Status: Completed.


He takes your hand

"Is your cousin here already?" Zayn asked Louis as they grabbed their bags from baggage claim. The boys had just touched down in California and instead of having someone ready and waiting to pick them up Louis had relied on his cousin who was in the states due to school.

Little did he know she was directionally challenged.

"Uh...well..." He said looking around for any familiar face but coming up short. He hadn't seen his cousin in a few years so he really didn't even know if she looked the same or not. What if he didn't recognize her?

Zayn sighed, "Guess we can wait outside. Maybe you should try and call her."

"Yeah..." Louis agreed and they headed out into the bright sun as he pulled out his phone.

"Is she fit?" Harry asked cutting to the chase and Niall rolled his eyes, "Typical of you to ask Harry."

"Well, don't you want to know if the girl we're staying with is easy on the eyes?!"

Louis looked up from his phone, "She's related to me. Of course she's good looking."

"Ha!" Liam yelled causing the boys to laugh as a black suv pulled up.

"We're going to get kidnapped before she gets here." Harry mumbled as a petite girl hopped from the car.

"You're too little to be driving." Niall said to the girl he's never met.

Olivia gave the kid a weird look, "Nice to meet you too."

"Liv!" Louis said dropping his bag to scoop up his cousin who was the same age as him. They basically grew up together and it was weird to him that he hadn't seen her in person in two years.

"Lou." She said hugging him tightly. She had missed him more than she thought.

"You're friend is an asshole." She stated causing him to laugh.

"Am not! Just saying! It's scary!" Niall said defending himself.

The girl pulled away from her cousin and tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ear. She really didn't look like Louis in the least bit. Her skin was now sun kissed and her hair was darker than his, the only thing they shared was their eyes.

"Hi, I'm Liam." The boy decided to introduce himself first.


"Harry, Zayn and the asshole is Niall." Louis added pointing at each one with a chuckle. Niall rolled his eyes, "I was bloody kidding!"

She giggled, "Come on, put your suitcases in the trunk."

Harry watched the girl not trying to be discreet as his eyes diverted to her too short shorts then to her legs that he didn't mind looking at.

Before he knew what happened a smack to his head brought him to reality.

"Keep looking at her and I'll kill you." Louis said shooting him a look and the boy rolled his eyes before climbing into the backseat of the car. One thing Louis knew was how Harry was with girls and he'd be damned if his cousin became one of them.

"Sorry, I was a bit late. Although I live here that doesn't mean I can get everywhere." Olivia said as she started the car.

"We were only out there for not even five minutes so no big deal." Niall said from behind her.

"Way to try and cover up what you said." She joked and the boy groaned causing the others to snicker.

"Must we stay with her?" Niall asked now hating the idea and Zayn laughed, "I mean, if you want to get a room for yourself you can."

"But it won't be on the beach I bet." Olivia challenged and Niall sighed, "Fine."

"Oh, he will stay with us. He's like you; drectionally challenged."

"Hey! Things are different in Ireland!" Niall defended.

"Awe. Ireland? I love it there. I've been there only once though."

"Oh yeah? Where?" Niall asked now interested and Louis laughed, "Oh now you don't want to insult her?"

"I never insulted her!"

"See, we always pick on him. Clearly it's easy." Liam stated and Niall sat back in his seat crossing his arms, "I'm just going to sit back here with my mouth shut."

Olivia giggled and Harry watched her from where he sat behind the passenger seat. He really didn't expect her to be so beautiful. Her almost black hair along with her bright green eyes. He was taken off guard really. For once he was truly speechless and he didn't know what to do about it.

They finally arrived at the girl's house and they hopped from the car anxiously.

"This is awesome." Zayn said his eyes staring at the beach not to far away.

"Well, hurry up and we can go out there."

He raised his eyes at her, "Bossy much?"

She smiled and grabbed his hand tugging lightly, "Come on."

He couldn't help but laugh simply because the girl had just met him and she was treating him like she had known him forever.

"Um, she's fit." Harry said to Liam who let out a laugh, "Don't even think about it Harry. Louis will kill you."

Harry rolled his eyes as he followed everyone into the house.

"So um, yeah, there's two rooms with two beds and then the couch pulls out as one so it's up to whatever you guys decide."

"I'll take the couch." Liam offered and Harry shrugged, "Guess I'll room with Louis."

"Which leaves Zayn and Niall. Sorry." Olivia responded whispering the last part to Zayn causing Niall to drop his mouth open, "I do not like you!"

Olivia laughed and Zayn ushered her down the hall although he had no idea where he was going.

"Can we go to the beach now?" He asked as she pointed to a room.

"Did you bring swim trunks?"

"I in fact did." He responded dropping his bags onto the floor.

She laughed, "Well let me go change."

He nodded and she left he room, "Beach in ten per Zayn." She said to the other guys and a few let out a few groans as she headed to her room to change into her bathing suit. It wasn't hard to tell that this was going to be a very interesting few months.

"Come on Liv!" Louis yelled down the hall and she groaned as she quickly grabbed the towels she had gathered and left the room.

"Oh sorry. Trying to get you idiots towels." She said and Zayn laughed as he grabbed them to help out.

"Thank you."

He nodded and passed them out, "Let's go."

Harry couldn't help but stare at the barely clothed girl. His hormones were in overdrive and he just got there. It made no sense.

Once on the beach, Olivia opened her towel and laid it out before sitting down on it. The boys did the same, and Zayn hovered over her, "You are getting in the water."

"No thanks."

"Oh, you are." He said, his sunglasses covering his eyes but she knew without seeing them he was serious.

"You go play." She said waving him off and he scoffed, "Play?"

"Leave her alone, Zayn." Harry said from his towel and Zayn looked over at the messy haired boy.

"I mean, just make her go." Harry said hopping from his towel an grabbing up the girl causing her to squeal as he ran to the water.

"Harry!" She screamed clinging to the boy as he laughed and tried to drop her into the water.

"Why are you holding on for dear life?" He asked laughing, "Do you not get in the water ever?"

"No, I uh, can't swim." She mumbled and he stared at her wide eyed, "Seriously?"

She nodded and he held her to him, "Liv. Shit. That's something you should mention! I could have killed you!"

She laughed at the seriousness on the boy's face, "It's ok."

"Is not." He said looking down at her, she was still craddled in his arms as small waves hit his legs since he was almost knee deep. Harry couldn't help the overbearing emotion filling his heart. It nerved him and he didn't know why.

"Are you going to let me down?" She finally asked and he blinked his blue eyes, "Oh. Yeah. Um..." He mumbled before carrying her out of the ocean. Once on safe grounds he placed her on her feet.

Louis eyed Harry as the girl went back to lay on her towel.

"I'm warning you." Louis said as the boy sat beside him.


"He doesn't want you sleeping with his cousin!" Niall said since clearly the boy didn't get it.

"She wouldn't sleep with him. She's too cool." Zayn threw in and Harry glared at the boy, "Why do you think I just want to sleep with her?"

"Really Harry?"

Harry simply rolled his eyes not going to argue anymore. It wouldn't help his case. He just needed to accept that the girl was basically untouchable. But, who was he kidding? He knew he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted.

...and what he wanted was Olivia Tomlinson.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've given in to the trend of which we call One Direction... despite that I'm actually pretty excited about this story.

Enjoy! :)