Status: There is profanity, sexual themes, and violence in "Apokalipsis". Reader discretion is advised.


Full House

She just sat there, smacking her gums together in a demonic way. Will cleared his throat.
"How the hell did you--"
"Don't question! My arthritis is acting up again." The old lady grunted, dropping her cane to the floor.
"Aw shoot. See what ya did you little shit head? Makin' an old lady drop her cane, what's with these youngins today..." She mumbled, bending over to pick up her cane.
The whole group wore a confused expression.
"Well don't just stand there, ya whippersnappers. Helen needs a bath!" She yelled. Will assumed she was referring to the dead dog on the floor whom she had tied to a leash. A fly swarmed around it.
"Ma'am, I think your dog is dead..." Ali said softly.
"She's just sleepin'!" The old lady snapped. She tugged on the dog's leash and got up from her wheelchair. She put her weight on her cane and hobbled into the frozen food's section.
"C'mon, Helen. Lets find the sauna."

Will, Jay, and Ali all looked at each other.
Jay mouthed "What the fuck?". Will shrugged and Ali giggled, blushing.
It was sick.
Will couldn't stand that he wasn't there to save Ali. He tried to get a weapon, but he didn't get there in time, and Jay stole the limelight. Since then Ali couldn't take her eyes off of him, and Will hated it. She was supposed to be his ever since Pine Cove when they laid together on a hill watching the fireworks show. He was supposed to be the one to save her.
"WOULD ONE OF YOU NICE YOUNG MEN COME AND LUBE UP MAH THIGHS?!" They heard the old lady shout from the other side of the store.

"As much fun as getting intimate with Granny over here sounds, how about we get some fresh air?" Will suggested. Everyone nodded and they walked out the door, standing inside the cage of a gate. Zombies could only detect sound; they could see but only very faint silhouettes. Their hearing was extremely acute, however, or so the website said. The three could stay in the cage if they didn't make too loud a sound.
A gunshot rang out from the distance. The mass of zombies limping around outside the cage threw there heads to where the sound was coming from; somewhere down the street. A lump formed in Will's throat and the three stared at each other in silence. Jay put a finger to his lips.
A feminine scream rang out, but a young one; probably the scream of a 6 year old girl. Ali's eyes had pain written all over them. Will knew she wanted to help the girl.

Then, through the swarm of zombies sprinted a tall, freckled girl with long unkempt brown hair billowing behind her. A small girl with long blonde hair ran alongside her, holding her hand. Will squinted his eyes. He could have sworn he'd seen that long brown hair before.
The girl flung around suddenly and Will got a good look at her.
He new who she was.

Caitlyn Crowe, Will and Jay's best friend since 7th grade when she asked to play football with them during lunch. She'd gone to a college on the other side of the country, however, and the boy's hadn't heard from her since. So what was she doing here? What was she doing here, fighting for her life with an AK47 in her arm and a small child by her side? Jay immediately turned to Will.

"It's Caitlyn!" He whispered.
"I know." Will answered. He went straight for the padlock, working it open. Ali's eyes were frantic.
"You guys are gonna get killed out there!! What the fuck are you doing??!!"
Will looked her dead in the eye.
"She's my best friend. This apocalypse hasn't changed anything. We're still human, and god damnit, I'm gonna save my best friend."
Jay wrapped his hands around the bat he brought with him. Will nodded to him and he nodded back. He shoved open the gate, and they ran at the mother fuckers.
He wasn't afraid anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, sorry for super late update! I've been busy on so many levels, and the next chapter will be longer, I promise.