Status: Active

I'll Never Break Your Heart

Chapter 2

-1:30 AM-
I opened my eyes the second I realized that I really had to pee. I ran as quietly as possible, because I remembered the boy band was here, to the bathroom. After I washed my hands I headed back towards my room.
I jumped when I heard a noise from downstairs. I peered over the banister to see the kitchen light on. I crept down the stairs, realizing that my outfit, which consisted of really short shorts & a tank top, wouldn’t scare any attacker. I didn’t care, this was my food we’re talking about.
I peeked around the corner to see Niall sitting on the counter eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I walked in & asked, “Is there enough for me?”
He jumped a little but smiled when he saw it was just meme. I smiled back when he said, “Yep. I’ll get the milk back out for you, cereal’s still out.”
“Thank you, sir,” I said. I stretched as much as I could to get the bowl down. I saw an arm reach over me & hand me the bowl. I turned around & came face-to-face with Niall’s tank-top clad chest.
“Thanks,” I breathed. Wow, I thought, he smells great.
“You’re quite welcome,” he said quietly, looking at me intently.
We stood there for a minute before I broke the silence & said, “Your cereal looks icky now.”
He chuckled & said, as he moved towards his previous seat, “I’ll still eat it.”
I made a face, “That’s icky.”
“What are you? Two?” he said, with his blue eyes showing laughter.
“Nope. I’m five,” I replied, sticking my tongue out at him as I poured my bowl of cereal.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were the same age,” he smirked.
“Scoot over, Ireland,” I smirked back.
“Did I say you could sit by me?”
“Did I say you could eat my Fruity Pebbles?” I retaliated.
“So why are you up so late?” I asked taking a bite of my cereal.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he shrugged & continued to eat his soggy cereal. “Why are you awake?”
“Had to pee. Then I saw the kitchen light on & freaked out thinking I’d have to fight a bad guy dressed like this.”
He chuckled, “Now that I’d pay to see.”
“You won’t have too if Liam let’s me follow you guys around.”
“I’ll make him let you.”
I smiled, “Thank you, Mr. Horan. You know you’re not so bad.” I said taking his now empty bowl & rinsing it out with mine.
“You’re welcome, Miss Payne. You’re not so bad either.” He bumped me taking the bowls & spoons & putting them in the dishwasher.
I smiled & walked into the living room & turned the TV & DVD player on. I looked at the movies. I picked out my top five movies: The Boondock Saints, The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day, Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, Angus, Thongs, & Perfect Snogging, & Raise Your Voice. I laid them on the coffee table & stared at them. I suddenly remembered the Irishman who was leaning against the wall laughing at me.
“What?!” I chuckled.
“Is it really that hard to choose a movie?”
“Have you seen any of these?”
“Alice In Wonderland.”
“Okay, we’re watching Angus , Thongs, & Perfect Snogging & then we’re watching the Boondock Saints movies. And tomorrow we’re watching Raise Your Voice & Alice In Wonderland.”
“Who says I’m staying tomorrow?”
“Me, that’s who.” I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Okay fine but tomorrow we’re getting pizza, drinks, & popcorn & making everybody else watch them with us.”
“Nice doing business with you.”
I shook my head & laughed. We turned the lights out & sat on the couch. Near the middle of the movie I started using Niall as a pillow because he was nice enough to let me. Eventually he started playing with my hair & I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
(1) I'M SO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK FOREVER!!!!!!!! Dx My AP Chem 2 class is killing me plus I have work 3 days a week...okay those sound like excuses but I swear that they're the truth.

(2) This seems kinda badly written to me because I write in school usually but I actually rather like the dialogue between Ellie & Niall.

(3)I need volunteers for Josh's girlfriend. Tell me if you want to be the lucky girl:) message me or comment your name. First one gets it. (I'm bad with names that's why I'm asking)

(4)I hope I can start posting at least twice a week but I don't know that that will happen so let's hope for every weekend for sure. Maybe twice a weekend.

(5)I love that you guys want me to update. Makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside that you like my writing. Helps my confidence level tremendously

'Kay I'm done talking

I love you guys! I want to hug you all for reading.

~Love, Ash :) xx