Sequel: A Jaguar's Song

The Last Song You'll Ever Hear

Ch. 14

So I’ve been at Orochimaru’s hide out for a couple of days now. It’s huge! Its built like a maze but I never got lost. Got to love heightened senses. I finally got my room to have my type of taste, not just dirt and brick. My taste is a punk type of look, maybe some goth, but dirk and brick… hell no.

I was walking in the halls until I heard someone coming from ahead of me. I knew who it was instantly.

“Kabuto,” I say.

“Orochimaru-sama would like to see you in the fighting arena.”

I nod and turn to walk to the arena. I walked in and felt Orochimaru’s chakra on the stone balcony that went around the top of the arena. Then I felt Sasuke’s in the middle of it.

“You called,” I stated in a blunt voice.

Today, I had my emotionless voice and face.

“Is someone upset?” Orochimaru said teasingly.

“I’m tiered. I would still be asleep right now. I just finished my room to the way I like it so I’d like to go to sleep,” I say with a yawn.

“Well that wont happen because I have some rules for you now. I let you relax and get used to this hideout but now that all changes.”

“Oh joy,” I say under my breath.

I then felt something coming toward me from the air. I lift my hand up to catch it. As I grabbed it, it felt like cloth.

“What the-”

“Before you start asking questions, let me read the scroll Itachi left me,” Orochimaru said cutting me off.

I heard paper being unrolled and Orochimaru clearing his throat.

“Professional much?” I teased.

I felt his glare and then a tingle on my curse mark. I make a angry face at him. He just laughed lightly and continues.


I give you Alanie, the S ranked ninja given the name ‘The Last Song You’ll Ever Hear’, for 2 years. In a way, she is part of your ninja, assassins, which ever you call them but as soon as the 2 years are up, and a Akatsuki member goes there to pick her up. Now, I know she has the curse mark and I wont stop her if she does want to stay but if she doesn’t… you will let her go. Since she is yours, she has to treat you as she treats me, as a leader. She can go on missions, assignments, exc. I wish her the best of luck and, Alanie, you will soon find out why I did this.

- Akatsuki Leader”

As he read all of the scroll, my hair raised and my chakra rose incredibly. Even Sasuke backed up some.

“Ah but Alanie… I’m not done.”

I sneered angrily at him.

“Those cloths I gave you are to be worn at all times. None of the cloths you wear now. Not the skirt, not the jacket, not the shirt, not even the cloak,” he said at total ease.

“I only have one request to ask about the cloths,” I say as cooly as I could… heh not enough.

“May I at least make my own style out of these,” I say pointing at the cloths.

“Do what you want with them… oh and I know your angry as hell fire, so Sasuke proposed to let you fight it out with him,” Orochimaru said walking away.

The last thing he heard was me saying this to Sasuke.

“Boy, you just got yourself in a load of trouble,” I say with a evil smirk.
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WHAT THE FUCK!!! why did u stop before i beat the shit out of him!?!?

please dont kill me!!! if u do u'll never beable to beat him

fine.... update tho

only if i get comments ^_^

COMMENT DAMN-IT PEOPLE!!! >_< ... please ~says in inocent voice~