More Than I Bargained For

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

Lacey and Harry stood in the middle of the sidewalk. Nobody spoke; people passing by them could feel the tension. Harry was the first one to make any action. It wasn't necessarily an action he could control. He started to cry. He was able to hold himself together, but a few tears managed to fall from his emerald green eyes. Lacey's face immediately filled with guilt and sadness. Even if Harry was the one who cheated, she felt like the bad guy. She hated seeing him cry; Harry crying was equivalent to a puppy being murdered. Hoping to make him feel a little better, she moved closer and hugged him tight.

I've missed this.. The hugs, the love, her sweet perfume.. Everything about her I desperately miss. Lacey whispered in my ear that she was sorry for everything. She has no reason to be sorry; I should be apologizing! I tried to say that I was an idiot and I hope she can forgive me, but nothing came out my mouth. Lacey pulled away and smiled sweetly. I wiped away my tears and stared at my feet. Why am I shutting down?.. All I could do is ask if she wanted tea; it caused her to giggle.

We sat at a small table in the cafe. My heart was racing as a thousand thoughts went through my mind. I couldn't find the right question to ask. Lacey decided to speak up first; she filled me in on everything she has been up to. She came to England to visit somebody.. I wonder who it was. Finally, after many attempts, I was able to speak up and ask her something. I want to hear about my baby.

Oh great.. He would ask.. I mean he has a right to hear any new news about his kid I guess.. I pulled out a small sonogram photo and slid it over to him. Of course, it's so like Harry to get emotional over a fucking picture. God, my hormones are already all over the place.. It's great seeing Harry again even if it is hard not to lean across the table and kiss him. I want to lick his face and punch his teeth out all at the same time; what's wrong with me?!

Right when I zoned back in, I noticed Harry trying to ask me something. I'm just.. distracted. Over Harry's shoulder I can see my friend, David. Shit, this is terrible timing. I came to England because I wanted to see David; he's letting me stay in his house and he's paying for everything. We were friends in high school, but he decided to move out here. Right after we started dating. I've been here for a few weeks and after a lot of awkward conversations, we said we wanted to give our relationship another shot. That's why this is shitty timing; I can't let him meet Harry, that would kill him!

To make the situation even better, Harry turned his head and looked straight at David. David smiled wide and walked over to take a seat. I turned crimson red as Harry turned his head back to me, face filled with confusion. David introduced himself after giving me a small peck on the lips. Why is this happening to me?.. Not now, not today.. Not right after Harry and I were starting to build up a friendship again.. I slowly looked up, Harry looked heart broken. The color left his face slowly until he was white as a ghost. I mouthed sorry when David looked away and reached across the table to squeeze his hand. He pulled it away and got up to leave. I apologized and excused myself before chasing after him. God, why doesn't Harry understand that we are never EVER getting back together after what he did to me?!

The air is cold and blows violently. I got goosebumps on my arms; still no jacket. Just my t-shirt and swim trunks. But I love the wind. It calms me. Makes me feel better when nobody else can. I know I can count on the guys, but at this point I just want to be left alone. It's as if my heart has been ripped out my chest and stomped on. I know I'm overreacting.. But nobody seems to understand me! It's like when two party-goers have their first child. At first, it's a huge deal. Then it's nothing, they're overjoyed at the thought of a new baby. But then the baby arrives. Everything changes. They become responsible, they become closer. I want that. I want to know what it's like to be responsible for a child. I know this sounds silly, but I actually want to be a father. I want to watch my little boy or girl grow up, and I want to do it with Lacey.. I don't want or need anybody else.

The fact that she moved on so quickly.. It hurts. We may have only been together briefly, but she means so much to me. I can't believe how stupid I sound. Lacey immediately started hurling insults at me. Idiot. Stupid. Asshole. I guess I deserve this, but it still hurts like crazy. I really hope these are just hormones. You know what.. Hormones or not, I don't fucking deserve this. I'll stand up to her. I'll fight back.

"Why do you care who I date?? You're acting like a lunatic! We barely dated and suddenly it's a huge issue if I get a boyfriend?"

"No, it's a huge issue that you don't even give me a warning!" Way to be lame, Styles.

She sighed and tried to keep cool. "You know what, Harry? I just wanted to be friends.. That's all I wanted.. But you sure do know how to ruin everything! From now on, you're nothing to me.."

I decided to get feisty, "You can say or do whatever you want, but you'll never get rid of me.. I'll be there for my child whether you like it or not. If you have any issues with that, tell it to the judge." The look on her face was priceless. Harry Styles is NOT going anywhere.
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I think the future chapters will all have song titles lol <3 Sorry this is just a filler chapter and extremely BLEH but i have been writing for hours and had no real idea of what to write in my mind so yeeep.