A Year in Canada

Let's Party :D

It was saturday, and I'd planned to stay in my bed for the whole day. When, suddenly, the door rang. Thinking my friend Linda was still sleeping, I got up to open the door. I must have looked horrible.
I opened the door, and - Oh my god! It was Ben standing in front of me! I screamed to Linda: "Linda, have a look who's here!" Ben only smiled. He probably didn't understand a word as I talked in german.
Linda got out of her room, tired and rubbing her eye. "What's up that you have to wake me up this ea-" Then she saw Ben.
"Oh my god, Ben, is that you? What are you doing here?!"
"Yes, it's me" He laughed, "Your friend" he pointed at me, "has bought a table in my wife's shop. Yes, the woman you bought it from is Rachelle"
After Ben had put the table in our living room, we invited him to drink a beer with us. Needless to say, he agreed. I knew he loved beer. We were having lots of fun until Ben had to go home already "My wife will be worried if I'm not home soon" he laughed.
Before leaving, he gave us his mobile number, in case we wanted to drink a beer with him again.
The next saturday, we called him asking if he wanted to drink some beer and stuff again. He agreed and even brought Jon, Aaron and Ian with him!