Status: Re uploading because only good story I've ever written even though I screwed up the ending.

Last Train Home

Chapter 1

Lee sighed quietly, pulling up beside the coffee shop. Heavy rain hammered down on his rental car, making it nearly impossible to hear the soothing music of the radio. He found that listening to music helped tune out all the disgusting jobs he had to do, working for Jamie Oliver. Not the chef, the leader of an assassination program.

Inside the coffee shop sat a young man with peroxide blonde hair and a prominent jaw line. Lee's job was simple tonight, he just had to watch, like he had done for the last two months. Every night he'd follow the blonde around, always staying close enough to watch his every move, but far enough away so that he wouldn't be suspected.

Sean went to the same coffee shop every night without fail and ordered an Americano. The guy must like his coffee strong. Lee frowned, the kid really didn't have much of a life. That's how he convinced himself that what he was doing wasn't wrong. That the death of this boy wouldn't be that much of a big deal, because he wasn't really living anyway.

Luckily for Lee, this would be his last night working this particular case. He was going to visit family for a few days once the job was done. Ian and Stu would take over from here. Though, Lee wasn't exactly sure what he would be doing. Ian was hired for his charm and... likeability, and Stu would be doing the more hands on work. The murder.

Because Lee was just a spy, he never got to see the files on Sean Smith. He had no idea why he was going to be killed, how he was going to be killed or even who wanted him killed. By what Lee could see, the boy wasn't a bad person, just a little boring.

The blonde exited the coffee shop, trying his best to cover his hair from the rain and dashed across to his car. He climbed inside, shook his hair off and shut the door. Lee slowly pulled away, following him so that there were two cars between them.

He changed the radio station, sighing. Tonight would be a long night.
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