couldn'y say no to her smile so I just gave in after abour 10 minutes of hesitation. She squeeled with excitement and we had to hide the beer because my mum was home. We decided to ditch being at my house and go for a walk around the town. Yes guys were staring at her but she didn't notice. Girls were staring at me but i didn't care because i had a beautiful girlfriend named mika. Brinnnnnggggg! BRinnnngggggg! My phone started ringign. When i reached in my pocket to see who it was it waws Mika. i answered. "Hi baby girl. How are you?" I said happily. "Niall... I'm breaking up with you... Bye" She hung up right away and I stopped in my tracks. I looked at madison heart broken and started to tear up. "Not here you wont" she said and rushed me into the nearest restaurant taking me to the guys bathroom. She hugged me tight and rubbed my back until i calmed down. i felt like shit. Mika was my longest relationship. Why did she break up with me. I wiped my tears and hugged back. I could feel a sense of awkwardness in the air. "Why.. Why would she do that to me?' I mumbled into her hair. She frowned. "I know why" she mumbled. I turned to face her and gave her 'tell me now' eyes. she breathed deeply. "She came to me yesterday and told me to stop hanging out with you because she felt neglected. But seriously that was the first time wehad hung out since you two started dating. She told me to stop even seeing you because she thought I was trying to take you away from her. Then said said if I didn't stop she would break up with you... I'm sorry Niall" She said and looked down frowning. I frowned too but lifted her chin. "If anyone actually cared about me they wouldn't try and get you to stop hanging out with me. She was an attention seeking whore and i'm glad she is gone. If she doesn't like my best friend then she can go back to the street corner where she belonged" I didn't usually say things like this but It was in her language so i kind of had to. Plus it kind of felt good to saythat. Esspecially since she did start dating me when she was already with another dude. Anyway. She smiled and hugged me tight again. "Lets get back home... We need to get you some practice for X-factor and i need to kick some bitch ass" She said and laughed, dragging me out and back downt he road to her house. When we got inside I Started practicing and she gave Mika a peice of her mind. We ended up having a sleep over and watching movies. She was a great friend.
~Lets skip ahead a bit... X-factor aditions~
First day of auditions. i was in the first group. They had just come from London England and I was getting ready to go on stage having my pep talk from Madison. Getting hugs from my family and rehursing my song wiht Madison too. I was going to perform it with her but she wasn't trying out, but I really couldn't do it without her. So we got called... We walked up and I intro duced myself and Madison. We said she was just an accompany ment and she smiled and waved. i coudl tell thy liked her a lot. They all waved back even Simon. Then i started the guitar and she sang. Her voice was amazing I didn't know why she wasn't signed up. They looked impressed then i started and they looked blown away. Ok so I might have been exadurating but ya.. They didn't stop us so i guess thats good. We got a standing ovation when we were finished and I could see the contestants from the last audition in the audience. Madison smiled and waved to a couple of boys. I waved too and everyone waved back. Turns out I got in. I decided to take madison with me the whole way. They said it was alright as long as she sings fro them again. She giggled nervously and nodded even though I knew she wasn't giggling at them. there was someone in the audience giving her googly eyes. I grabbed her arma nd brought her back stage again. We celebrated with our familes and went home to pack. "So... What was with the eyes miss Madison..." I smirked at her and she looked away blushing. "pffttt nothing..." SHe said in denial and threw tons of clothes into her suit case. She had a couple of my jumpers and I let her slide with them since we were living together. "C'mon.. Tell me or i'll get you" Her eyes widened and she put up a jumper infront of her face. "Fine fine.. just don't tickle me you know i hate that" She hid and i laughed, i stood ther with my hands on my hips waiting for her to talk. "It was that curly headed boy in the audience... He is just so fit!" I burst out laughing as she fell on her bed fan girling. I smiled when she glared at me. "Shut it Horan... For a girl who has never had a boyfriend I think I deserve to fan girl over one stranger.." She glared again and I hugged her. "Yes you do" i whispered. I seriously didn't understand why she has been single so long. There has got to be something wring with all these boys in Ireland. Anyway. We ended up staying in a hotel that night to get to know the other contestants. Madison was allowed to come with me and she stuck by my side the whole time. Closer to the end of the night the curly haired boy showed up. I have never seen Madison hide so fast in my life. i laughed and pushed her towards him. At the last second her turned around and she fells face first into his chest, making both of them double over and fall onto the couch behind him. Bloody hell! good there was a couch there. i sighed with releif and stuck close by hearing their conversation so I didn't have to get it out of Madison later. "I'm so sorry I'm such a kluts" Madison said with her face as red as a tomato. "Oh it's you.. no it's fine.. No prolem at all" He smiled down at her and she went redder. he helped her up and they sat on the couch normally. "So You're Madison... Beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl" He said all flirty. I actually had the feeling that i needed to step in. I was like ehr big brother but i'll let her do it. I kept listening. "Ya... and you are?" she looked up at him with her adorable look and he bit his lip, forgetting what he was going to say. "I'm... Uhhhh... I'm uhmm..." He started but someone accidentally hit him knocking out his name and a very awkward voice crack. "I'm Harry" Madison giggled but held her cool. She made him nervous i could tell. "Nice to meet you curly.." She put on the charm and he almost chewed off his lip. "nice to meet you too beautiful" he was stuttering pretty bad. She blushed more and i decided to step into this awkward conversation. i slid in beside Madison. "ASk her to dance you idiot" i said and handed him Madisons hand. They both went bright red and he escorted her to the dance floor. They played a slow song and they danced together in an awkward, clumsy, pile of not knowing what to do. I laughed to myself trying not to attract any attention. they eventually got closer and Madison rested her head on his chest. He smiled and rested his cheek on the top of her head. thye looked so cute together and I decided that i would interrogate the guy later. Let him han=ve some fun. I smiled and gave her the extra room key before i lef tthem there. And when I left they were the only ones there just dancing. Still cute though.
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Thanks for reading. there should be a lot more when I can actually get the time to do more.