Status: Active

I'll Never Break Your Heart

Chapter 4

“Elizabeth, you don’t need to listen to me.”
“Zayn, first off you know you can call me Ellie. Secondly, you wouldn’t have come over if you didn’t want me to listen to you.”
He chuckled and nodded, “You’re right.”
“Zayn,” I said sternly. “What’s wrong?”
“Well,” he coughed. “You see, I-my girlfriend thinks that I’m cheating on her.”
“Not true, right?”
“Definitely not true. I would never do something like that. She keeps accusing me of cheating.”
“Well, if you’re not then she must be…” I trailed off.
“No, no she couldn’t be. Could she?”
“My mom said that usually when someone becomes defensive and claiming that their partner is cheating on them then they are more than likely the unfaithful one.”
“I hope that’s not the case here,” Zayn trailed off as he slouched onto the couch.
“Me either. Not be pessimistic but there’s always that possibility.”
“I know. I just wish I knew for sure.”
“Me too.”
“Why do you wanna know so bad?”
“Listen, yeah we barely know each other but there are at least two or three reasons why I want to know. One is that you’re one of my cousin’s best friends. Two is that you’re one of the six nicest guys I know. Three is that I hate not knowing if someone is cheating on/hurting a friend. Four if I find out she is I’ll kick her ass.”
He chuckled, “That’s four reasons.”
“Well, I said at least two or three. There was room for amendments,” I smiled.
“You really care enough about me to do that? I mean, like you said, we barely know each other.”
“Yes. I really care about you. Honestly, I care about all of you guys. Obviously, I care about Liam because he’s my cousin and I haven’t a choice and Josh is my best friend’s cousin so I’m screwed there too but the rest of you are great.”
Zayn laughed. I looked at him as he did. It was nice to see him laugh. I haven’t ever seen him laugh a real laugh. It was short but he seemed like he was feeling better.
“So, what should I do?” He asked suddenly.
I stared at the wall as I thought of an answer. I really had no idea. This boy came to me for help and I have nothing. Well, crap.
“Uhm, well the most extreme thing I can think of is to have someone spy on her. But that’s extreme and iffy and well, weird.”
“No, I don’t think I could find anyone to do that anyway.”
I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and shook my head. He must of saw me because he turned towards me and rolled his eyes.
“ Do you have nothing better to do?”
I glared at him then rolled my eyes, “Do I really have to answer that? My best friend just moved out and I don’t have a job or school. So, Zayn, you tell me: Do I have anything better to do?”
He thought about it. “Well, I suppose not.”
“No, I don’t. Unless you count playing X-Box half the day better than stalking your girlfriend.”
Zayn laughed and I thought about what just came out of my mouth and laughed with him. “I need a life.”
“Too bad you can’t find them at the store.”
“Actually,” I began. “I hear you can find them at the Dollar Store next to the soap.”
He laughed harder this time. I shook my head and chuckled.
“I don’t think you should have anybody, life or not. Follow her. Maybe if she gets worse or you could break it off if her accusations get worse or more frequent,” I said.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Zayn,” I said as I put my hand on his shoulder, the way a teacher would their student, “You will soon learn that I’m always right.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you all know that I have absolutely nothing against Perrie. I think she's beautiful and talented. I also believe that her and Zayn are great together.

I hope you had a grrreeeaaat Christmas. I hope you like this Zayn chapter. :) Have a great day

~Ash Xx