Crossroads of Destiny

Chapter 11: Black out..

Chapter 11:Black out..

I stared fearfully at the large figure standing before me... My father, my homophobic father.
Shit, how was I going to get out of this one?
I wasn't really kissing him.. I was giving CPR.. Would that count?

"What the fuck do you think your doing, you gay bitch?!?" He bellowed...

I struggled to find an answer but I didn't deal wth panic well.. I couldn't find one quickly enough for him..

"Well? Spit it out boy!"

"I- I- I ummmm..I.." I stammered. What was I supposed to say? My best friend passed out on my doorstep and I was giving him CPR? Through the mouth instead of the nose, which I really could have done if I tried... He wouldn't believe me, he wasn't the most uderstanding man..

He walked over to me, his gigantic boots pounding on the hardwood floor and pulled me to my feet by my hair.. Which by the way is very painfull. I gasped in pain and tried to pull away, but he just pulled me closer and put his lips to my ear...

"If you don't start talking something that makes sense, I'll beat you so badly that you won't be able to sit for a week.." He snarled into my ear..

" I think you mean 'saying something'. Not talking something.." Saying that was a mistake..

He looked at me, infuriated by my corrections and backhanded me across the face. 'Slap'
I fell to the floor in yet more pain. I wasn't worried about that though, I was worried about Gerard.. Was he okay?

I clutched my cheek in pain and rose again, yet to recieve another slap to accompany my other cheek.. I didn't fall that time though and my father was obviously upset about that and kicked my stomach.. My hands flew to my abdomen in even more pain.. Too much pain, too much.. I started to feel dizzy as I fell to the floor once more.. My father kicked me again and again. My ass and my stomach and my back hurt like hell.. I screamed in pain for the first time. Tears ran down my face.

Then he suddenly stopped, I opened my eyes to my father lying on the ground, out cold.. Gerard was awake! Yes! He had saved me again.. He crouched down on the floor beside me and kissed me gently on the lips.. Then, probably from the pain, I blacked out..

Okay guys, I need five comments or no new chappie...