Simply Niall

No alcohol permitted.

Ughhhh so the next morning I woke up to Madison screaming her head off. Remind me to ask why I had to share a room with her and how her night went with that Harry guy. Anyway, I got up, stuick my Hand over her mouth and layed down on her to shut her up. I started to slowly fall asleep again in the silence. but she bit my fingers and I rolled off the bed yelping. She laughed and screamed again. I glared and threw a pillow over my face. "God Niall! Were late you ass!" She yelled and stepped on my tummy going to the bathroom to change and get ready. I quickly got ready and decided as I waited for her I would think of some way to get a new girlfriend. Maybe Madison had a friend that I don't know about or something. I dunno I've only ever really seent he really slutty girls for some reason. Not too good is it. So when Madison was fianlly ready we bolted out the door of the hotel room and down the hall to the rehersal room. Simon looked really unpleased when we burst into the room. He glared at me right away. I hid behind Madison and he smiled at her. She waved and he nodded. "why are you two late?" he started. "Well you see mr. Simon" Madison started because I couldnt talk to him without crapping myself and being so scared. "We got attacked by a pack of bears in our hotel room! they were wearing huge wigs and dancing to katy perry.. Or in other words Niall slept in and i attacked him" Everyone in the room laughed and I saw Simon giggle a little. "Very well young lady. because I like you, all you have to do for us is Madke a song off the top of your head about underpants and sing it right now infront iof the class with Niall" He smiled and everyone held back laughs. "Deal mr Simon" She smirked, grabbed a guitar and practically thre it at me while thinking of some chords. She yelled them at me and Everyone laughed again. Seemed like people liked Madison. So surprise there. I laughed too and started playing the guitar while she sang her rediculos non sense making song infront of everyone. when she was done everyone clapped and we bowed. Simon clapped too. "now take a seat" He said and gestured towards some emty seats beside harry and a Blac haired boy. We sat down and began to start the rehersal process. About 3 hours laterand A very tired... Well everyone. Simon finally let us retire back to our rooms. I started walking to out room without Madison and she came up behind me with Harry on her arm. "nialler? Can he come in too? I wanna soend time with him... Pwease?" She said and gave me her irrasistable puppy dog pout look. Harry laughed and looked down at her lovingly but she didn't see him. "Oh c'mon.. Yoiu can't say no to that.. It's impossible" He said and pulled her into a tight hug. I smiled happy for her but also feeling lonely aswell. "I have never been able to say no to her.. You're lucky she likes you Harry" I smirked and Madison hit me. She ran into the room blushing and Me and Harry laughed. "She is adorable..." He said staring at her through the open door. "You really do like her don't you..." I smiled and patted his back. He nodded and smiled at me. "Well treat her well... She has never had a boyfriend before" I smiled and walked in before him. I looked back at him and he looked nervous. "C'mon Curly" he went bright red and walked in to the living room, seeing Madison and went redder. "I think I'll leave you two alone adn go walk around down by the streets... See who i can scare or somthing" I said and gave madison a quick hug before leaving. "BE SAFE!" She yelled back at me before getting attack hugged by Harry. i laughed and started my walk on the street. I was going to find out what her and him were doling later. and i knew she couldn't keep it to herself. I started walking and I see this adorable girl walking on the side of the road with a bunch of hairdressing things. they were falling so I ran over and helped her pick them up. "Thank you" She said smiling and rushed into the hotel I just had come out of. I followed her. "Need some help?" I offered and she gave me a bunchof stuff wothout even saying anything. She walked to the wardrobe place and gave a ladty that looked like her mom a hug. I put the stuff down and she came over to me smiling. "Thank you so much niall... It was really nice of you" She said. how did she know my name? Did she work for the X-FActor? I was confused. "What's your name?' I asked and smiled even though I was confused. She smile and helld out her hand. "Kareah... " i smile dna huggded her instead. She laughed and hugged back. "Kareah? Do you wanna go out with me sometime?" I asked as sweet as i could. "Sorry... But I can't...Nice meeting you though" And she left. Jusdt like that! She just left me there. I frowned and walked off. I was going to get her attention and I knew how. I was going to write her a song. Maybe with some help from Harry if I asked him. Maybe... I'm gonna go spy on Madison and him.. Maybe it might make me feel better... Or worse. Whatever. :et's see if she's happy. I ran off back to the room and snuck in really quietly. i saw them sitting on the couch holding hands with Madisons head on Harrys shoulder. Awe. they were really cute together. they were watching a scaery movie... Of no.. Bacl idea! ABORT MISSION! I started to slowly move when I see Madison jumo and harry rub her arm soothingly. He smiled down at her and she up at him. they were slowly leaning in to kiss when I accidentally knocked over a vase and Swore under my breath. Damn... So close. Madison got up angryly and walked over to me. She then sat on me and started punching me swearing at me silently. I laughed and pushed her off. harry came overand pulls her off. "It's fine sweetie... That can happen another time" He poked her nose and she calmed down right away. Wow I think i might need to keep this guy around more often. I got up and dusted myself off. I stuck out my tongue and me and Madison had a little like grade 2 stare down. she won becasue i started laughing. "DamnI need a pint" i said and rubbed my tummy. harry laughed and then frowned. "Sorry mate... No alcohol permitted" Mt heart dropped. Madison got all dramatic and dropped to her knees saying no. I laughed a little then did the same. In the end we had all dropped to our knees practically crying. goddamnit... i really need a drink.
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Thank you for reading. I am trying to figure out what I can do next but i don't know yet. byeeee