Status: On-going!

His Afflatus.

Deploy wine.

They were covered in comforting silence when Ryan decided to break it.

"You're so ingenious." Ryan blurted as he took a sip of his glass of wine that was placed on the rounded table in front of him. He stared at her, his eyes wondering what's running inside her tiny head. "You're so severe— with your hair in a bun, wearing a sleeveless shirt under the yellow cardigan, jeans and flat teal shoes."

"Also, I like your house. It's simple and comforting."

She let out a cheeky smile as she shifted her seat. "Oh Ryan--" she sighed softly, "You deserve better. Someone that will take care of you."

Ryan grabbed the bottle of wine and watched as the liquid spilled out of the mouth of the bottle. "You're right. I'm seriously the epitome of asinine. I'm fucking 25 and my life is still utterly shity."

"Man," she chuckled, "I love your vocabulary."

Ryan smirked, his fingertips tapping the bone of his chin. "I'd take that as a complement, lass."

"Well, can you be my afflatus on 13th for the gift I'm going to give for my mom? English is excruciating."

He slumped his shoulders on the seat, shaking his head. "False. English is utterly easy. Easy, I tell you."

She folded her arms in front of her and flicked her tongue, her eyes closed. "For you, of course it's easy! You're a lyricist. You're good with words. You're good with explaining your feelings to someone. You're good —"

"Yeah, whatever woman," he snorted, "I can be your oh-so-called afflatus if you want. Just don't be absurd or I'll snap your head off in annoyance."

She smiled goofily and messed his hair with her fingers. He groaned, obviously drunk and slapped her hand. She rolled her eyes playfully, "Thanks a lot, Ryan."

"Likewise, Cell." He grinned, "Oh, and I need to go."

"Sure. I hope I helped you."

Ryan stood up from his seat, placing the glass on the table. He grabbed his coat that was hanged on the door and wore it.

"See you soon, Cell. Just text me on 13th alright?"

"Yeah. Thanks. Take care."

He opened the door, sent a last cheeky grin at her and went out.

As he pressed the down button of the elevator he thought about her brown eyes once more, like a reverie on repeat.

It's way too impossible for him to fall in love with her in a span of 5 hours.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry late and short. Gah.