Sequel: A Jaguar's Song

The Last Song You'll Ever Hear

Ch. 6

Ok. It’s been about more than a month since I left for the Akatsuki. The boss was happy that I accepted his invite and got the cloak on the spot. How I look now. Everyone had to get used to a 2nd girl being around but hey… get used to it, fuckers! But one will never get used to me, and neither I him… Kisame. I would love to kick his fish tail back to the Kiri, TheHidden Mist Village, but… sadly he is one of my teammates. I fought with the boss about being on a team. That I never was going to be in one because my last one was with Renji. Well… I didn’t get my wish.

Also as I got accepted by the boss, I had to be accepted my Itachi. I fought him as he asked and well… he needs to learn how to protect his body from my singing. Hehe.

Now I’m on my first mission but to make it all bad… it’s a team mission. Itachi, Kisame, and I are going to retrieve the 9 Tailed Fox Demon. It is sealed into a kid so we are really getting the kid but you get what I mean. We are going to where the kid would be training.

It was a nice day with bright sun and clear sky. As we were walking I feel a drop of water. I look up and a huge splash of water hits my face.

“Haha! You should have seen your face!” Kisame laughed.

I glare at him and I reach for my ribbon and… a hand grabs my wrist.

“Alanie, don’t. Kisame, don’t test her or you will regret it from her,” says Itachi.

“He’s going regret it right now!” I yell and break the grip Itachi had on me.

I run to Kisame and slam him into a tree and yell in his face.

“Alright! Let me say this in your own language so you can understand. You mess with me one more time, I’ll chop you up with your sword, eat you as sushi, then barf you up into a toilet! Where all dead fish go!”

I could feel Itachi holding back his laugh and I felt Kisame's fear but he still had a snappy comeback.

“Ok, ok! God, I’m glade that-“

“Give it a rest Kisame. She’ll do it if you let her. Now come on,” said Itachi.

“Your just mad that she could do the same-“

Kisame was cut off my Itachi’s sharingan glare. I was still glaring at him and I could still feel his fear.

“Your one lucky fish,” I say and walk ahead of Itachi.


“Fish Face! Itachi! We’re here!” I yell as I feel the village below me.

I could feel Kisame’s aggravation as they came to where I stopped.

“Ok Alanie, time to be useful,” says Kisame.

Itachi sighs, I glare, and Kisame is confused.

“Now you did it,” says Itachi.


“Yea, you did it alright. Now I won’t help,” I say.


“Come on Kisame. You’re fault. Alanie, do what you want until I radio you. You better come too,” says Itachi.

“Why would I not come?”

“We know how reckless you are,” they say at the same time.

“Just be there, got it?” says Itachi.

“Oh, ok!.”

They disappear into the village and I walk through the village. I go to a sake bar and sit down. I kept my face hidden by the collar of the cloak and the white cloth from the straw hat.

“Naruto, I want you go to the inn,” I heard a voice say.

“What!? You said you’d train me more-“ Naruto was cut off.

“I want you to use all your chakra by making as many shadow clones you can so I can show you new jutsu,” says Jiraiya.

So Naruto is getting some training done.

I feel Jiraiya sit next to me and order a bottle.

“Your from the Akatsuki, aren’t you?” he asks.

I don’t respond.

“Why are you here?”

I close my eyes and pull a cigarette from my ear. I light it and take a breath. As I go take a sip of sake, I hear static from the ear from the earpiece.

“Come,” said Itachi.

Then it went dead. I drown the rest of my drink and take a big breath of the cigarette. I flick it at Jiraiya.

“Nice to see you Jiraiya,” I giggle and walk out.

I use my chakra to find Itachi’s and go toward him. I flash step into the inn and I saw them as I turned the corner.

“What’s up guys?” I say and throw my hat off.

“Itachi got the kid,” Kisame said.

I look to Itachi and see…

“Naruto? So you have the 9 Tailed Fox Demon sealed in you. No wonder I felt its chakra before anyone else.” I say with a grin.
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yes!!! i have posted a chapter!!! i happy ^_^ no i need comments please?!?!