Status: Active

I'll Never Break Your Heart

Chapter 1

“Come on, El,” semi-whined my best friend Scarlett, as she drug me through the London crowd.
“Oh, but Scar, I don’t wanna hang out with your cousin,” I whined.
It had been two years since the fight I had with Liam, I miss him. A year after the fight with him my mum died in a car accident. I haven’t talked to Liam since the brief, awkward hello at the funeral. I would’ve tried to talk to him but I’m afraid that with him being THE Liam Payne & not just Liam he wouldn’t want to hear me out.
“Oh, shush you know you love Josh,” said Scarlett.
“Yeah, about as much as I love sushi,” I grimaced.
“You’ve never had sushi.”
“Okay, smartass, I love him about as much as I love the thought of sushi.”
Scarlett rolled her eyes as we walked into Nando’s, my personal favorite. Coming here was the main reason I agreed to come out of my flat, that I’ve been living in since I was 16.
“Scar! El!” We both turned around to the sound of our names to see Josh standing there.
“Hey, Josh,” Scarlett said as she hugged her cousin.
We started walking to the table, which I saw was occupied by five hooded people, when I said, “Joshua Devine, you better not treat me as if I’m chopped liver & give me a hug.” He laughed as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.
I saw a head shoot up & the hood of one of the boys fell down. I ripped myself out of the hug & ran the rest of the way to the table, dodging waitresses & patrons.
“Liam?!” I breathed out. “Holy shit, I’m too out of shape to be running like this.”
“Nah, you look just fine,” said the curly haired boy, I knew to be Harry.
“I know that, but I’m still out of shape.” I smirked.
Everybody but Liam laughed. Liam was sitting there staring at me. “Liam, don’t you dare ignore me,” I scolded.
“I-I,” Liam stuttered.
“No, J comes after I, Liam,” Louis said.
“Eliie?” Liam asked, ignoring the snide remark made by Louis.
“Duh! I’ve only been standing here for five minutes.”
“Wait! You’re Ellie?” asked the cute blonde, who’s name escapes me.
“Yeah?” I said.
“He talks about you all the time!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah, but he never said you were so pretty,” said Harry, while winking.
I blushed, “I’m not which is why he didn’t say it.”
“Oh, El shut up,” said Liam. “You’re beautiful.”
“I should punch you in the face,” I said.
“What? Why?” He asked looking shocked.
“You need to give me a hug.”
He pushed the tan gorgeous boy & Harry out of the booth & hugged me so tight that I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t care though, I felt tears form in my eyes as we just stood there. “I’m so sorry,” he mumbled in my ear as I felt a tear fall.
I pulled back & looked straight at him, “It’s okay. I wasn’t that mad after a while.”
“Seriously, get me a bucket,” said Harry. I looked at him with an expression that I’m sure looked stupid. “I haven’t heard that in forever.”
“What I miss?” Josh said with a confused look.
“Nothing, Joshua,” I said exasperated.
Just then my stomach growled, really loudly. Causing everybody to laugh & me to blush bright red. I looked down at the floor.
“Can I get you anything?” asked a waitress.
“Mountain Dew, chicken fingers, & French fries, please” I asked with a big smile. “And a lot of it?” I asked quieter.
She laughed & said, “Sure.”
“No bacon?”
“Shut the fuck up, Liam. I’ve already had bacon like three times today.”
I stuck my tongue out at him & pushed him out of the way & slid into the booth next to the blonde, who’s name I’ve completely forgotten.
“Is it okay that I sit next to you?” I asked him.
“Yeah,” he said with a mouthful of the appetizer.
“Hungry?” I asked.
“Niall’s always hungry, kinda like you,” said Liam from beside me.
“Shut up, I am not always hungry,” I trailed off as I saw the waitress walk up with our food.
“As I was saying-“
“Shut up, Liam the food is here.”
*3 Hours Later at Elizabeth’s flat*
So, the cute, Irish, blonde one’s name is Niall, I hit myself in the bathroom after that. The tan gorgeous one’s name is Zayn, I slapped myself after that one too.
“You okay, Ellie?” asked Harry. I jumped, I was in the kitchen getting us all drinks.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked.
“Well, for one you’ve been standing in here for like 15 minutes & I can see that you were crying.”
I laughed nervously, “I hate you,” I said as I shook my head.
“No, you don’t you love me.”
“I just met you.”
“Oh, well. Need help?”
“The drinks?”
“Oh, yeah. Thanks.”
Before I realized what happened, Harry pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back murmuring a quiet thank you.
“Yeah, Liam?”
“Can we stay the night?”
I rolled my eyes, “Duh, dummy,” I said as I laid across his lap. Niall walked into the room & threw my legs across his lap, I smiled at him & he smiled back at me.
Tonight’s gonna be great.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here ya go:) I hope you like it. I kinda think this chapter stinks but you can judge it.
~Ash xx