More Than I Bargained For

Piling Up The Lies

A thousand thoughts raced through my head as Lacey and I left the hospital. The expression on her face was hard to read, but I'm sure we're both terrified at the moment. Lacey understood that I have to get back to the boys, yet I'm having a hard time processing the thought of leaving her after we just got such shocking news. We have a lot of stuff to talk about.. I'm not sure if I'm prepared for this. I drove back to Lacey's house, luckily her roommate was gone. We sat down on her couch, neither of us making a noise. I have to tell Louis about this.. What if he judges me? I can't have boobear angry at me.. Ugh, forget about boobear I have other pr-

~No POV~
Lacey interrupted Harry's thoughts as she started to ask, "Do you think we should keep it?.. I mean I'm starting college and who knows how often you'll be around."

"Well I certainly don't think you should kill our child," Harry replied angrily.

"No of course not, I was thinking maybe we should think about adoption.. Then we could easily cover this up, it's like none of it ever happened!"

Lacey smiled as she daydreamed about the day she would finish college; she was going to major in psychology. Harry considered her idea knowing he would never be able to see his kid because of One Direction. Both of the teens sat on the couch deep in thought when suddenly Harry's phone vibrated in his pocket for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.


"HARRY EDWARD STYLES, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING SNEAKING OFF LIKE THIS?!" Liam made it very obvious that he wasn't too excited about having a band member missing when they should all be present for recording.

"Liam, please calm down, there was an emergency back in New York. My friend is hurt and I rushed over to see him. I'll be back soon, I promise."

Liam could sense that something was wrong by the tone in his voice, but was Harry telling the truth? "You better hope that plane flies faster than Buzz Lightyear, or you're dead!" With that, he hung up.

Harry let out a huge sigh as he put his head in his hands. He only had an hour left to discuss their issue before he had to catch his flight. Lacey quietly went to the kitchen to make some lunch before he had to leave, not wanting to talk about it anymore. Harry dragged himself to the table.

"Maybe you're right... We should give it up for adoption." Although this seemed like the right option, Harry had a bad feeling when thinking about giving his baby away to a stranger.

Lacey looked over at him and smiled a little, "I'll look into it after you leave.. You'll just have to help look for good parents over the phone." She giggled at the thought and walked over with a plate of pasta that could feed the both of them.

~Harry's POV~
I hurried back to the recording studio after visiting lately. Well technically it took a few hours, so I didn't exactly hurry. I rushed inside just as Niall was finishing doing his vocals for one of the tracks. I sat on a couch outside the recording booth as Liam rushed over. He had plenty of questions to ask me, but he could tell by the look on my face that I wasn't in the mood to answer them. He slowly sat down next to me and gave me a face that clearly read, "You know you can tell me anything."

"I know, I know.. You're always going to be here for me.. I told you everything already; my friend was visiting New York when he got hit by a taxi." God, I'm a terrible liar. Liam looked like he just witness the murder of a puppy.

"Oh no! Are they okay??" I kept piling on the lies, and he believed them all. Until somebody came in and ruined everything.

Zayn looked up from his phone looking worried. "What happened to you? I actually went on twitter for once to see if everything was okay.. There was a picture of you outside a hospital, is everything alright?" Liam frowned, he definitely believed the fake friend story now.

"Yeah, it's just that a good friend of mine was hit by a taxi.. He's going to be okay, but he was in a coma for the past few days."

"Oh.. Really?.. It looked like you were reading papers, and you were with a girl.." My face slowly turned pale as Liam's grew from cotton candy pink to period red.

"Harry.. Truth.. NOW.."

I stared at the floor not knowing what to say. Should I tell them the truth? I don't think I have anymore fake stories to tell them. Louis quickly piped up with another story to save my ass. I looked at him with genuine gratefulness. He smiled a little and managed to calm down Liam, none of them bothered to ask questions after that. Suddenly, my phone blew up with text messages. I looked at my phone, all of my text notifications from unknown numbers. I looked through various texts, all of them seemed to be from.. Furious fans?

Louis leaned over and read a few of my texts. Both of us were completely stunned. How and where did my number get leaked? Why were the fans angry with me? Did.. did somebody already find out my secret?