Status: There is profanity, sexual themes, and violence in "Apokalipsis". Reader discretion is advised.


A Walking Terror

By the time Ali reached her block, she was going about 60 miles per hour. She swerved into her driveway. There had been more of them on the road.
What was going on?

Ali got out of the car and ran to the porch. The door had been ripped off its hinges and laid on the floor along with broken vases and picture frames.
"Oh no no no no no." Ali whispered to herself. She cautiously stepped inside.
"Mom?" Ali called out. Her voice echoed back at her from the empty house. Her foot caught on a wooden board and she kicked it aside.
"Mom, are you safe?..." Ali whispered. The smell of rotten meat stung her nostrils. Ali held her nose and started searching the rooms. There were blood stains on the carpet, and bloody hand prints on the walls. Tears came to Ali's eyes.

Get it together, Ali thought to herself, mom's gonna be fine.
As she stepped into her bedroom, the rotten smell hit her like a slap in the face. Ali looked down on the floor to see her mother in a pool of her own blood, a huge chunk of flesh ripped from her neck and waist. A ball formed in Ali's throat as she crashed to the ground, sobbing. Her mom's eyes were closed, and extremely visible veins ran up the side of her cheek. Ali cradled her head in her lap.
She hadn't even finished getting ready. Mrs. Brookbank's favorite red dress was on, along with a pearl necklace around her neck, and only one pearl earring in.
They'd gotten to her too soon.
She'd never see Ali graduate.
Ali's tears flowed like waterfalls, spilling onto her mom's torso.
Ali hadn't said goodbye. There were millions of things, in fact, that Ali hadn't told her mom today but she'd wanted to.
Like I love you.
And no matter where I go, I know you'll be there for me.

And now she couldn't.

Ali kissed her mom's forehead, grabbed a bouquet of roses from a vase, and set them in her hands.
Ali turned around and looked at her mother's vanity. Her grandmother gave the family that vanity right before she died. Tons of pictures were taped to the mirror. Ali took one off and looked at it for a while. It was the first picture of Ali they'd ever taken. It was at St. Mark's Hospital where she was born. Her mother was much younger back then; back when she had brown hair instead of blonde. Her mom was looking down at her with the warmest, kindest, sweetest smile on her face. Ali smiled through her tears at the thought of the memory.
She gave the picture a kiss and set it down. Ali looked back up to the mirror and nearly fainted.

Her mom was standing there.

With sickly grey skin,

bloodshot eyes with yellow irises,

and blood dripping from her mouth.

Ali had to get out of there. Fast.


Jay Hudson ran as fast as his legs could take him. They were everywhere. Zombies. No matter how life threatening, scary, and dangerous it all was, he thought it was pretty damn awesome that the zombie apocalypse had happened. The internet predicted it all these years, but everyone waved it off as being 'unrealistic' and 'impossible'. Jay knew something like this would happen.
He wasn't some idiot for thinking this, no. Jay was on his was to becoming an MD. He was a smart kid. But it didn't matter now. Thinking about his college courses right now wasn't the smartest thing to be doing. He had to get as far away as possible from all of this.

He and Will had a plan for when the zombie apocalypse happened. Caitlyn would make fun of them about it, but who's laughing now? It pays to be prepared.
They planned out the place to meet if something like this should happen--the small convenience store in their old town; right in the middle of the colleges that both of them attend. About a 30 minute drive for both of them. There they'd have first aid, food, plumbing, and electricity to supply them for at least a month to figure out what to do next. He hoped Will had remembered. The last they'd talked was 6 months ago. Nevertheless, even if Will didn't show, he'd still have a good place to camp out.

Jay hopped onto his Harley, tossed on his helmet and leather jacket, and sped off. The noise was loud, but Jay was going too fast for any zombie to attack him.

Will Hudson broke the lock of the convenience store gate and shoved hard against it. It was one of those old fashioned gates; the kind where it makes a sort of cage outside the front door. He and Jay noted that this would make for maximum protection. He produced one of his own locks that he brought with him, a combination he actually knew, and clamped it onto the gate to replace the other. Screams echoed through the valley of Ensfield, along with the sound of moaning and flesh eating. Ever since the radiation leak at the power plant, the world had turned to hell. News reporters say that the harmful effects of the radiation had changed the chemical makeup of the scientists on site at the time of the accident. It changed them into none other than the flesh eating creatures that Left for Dead geeks know and love: zombies. The whole story seemed bogus but Will didn't take chances. He wanted to survive this epidemic.
Will kicked the door handles hard and shoved them open. The store overall looked clean; thankfully he wouldn't have to bash any zombie heads in. He picked up a pipe from the corner just in case. Even without the pipe, Will could probably take them. Since junior year in high school, he started working out and lifting weights every day. It made a huge difference now; he wasn't a bodybuilder but he had a nice amount of muscle. He also looked better than he did back then. He got rid of his acne and got his hair cut at a decent barber instead of letting his mom cut it for him. Will even got girls to notice him now, but he didn't care. He'd only wanted one girl since the 8th grade: Ali Brookbank. She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, and he was pretty sure they had a moment at Pine Cove, a summer camp they both went to. But he was an average joe with average grades and average popularity. She was at the top of the class, a cheerleader, involved in sports, and the top of the food chain. He didn't stand a chance. Sure, he could get any girl he wanted to in college now, but he just couldn't compare any of them to Ali. She was perfect.
Will sneaked around the store to do a double check on the premises. He had to be prepared for a surprise attack. Will peeked around a corner and froze. There was blood puddles on the floor and a zombie clerk with a green vest dragging through it. Part of his leg was chewed off and he had a name tag that said 'Carl'. Will held his breath. This was the first time he'd have to fight a zombie.

He knew it wouldn't be his last.

Will sashayed around the corner while Carl's back was turned and he swung the pipe back. God he hoped it was made of metal.
Too late to think of that now.
Will drove the pipe into the zombie's skull, sending blood everywhere and the employee into a shelf. It toppled down cereal boxes and fiber one bars from their designated shelves. Carl was in a heap on the floor.
"Well, I believe that was completely fucking badass, if I do say so myself." Will said, chuckling.

But the fight wasn't over.

Carl's hand shot out from under his body and grabbed Will's ankle. He shrieked like a little girl and reacted instantly, sending the pipe to Carl's skull multiple times until he let go and laid limp. Will tilted the pipe verticle and drove it straight through the zombies skull and out the other side. He took it back out slowly and nearly vomited up his lunch. He stabbed it in the chest just for good measure. Will took Carl's hand and dragged him to the corner, where he opened a box of kitchen trash bags and stuffed Carl in two.
"...Close enough." Will announced to himself. From behind him he heard clapping.

Will jumped and turned around.

"Well done." His brother stood there smiling. Will untensed.

"You are such an asshole." He laughed.
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Thanks for reading! I'm new to Mibba, and if you have any tips i'd appreciate you to help me out and comment!(: -Kitty