Sequel: Butterfly Kisses

Fuel to the Fire


The next morning, I woke up with Dan's arm still around me only, I was closer to him. I smiled and moved my head to look at him. He was still sleeping, I giggled quietly at his sleeping form. His hair was in his face slightly and I lifted my hand up and moved it away. He stirred and I waited until his eyes fluttered open and he looked at me.

"Morning love," he smiled. He leaned down to kiss my forehead again.


I turned over to look at the clock and my eyes went wide and I sat up. I crawled out of bed and fell on the floor. "Fuck!" I got up and ran for the bathroom. I brushed my hair quick and went back out to get new clothes.

"What's going on?" Dan stood out of bed now and he was behind me by my dresser. I ran into my bathroom and got changed quick before I came out and grabbed my bag and my phone.

"I'm late for work, I'll call you later!" I kissed his cheek before I grabbed my keys and ran down the stairs and out the door and jumped in my car.


My shift was almost over and I just wanted to go home. There was no one here this morning when I came late so that was good.

I locked up the door and got in my car, driving back home. I opened the door and stepped inside and took my shoes off and walked into the living room.

"Hey guys," I sighed.

They all waved and I didn't see Dan. "Where's Dan?"

Max pointed upstairs and I walked up to see Dan getting dressed.

"Hey, sorry I had to leave in a rush this morning."

He shrugged and slipped his shirt back on. "It's alright."

"Where are you going?" I set my bag down on my bed.

"I need to go home." 

"Are you coming back for film night?" I sounded excited but inside I was disappointed that he was leaving so early.

"I don't know." He put on his beanie and walked out of my room. I watched the door to see if he would come back and kiss my forehead or my cheek or call me love but none of those things happened.

I had no idea what just happened but all night I was miserable. Dan didn't come back and I was confused and frustrated.

I tried to call him over the weekend but it just went to his voicemail. He didn't text or call. Amy asked me if I wanted to go out the next week and I asked her if Dan was going but all she said was no. And that was the answer I always got when she asked me to go out with her and the boys.

I had no idea what I did or what even happened that day but I was going to let him figure it out. I wasn't going to mope around and be miserable because Dan wasn't talking to me. Amy called him one night and he just magically picked up for her and told her he didn't want to talk. 

I was even more confused.

I gave up on trying to talk to him after four weeks. All I wanted was to hear his voice and have him call me love again.