Sequel: A Jaguar's Song

The Last Song You'll Ever Hear

Ch. 19

Pain… so much pain! I’ve never felt pain like this. This is torture pain. Like hot oil being poured on my body, needles being stabbed to the bone, and every twitch felt like a bone shattering. I can’t get out of this nightmare!

I don’t understand. If I’m dead then why am I in so much pain? I can’t feel anything but pain!

I grown in pain again as new hot oil is poured on me and the needles jab some more.

“Damn you Sasuke and your nosey self! You too snake dude! And especially you Eva!”


Sasuke Prov.

“Damn you Sasuke and your nosey self! You too snake dude! And especially you Eva!”

I look to the floor, by the steps to Orohimaru-sama sits, where the girl groans and twitches.

“Strange. I’ve never seen someone try to fight the change before,” Orochimaru said.

“She’s just a girl. She probably never felt pain before, with that singing as her weapon. She’s nothing but a cheap fighter,” I said.

Orochimaru turned to me with a… well, not a happy face.

“That ‘cheep fighter’ seemed to beat you to a pulp, toy with you, then knock you out for 3 ½ hours. She lost her whole village, from Orochimaru, she has 2 curses, and, I do believe, she was raped by her own father. That ‘cheep fighter’ has been through just as much as you and more.”

I look to the opening to see a woman.

“Eva. What brings you back from you 2 year trip early?” said a smirking Orochimaru.

“I am connected to all my cursed ones. What are you doing to this cursed one?” asked the woman.

“Sasuke here wanted to fight Alanie in her 2nd form. So, I’m granting it.”

Eva looked at me with a glare and I gave her an emotionless one back. She looked a while then closed her eyes.

“You're not even close to defeating her. She is the strongest of everyone. Maybe as strong as one of the tailed demons. You couldn’t even defeat her when she was just playing a game with you. Good luck.”

She turned around and knelt at the girl. She moved her bang, covering her sweating face.

“And good luck to you too. You’ll need it to survive this change,” Eva said as a whisper.

Then the girl seemed to recognize the voice.


Ally’s Prov.

I want to cry! I want to scream! I want this just to end! Kill me please! Now, the top of my head hurts, my lower spine hurts, my jaw, the tips of my fingers, eyes, cheeks, my shoulder with the curse mark, along with the oil and needles.

“And good luck to you too. You’ll need it to survive this change,”

I went completely still and ridged.

That voice… so familiar.

Then I remembered. I thrash and scream.

“Get away from me bitch! I’ll kill you for what you did to me!”

Then more pain came and I think I blacked out entirely.

I give up.


Sasuke’s Prov.

It’s been a week since I put the pill in the girls mouth and she’s nearly complete. I am pacing, back and forth, without taking my eyes off her form.

“She’s almost done, Sasuke. Sit down,” Orochimaru-sama commands.

I sit down but my leg begins to bounce up and down.

“I’ve been training nonstop to fight her. I’ll get my revenge on her and make her scream and cry in more pain. Same for my brother.”

“Well, that’s a great way to greet Itachi, eh.”

I look to the opening to see 3 people with the Akatsuki cloaks and 1 I snarled at.

“Sasori? Deidara? Kisame? Itachi? What a surprise! You came just in time!”

The girl screams and her eyes shoot open.

“Ally-Cat!” the blonde yelled and ran to her.

The fat, scorpion man scooted to the blonde.

“Yes! She finally screams in pain!” the fish yelled.

My brother hit him in the head and walked to the girl. He knelt and started to check her pulse.

“She’s going through the change,” Itachi stated.

“Ally-Cat…” the blond sobbed.


Ally’s Prov.

Oh my god! Please kill me quickly! Two sides of my head feels like something just ripped out if it and my tail bone hurts like hell. I know I’m bleeding from my finger tips and my gums are ripped. I scream again but comes out differently.

A jaguar cry?

My skin bursts out and I feel bones move. I thrash and scream again. Then… it’s all gone. The pain, everything. I open my eyes…

I can see!

But… it is highly acute. Like a cat's. I knew something was wrong. I look up and see Deidara.

“Please tell me you have sake and cigarettes. I’m going to go insane if I don’t have some.”

No answer was giving. Just stares.

“I really am a monster, aren’t I?”

“No. Just stronger…”

A mirror was thrown at me. I caught it but dropped it at a huge black paw swings at it. I ignore it and open the mirror and see’s a black jaguar face stair back.

“As strong as a black jaguar. This is your second form Alanie. 'The Black Jaguar'!” Orochimaru laughs evilly.
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comments please!!!