Sequel: A Jaguar's Song

The Last Song You'll Ever Hear

Ch. 18

One day I got up early because I could not sleep and started to walk into the forest. We recently moved to a new hideout in the middle of the forest.

“For once, I like a hide out of snake head’s,” I say out loud.

I walked more into the forest enjoying the woodsy smell of the forest. Then I felt something on the ground that didn’t seem to be in tune with the forest floor. I sent my chakra out to check it out and what I saw was beautiful. It was a fox but not just any kind of fox. I was many different colors, 7 tails, wings, and I felt it weakened state. As I slowly move toward it, it snarled at me in defense.
Ryuu(the fox)

“Oh you poor thing,” I say and put my hand out for it to smell. “It's ok. I won’t hurt you.”

It cringed from me but then slowly lifted its head and sniffed my hand. It seemed he knew I wouldn’t hurt him and he jumped on to me. I caught him had held his shaking form. It seemed he was scared of something. I pet it and scratch behind its ears to calm it down. I then noticed he was small and thought him to be just a kitt.

“Are you hungry?” I asked it.

It perked up at hearing me talk about food.

“You can understand me?”

I felt his head bob up and down in a 'yes'.

“Wow. Cool,” I say as I dig into my pack, which I brought with me, and take out a piece of bread.

I took off a piece and held it in my hand. He literally attacked it and bit my hand in the process.

“Hey now, slow down.”

I put the rest of my bread down on the ground and sat down. I heard him scarf it down like a hungry wolf. As it finished, it came and lay down in my lap. I pet it as it I ask it questions.

“Where is your family?”

It did something… maybe a face?

“I’m sorry but I’m blind. I can’t see what you did.”

It makes a whining sound and I could guess.

“Did they shun you because of how different you are?”

I felt its head bob up and down.

“I’m sorry. I won’t talk again about it. Are you a girl?”

It growled but not a mean way.

“Hehe, ok boy.”

He licked my chin and barked.

“Would you like to stay with me? I’ll take care of you till your better then you can go and do what you want after,” I asked.

He started to lick my face and I could feel his tails were going ballistic.

“I’ll take that as a yes then. I’ll have to give you a name. How about… Ryuu?”

He barked and I picked him up. Then I turned around to go back to the hide out.

“Well Ryuu, my name is Alanie but you can call me Ally-chan. I am most known as 'The Last Song You’ll Ever Hear'…” I started as I explained my whole life to him.

I just finished when I reached the doors of the hide out. I then felt something out to my left and it was familiar. A huge plant was coming out of the tree and-

“Zetsu!” I yell.

He turned surprised as I ran to him and tackle glomped him. He didn’t move much but he did make an “ohhf” sound.

“Oh my god Zetsu, I missed you so much!” I said hugging him on the verge of tears, “Z-Zetsu.”

“Alanie? What is wrong?” his white side asked.

“Stop being a cry baby,” his black side said.

I pulled away from him, whipping my eyes, and smiled at him.

“I missed you so much. I hate it here. It’s just fighting, pissed off people, orders, butt bows, and I could go on and on. He took everything! He even took my cloak! I loved that thing. And I can’t even wear my cloths! I have to wear this!” I said pointing out my cloths.

I had finished them, the cloths snake head gave me, and I made the shirt shorter. It came right below my breasts showing my stomach, I made the pants into a short strait skirt, and the butt bow I made new. I took strands and made a braided rope belt. How I look now.

“If you keep complaining,” His white side said, “you may get into a problem with Orochimaru,” said his black side.

“Yea yea, whatever. So how is everyone? Deidara? Fish face?”

“There all on missions. I haven’t seen them. I’m on a mission right now.” He said at once.

“Oh well I’ll let you do your thing but I am curious, what’s it on?”


I sigh and nod.

“I got it. The reason I’m not in the Akatsuki right now is… well I don’t know that one either.”

Ryuu barked from my arms.

“Who?” Zetzu asked.

“This is Ryuu. I just found him. I’m going to take care of him till he’s better,” I say and pet Ryuu.

“Ah, well, I better get back. I’ll tell the members you said hi,” he said and seeped into the tree he was once in.

“Bye Zetsu,” I say sadly and walk back to the doors of the hide out.

I walked down the hall to the kitchen to get Ryuu some more food but to get there, I have to go passed the 'throne room'. And, as usual, he saw me.

“Alanie, come here.”

I groan and walk into the middle of the room. Sasuke is standing next to him… smirking.


“Sasuke is quite interested in what you look like when your curse mark- what is that?” he said pointing at Ryuu.

“A fox in need and has chosen me to take care of him. Now what about my curse mark?”

I felt his glare on Ryuu and I told him the way to get to my room. He licked my face and flew out my hands.

“Guess he can fly. Now what do he want to know?”

“He wants to know what you look like in your curse mark state so…” he said and then snakes were being wrapped around me.

“What the fuck!? Let me go! I don’t want it activated!” I screamed.

As I was screaming, Sasuke putting a black pill in my mouth. Making me swallow.

“You will die to live a new,” Orochimaru said.

I gasped for breath as I couldn’t breathe and felt my heart slow rapidly.

I’m going to be a monster.
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uh ohh shit has hit the fan ^_^ and ur gunna have to wait b/c i need to write the next chapter comments plaese!!!