Status: Active

I'll Never Break Your Heart

Chapter 5

*Niall’s POV*
“Where’s Zayn?” I asked when I got to the studio.
“He’s on his way,” Harry said, not looking up from his phone.
We were at the studio to begin work on our second album. Unfortunately, that means we won’t be able to hang out with Ellie much anymore. We were all starting to get really attached to her. She always seemed to try to make sure everyone around her was smiling. It was nice to be around a girl who didn’t freak out every time we walked into the room, no screaming unless she felt like scaring us.
“Sorry, I’m late,” we heard Zayn say.
“It’s alright, mate,” said Liam.
“No, it’s not,” Louis said, Zayn flipped him off. Louis feigned heartbreak.
“It’s actually my fault,” we heard a female voice say from behind Zayn. “Zayn, if you could, I don’t know, move. That’d be wonderful. I’m carrying six drinks from Starbucks that I’m about to drop.”
Zayn pretended to not hear her and just stood there like nothing was going on with a smile on his face.
“Zayn!!!!” the voice whined.
“Okay, Zayn I think you’ve tortured my cousin enough already,” Liam said laughing.
I smiled. She’s here. We had invited her to come hang out with us anytime but she said that she was sure she’d ruin our creativeness, which no that wouldn’t happen. We ruin our creative thinking.
“Oh, Ellie! Aren’t you the sweetest girl ever? I love you so much. Liam can I keep her? She brought us Starbucks,” Louis cried, as he passed out the drinks.
“I’m sure Ellie has better things to do than hang out with us,” Harry said from the couch.
Zayn and Ellie looked at each other and laughed. We all looked confused. Ellie looked at us and explained how Zayn came over and they happened to discuss her lack of a life.
“I think playing X-Box is a great way to spend your day,” I said, thinking of how much I’d love to be playing right now.
She smiled and nodded in agreement.
*Ellie’s POV*
These guys are so amazing to be around. I spent the entire day at the studio with them listening to each of their individual voices. I wound up laying across the four that weren’t in the booth by the afternoon. When it was lunch time, I went with Harry to go get the food.
We walked to Subway, goofing off along the way. When I shivered, Harry put his arm around me and pulled me tight.
“Liam would kill me if you got sick,” he murmured. “Let’s stop in here and get you a coat.”
“No, Harry,” I whined. “I have a coat I just didn’t wear it.”
“We’re getting you a coat.”
“Fine,” I pouted as he pulled me into the store.
“What about this?” he asked me pulling out a pink puffy coat.
“No, no definitely not,” I said in my Olivander impression.
Harry chuckled and held up a pea coat. I pretended to really think about it for a while. I walked around Harry in a circle, nodding in a fashion of consideration. I nodded and said, “Yes, this is the one!” He laughed loudly as he threw the coat on the counter. I gasped when I saw the price & tried to protest but as I tried to speak Harry covered my mouth with his free hand and smiled at the cashier telling her to ignore anything I say because I may be slightly crazy. I glared at him as he paid. When the cashier walked away, I licked his hand.
“Hey! What was that for?!” Harry exclaimed as he pulled the tags off of the coat.
“I’m not crazy! I’m eccentric!” I said, pulling the coat on & walking out of the store.
“Weeeeeeeell,” he said, as we walked into Subway.
I gawked at him as he told the guy that we were here for the order Niall had called in. He turned around to see me staring at him with my mouth open. “You’ll catch flies in your mouth if you stand there like that long enough.”
I closed my mouth & glared at him instead. “You’re an ass.”
He feigned heartbreak while he shoved bags of sandwiches into my hands & rolled his eyes at me. Why did Niall order so much food?
Oh, yeah…
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Day of Silence! I did observe it today in school. I'm very proud of everybody who pledged to participate. We filled up two pages at my school. That's great!
On another note, I hope you like this chapter. I thought that I'd add some of her & Harry's friendship because I have one with Ellie & Zayn's friendship.
I love that you guys read this, thank you:)
~Ash xX