Crossroads of Destiny


Just to let you know Gerard in this story will be 17 even though Frank is 15.

Chapter 2: Beautiful

I walked into my classroom. My seat was at the back of the room, right where I liked it.
I nodded to my teacher and started to walk through the rows of desks.
"Hey freak."
"Dated any nice guys lately faggot?"
"How do you cover up your scars emo fag?"

I endured these comments as I walked to my desk.
I plopped down on the cold seat and slouched over my desk. I looked at the teacher, her back was to us, she was writing something on the board. I could care less what she was teaching today, I was an A+ student without even trying.

I slid my hand under my desk and pulled out my favorite sketch book. It had a black leather cover with red stitching. It was probably the oldest thing that I owned, I had it since I was about 6 years old. I was now 15. My father had given it to me after he had learned my love of drawing. Before he knew of my sexual preference.

I pulled out a pencil and began to sketch a baby blue bird in it's nest when someone opened the classroom door.
"Ummmm... Hi, I’m Gerard."
I almost said 'hi' myself before I realized that he was talking to the teacher.

He was BEAUTIFUL!! He had long black hair and pale porcelain skin. He was looking at the class and smiling. He was wearing a Misfits hoodie and tight black pants, which showed off a lot of his, well you know.

His eyes caught mine and I felt an ultimate high that I've never felt before in my life.
"Please sit down wherever you want Gerard"

Sorry it's so short but I will update tomorrow. bye!