Status: Active

I'll Never Break Your Heart

Chapter 6

*Niall’s POV*
“Where are they?” I whined, rubbing my empty stomach. Harry and Ellie had left half an hour ago to get the food I called in, Zayn was asleep on the couch, Louis and Liam were surfing Twitter.
“Chill out Niall. I’m sure they’ll be here soon,” Liam said.
“Sorry, it took so long,” Ellie said from the door. “This one,” she said, pulling at Harry’s jacket. “Decided he had to buy me a coat.”
“It is a bit chilly out,” I said, looking at her with a smile.
“You should’ve had a jacket to begin with,” Liam said from the couch, not moving.
“You sound like my mother,” I said.
“Maybe you guys should change his nickname from Daddy Direction to Mommy Direction,” Ellie said, taking her coat off.
Liam’s head shot up and he glared at her while she just stuck her tongue out at him. Ellie took the sandwiches from Harry and began opening them on the table and passing them around. She suddenly stopped.
“What’s wrong?” Louis asked.
“We forgot drinks.”
“Oh, El,” Liam said, rolling his eyes.
“What?” she said, whipping her head around to face her cousin. I snaked around her to grab my two sandwiches and chips.
“There’s a vending machine right down the hall.”
“Come with me.”
Liam hit Zayn on his way out of the door, followed by Ellie, to wake him up and tell him food was here.
*Elizabeth’s POV*
“I feel dumb now,” I said as we exited the room and turned down the hallway.
“It’s not like you knew or anything,” Liam smiled down at me.
“I’ve missed you,” I said, leaning in to his side as we walked.
“I’ve missed you, too,” he replied, snaking his arm over my shoulders.
We got to the vending machine rather quickly and began getting the cans of soda for everyone.
“El,” Liam said, quietly.
“What’s up?”
“I’m really sorry, for what I said and then didn’t do.”
“Liam, that was ages ago. We don’t need to worry about what happened in the past anymore. I probably would’ve done the same thing.”
“No, you wouldn’t have. You would have stood by whoever it was in your situation.”
He leaned against the wall. In that moment, I saw how much he had changed through the years. He slumped against the wall in a way that made him look defeated. He looked as though he had the weight of the world on his shoulders and he couldn’t shake it.
“Li, you’re are still my best friend. I know that you meant no harm and that you are sorry now,” I hugged him tightly. We started grabbing the drinks and headed back down the hall.
“You should have been there when I auditioned at X-Factor. I didn’t even invite you.”
“I was still cheering you on, every step of the way. I was just as excited as all those fans you have when you five got thrown into a group. I’m very proud of you for not giving up and giving in to all the negativity towards you guys,” I bumped him with my shoulder.
He smiled.
“I wonder if I could juggle these,” I said thoughtfully, as we walked back into the room.
“Probably not. You’ve never been good at juggling anything but those silly scarves in grade school.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But I was the best at those,” I said smugly.
“Yeah, right. Whatever you say.”
I rolled my eyes at my cousin.
When we walked back into the room I started throwing the beverages at the boys and leaned against the wall and chuckled at something one of them said. A few hours later, we all left to go to dinner. I put my uneaten sandwich in my purse and followed them out of the door. I expected all five of them to be well ahead of me but when I got to the hall I saw Niall standing there waiting.
“I thought you’d be up there with them,” I said with a smile.
“Nah, I thought I’d wait for you,” he smiled back, but then got a very serious look.
“El, are you going to actually eat dinner with us?”
“What? Yes of course I am,” I gave him a look that said I was confused.
“You didn’t eat your sandwich.”
“Oh,” I said. “I wasn’t as hungry but the good thing about it not having sauce on it is that I can put it in my fridge,” I said, brightly.
He nodded, “That sounds like a good plan.”
“Niall,” I pulled him to a stop. “I’m not starving myself, I promise. I really wasn’t all that hungry at lunch. I’m extremely hungry now though.”
He smiled and starting running to catch up with the guys, pulling me behind him.
“Niall, I said that I was really hungry! Not starving and not desperately enough to run!”
He finally stopped running and I doubled over trying to catch my breath. “There-huff-better have been-huff-zombies behind us.”
“Ellie, you don’t believe in zombies,” Liam said, bending down and pulling my on his back.
“While you are correct, because it’s completely illogical, they were the first thing that popped into my head. Also, why are you carrying me?”
“Because we’re all hungry and you’ll get lost if we leave you here gasping for air.”
“Not to mention she could be taken right off the side of the road trying to find us,” Louis said, with a smile.
“I resent that. I can defend myself.”
“El, you decided to try to fight me in shorts and a tank top the first night we were there.”
“If you had been the intruder I thought you were, I so would have kicked your ass. Liam knows I would, huh Li?” I jabbed as I poked his face.
“Yeah, yeah. We’re here. Get off me.”
“You picked me up of your own accord.”
“I regret it,” he said, playfully.
“I resent you,” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.
“No you don’t you love him,” Louis said, with a chuckle pulling me to the table he got. “You’re sitting by me because we never talk because of these people we associate with.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I am an absolute horrible person for not updating sooner. I SHOULD be able to update more after this coming week. This coming week is first semester finals so I'm hoping after I'll be able to make my brain function enough to write.

I hope you like this chapter. I feel like I keep writing fillers, so I'm open to suggestions. :)