Status: Completed.


But I see you with him slow dancing.

He showered in a hurry and didn't bother to even dry his hair once he was dressed. There was no point really. The warm air would dry it on the way to the airport.

Once he stepped out of the bathroom, he noticed Olivia sliding on her sandals and a sigh escaped his lips causing her to look up quickly.

"Ready?" She asked and all he could manage to do was nod. She gave him a weak grin trying not to seem as sad as she really was about him leaving. She helped all the guys get their luggage into her car and the drive to the airport was silent for several reasons. Once at the airport and finally inside with their bags all eyes went to the girl.

"Ok, well I'll say it first. I'm going to bloody miss you." Zayn said dropping his bags and scooping the girl up into a hug. She hugged him back immediately and he kissed her head, "Come and visit, yeah?"

"Yeah, I will."


She nodded against his chest and the pair stood their for a moment before Liam tugged her away, "Ok, Liam time."

She laughed before turning around to hug him tightly before he pulled away. Her eyes locked with Niall and she grew uncomfortable. She really didn't know what to do. They hadn't talked much since he found out her and Harry were together. Not that he had been rude or mean in anyway she just still felt a bit wrong.

"You know, he's right, you should come visit." Niall offered trying to be nice again. In all honesty, yes he had a crush on her, but it wasn't big enough for him to be irate about. If anything he missed being able to talk to her about everything.

A grin hit her lips, "I will. I swear."

He nodded and she boldly stepped to him and hugged him tightly.

"We're friends, right?" He asked and she nodded, "I hope so."

"We are."

She grinned as she pulled away and he gave her a wink before moving over to the chairs Zayn already rested on.

"Louis." She spoke spinning around to find the boy already close by. She threw her arms around him and he chuckled, "You act like you'll never hear from me again."

"I hardly do!"

He rolled his eyes, "It'll be different. I swear it. Plus, you're with my mate, kind of hard to avoid you now." He teased and she shoved him causing him to laugh, "Kidding! I love you and I'll text you when we land."

She nodded and he kissed her cheek before giving Harry and her a moment. Their eyes locked and Harry shoved his hands in his pockets, his heart already pounding in his chest.

"Did I mention I hate flying?" He asked with a weak grin. She chuckled softly and he stepped to her. Neither dared to speak as he brought his hand to her cheek. His eyes never left hers as his thumb brushed her skin.

"For what it's worth, if it means anything, I um, I love you. I do." He forced out at a whisper. He had never told a girl that before and for some reason it made him beyond nervous.

Her eyes went wide as her breathing hitched in her throat.

What?" She finally squeaked out and he wrapped his other arm around her waist.

"I said I love you."

"You don't mean that..." She whispered and he nodded furiously, "I do. I thought we've already discussed you don't get to decide what I feel?"

She bit her bottom lip and he grinned, "You love me too."

She glared at him and he leaned in pecking her lips, "Fine. Don't say it."

"You're making me wish you'd leave already."

He chuckled and held her to him, "Now I know you don't mean that."

Her eyes met his as their flight was called and her grasp tightened on his shirt. She bit her lip a bit harder, trying not to cry like she wanted to do which she knew was stupid, but then again, she loved him just like he loved her. She was just too terrified to tell him. Afterall, he would be across the world. He could change his mind once apart.

"I've gotta go." He whispered running his fingers into her hair.

"I know." She got out her eyes diverting away from the boy. He gently brought her face to his, "Everything will be fine. Wait and see, love." He said seriously and she nodded as he cupped her face, "I love you. I'll see you soon."


"I swear to you we will never go longer than a month without seeing each other." He said seriously and she breathed out, "Ok."

He kissed her passionately not caring who was around. This was the last time he'd be able to kiss her for a while.

"Harry! Come on!" Zayn shouted and he groaned pulling away from her unwillingly.

"Go." She spoke with a weak grin. He brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on her palm.

"I love you, Olivia. I mean it. You'll see." He spoke before Liam grabbed at his arm and tugged him away.

"I'll call you soon." He said being pulled away and she chuckled as they disappeared. Once out of view she sighed and walked back to her car even more sad than before. She managed to get to her house without tears but once she walked in and realized how dull her home was without them they seemed to begin falling. She knew it was silly, but she already missed them. She already missed Harry. She fell onto the couch that still smelled like Liam's cologne and wiped her eyes. When did she become so pathetic? Well actually she knew when it happened. When she gave into Harry. She pulled her phone out and decided to send Harry a text even though he wouldn't get it for a while. She needed to stop being so scared of everything.

Harry sighed as he grew impatient in the seat he occupied on the plane.

"Please stop tapping your foot." Louis grumbled and the boy sighed once more, "I'm bored."

"You can turn your phone back on now." Zayn said from the seat behind. Harry quickly turned his iphone back on glad to have some entertainment for a while.

He relaxed in his seat as his phone loaded and dinged signifying he had a text. A grin hit his lips as Olivia's name crossed the screen. He quickly clicked on the text and his smiled widened at the words.

'So, ok yeah, I sort of do love you too...'

Harry swore his heart was going to burst even if it was over text. She loved him. He loved someone and they loved him back. It amazed him how he had never felt this way before. It was a odd, yet amazing feeling.

'So smooth you are. Either way I'll take it. ;) Harry texted back before looking at Louis who was staring at him like he had two heads.


"She loves me." Harry said with a stupid smile and Louis rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I already knew that."

"What?" He asked quickly and Louis chuckled, "She's my cousin, mate. She tell me everything!"

"So she told you we slept together?!"

Louis's eyes went wide, "What?!"

Harry immediately winced, "Oh um, well glad she kept that quiet." He grumbled a bit embarrassed and Louis groaned, "Dude, you slept with her?! Why?!"

"Why?! Really?! She's my girlfriend!" He said at a whisper if possible.

"So?! Must you get in everyone's pants?!"

"Louis, I slept with her for the first time last night! We were there for 3 bloody months!"

"So?! Still, just...ugh." he said shaking himself causing Harry to roll his eyes, "Dont think about it then!"

"I'm trying not to!"

Harry rolled his eyes once more before leaning back in his seat. Louis wasn't going to ruin his mood that was for sure. Her text did make him happier than he was when he got to the airport.

His phone vibrated once more and he immediately looked at his phone.

'Great. Well, just so you also know, I miss you already.'

'Why couldn't you say all this to my face?!'

'It was sad!'

'Haha. Yeah. I would have stayed. You're right. It was for the best.'

Awe. Should have then.. :(

Harry chuckled as he replied and Louis groaned, "Please don't be that guy!"

"What guy?!"

"The dude who's in love and annoying!"

"You should be glad I am since it's your cousin! Rather me treat her like shit?!"

"Well no..." He grumbled and Harry rolled his eyes, "Right. Then shut up."

Louis chuckled, "Just so funny."

"Glad you find it so amusing." Harry mumbled as he shut his eyes once his head hit the seat. This was going to be a long flight.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, let's see how true Harry can really be. ;)

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