More Than I Bargained For

This Is Just The Beginning

Hi, I'm Lacey. Lacey Brooks. I'm just a normal 17 year old; I graduated high school a few months a go and I'm preparing for college. But, I'm pregnant. With a popstar's baby. Not just any popstar. International super hunky British popstar, Harry Styles, from One Direction. Of course, nobody knows that I'm pregnant, nor do they know that I am (somewhat) in a relationship with Harry Styles. Atleast I hope not.

I woke up to the sound of a new notification from twitter. Not just one notification, but dozens. Scrolling through my mentions, it seems that people have noticed me from pictures of Harry and I leaving that club a few weeks a go. They weren't so happy. How fans managed to track me down, I have no idea. Why they cared so much about what happens in Harry's personal life, not a clue. My heart stopped when I passed by a certain picture. A closeup shot of Harry walking out of the hospital with me a week a go. One of his hands was holding the pregnancy test results, the other squeezing the living hell out of my hand. I am so fortunate that nobody knows what the papers say, but I have a feeling that they will easily put the pieces together soon.

I dropped my phone as I ran to the bathroom. I was starting to get morning sickness, and it was FAR from fun. I laid by the toilet holding my head as I waited for Harry to arrive. It's been quite a few hours, where is that boy?


It's been a week since the fans found out about me sneaking off to New York to see Lacey. I have yet to see any pictures of me at the hospital, thank god. Louis told me I should start writing my speech to address the public after they found out. Even though I rolled my eyes at his stupidness, I am quite worried that the fans will figure out what's going on soon. They're seriously smarter than the FBI sometimes! Louis is the only person who knows about the pregnancy and I would love to keep it that way. Not sure if it'll stay that way for long.

Me and the mates have a week off to relax. I want to visit Lacey, but at the same time I don't want to stir up anymore drama. Who am I kidding, I know I'll end up going anyways. New York, here I come! Again!

A few hours later, I found myself laying on Lacey's couch. I don't exactly remember how I got here, but anywhere away from screaming fans and paparazzi is okay with me. Lacey walked in and sat by my feet.

"How are you feeling, Harry?.. You took a pretty nasty spill" I gave her a confused look as she put a cold, damp cloth on my forehead.

"I'm fine.. What spill?.. I feel alright. How did I get here?" I couldn't stop asking questions, but I really wanted to know. Turns out I passed out from exhaustion. The roommate found me sleeping in the front yard.

Lacey kissed my cheek softly and ran her hand up and down my thigh. I have no idea if she was doing this to be a tease or just to soothe me, but if my pants were any tighter, they'd rip, if you know what I mean. Lacey giggled and removed her hand, not wanting to embarrass me further. We stared at each other, sitting in an awkward silence for what seemed like forever.

"You know, we never really discussed where our relationship stands.." She slightly pouted and stared at her feet, obviously hoping I would ask her out. And no, I'm not being cocky, I can read body language extremely well.

I took her hands and looked into her eyes, "Lacey, I should have asked you this a long time a go.. Even if this seems pretty soon, I think under our circumstances, we don't really have a choice" I laughed jokingly and she giggled, knowing that I was about to ask her to be my girlfriend. Before I could ask my question, she answered it by softly pressing her lips against mine. I smiled through the kiss and hugged her to me.

It was nice to feel wanted. Maybe even needed. I'm so used to being wanted by horny moms or girls who wanted to use me for fame. But Lacey was.. Different. I think I really like her..

~No POV~
Throughout the week, the new couple explored New York together, no longer hiding from fans or paparazzi. They decided that they didn't care what anybody thought, as long as their secret was not revealed. The two of them kissed and cuddled in public as if they were a happy old couple who have been married for years. The boys' "true" fans stuck up for Harry. Even if they wanted to cry, scream and be jealous, they couldn't deny that this was one of the cutest couples ever, and they loved seeing Harry happy. But sadly, as the end of the week neared, Harry and Lacey knew they would have to separate for who knows how long. Harry promised to call and text everyday as much as he could. Both of them knew it would be difficult to maintain a long distance relationship, especially with him being famous, but they decided to make it work, if it meant that both of them could be happy. If only they knew what they were getting themselves into..
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This if this seems like a pretty long and boring one, just a filler :(( Sorry I'm low on ideas right now!