Status: Completed.


Tearing me apart

Harry glanced at the blonde girl who passed him with a flirty smile and he nicely smiled back at the girl and kept on walking with Zayn by his side.

"How are you doing it?" Zayn asked his eyes following the rather attractive girl as she crossed the street.

"Doing what?"

"Not checking out any fit girl that pass!"

He shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets, "Just don't really care."

"How do you ever stop caring?!"

"When you meet someone that makes other girls seem boring."

"That's ridiculous. I can't believe you are not going mad yet. It's been 2 weeks already."

"I am." Harry grumbled swishing his hair from his eyes. He was going a bit crazy simply from missing her so much. He didn't even know that was possible until now, but clearly it was. He was literally aching for her. Physically and mentally if possible. He missed the way she smelled, her giggling at their small talk early mornings and how she actually listened to him. He breathed in the cold air wishing for once he was in the states.

The boys reached Harry's place first and Harry told him goodbye before Zayn carried on his walk to his home. The band had a couple of days at home and the two had went for lunch which Harry accepted simply to stop thinking of Olivia for at least a bit.

Harry threw his keys onto the table as he let out a sigh. His eyes ran over the empty apartment and his mind went straight to Olivia. He wanted her here. He wanted to come home from simple things like lunch and be greeted by the girl with her bright eyes and wide smile. He grabbed up his phone quickly and dialed the familiar number. After several rings he almost gave up hope until she answered.


"Hi, Were you asleep?"


"Sorry. It's quite early there, yeah?" H whispered falling onto the couch.


"I'll let you go."

"No! No..." She mumbled and a smile hit his lips as the line went silent.

"I miss you. A lot lately. I don't know. It's just making me mental a bit." He whispered and she spoke, "I miss you too."

"2 weeks is a long time."

"Having doubts, Styles?"

"No. Not at all, love. I just don't want my absence to start effecting you..."

"It's going to regardless."

He sighed and ran his free hand into his unruly hair, "Haven't found some American bloke to replace me yet?"

She chuckled, "Nope."


"Found a real British girl yet?"

Harry laughed, "I don't want'em."

"We will see."

Harry frowned, "What does that mean?"

"We will see how long that last."

"What?" He asked slowly as he sat up as if that would make this easier to take.

"Just saying, we will see how long you can keep it in your pants."

His jaw clenched probably taking it more harsh than she had meant it, but still.

"I'm kidding." She added sensing his silence as a bad thing.



"No. I get it." He grumbled out now pissed off that he was spending all of his time thinking of a girl who clearly assumed he was thinking of anyone but her.

"Harry, I was joking. Relax."

"No, you weren't. Honestly, Liv, I love you. Do you think so low of me?"

"Harry! I was joking!" She said loudly into the phone and he shook his head as if she could see. An uncomfortable silence covered their line and Olivia was now worried he was in fact mad at her.

"I love you." She finally put out there and he breathed in, "You don't trust me."

"I do."

"You don't."

"How can you tell me what I feel?!" She squeaked out and he couldn't stop the smile from hitting his lips, "Sounds familiar, yeah?"

"Shut up." She grumbled now angry over the whole situation.

"Just know if you were here I'd definitely be covering you in kisses right now because of how cute you are mad."

"...You're really aggravating me."

He chuckled, "I love you."

"I really don't want to talk to you right now..." She grumbled wanting to just go back to bed since the turn of this conversation.

"Please come see me." He said ignoring her protest.

"Please. I'm willing to beg if needed. I have to see you." He added before she could throw in any words.



The line went silent again and he sighed, "If you're concerned that I won't be able to wait, then don't. I just, I want to see you."

"Will you please stop saying that." She groaned and he shut his eyes, running his hand down his face, "Sorry..."

"Do you want me to come or not?" She asked and he breathed in, "I want you to come..."

"You don't sound too sure about that."

"Bloody hell, I want you to come here, Olivia. Either do or don't. It's up to you!"

"So you can call me back when you aren't in a bad mood." She said growing annoyed quickly.

He groaned, "Olivia, I'm not in a bad mood. I just am missing you a lot, you clearly don't trust me, and I'm having to practically beg for you to come out here. I'm just frustrated."

"I never said I wouldn't come see you."

"Clearly it's implied." He mumbled.

She breathed in before speaking and he was already pacing the floor for no reason, but to calm him down.

"So when am I leaving?" She asked. She hating giving in when she wanted to just argue back with him, but she missed him and although he was acting like an idiot she knew how he did too.

"What?" He asked a bit surprised by her response.

"When should I start packing?"

A smile hit Harry's lips and relief filled his gut at the thought of seeing her.

"Now, love. I'm buying the first plane ticket available."

"Alright,well let me get off of here."

"Alright...Oh and Liv?"


"I love you. I'm sorry I was an asshole. I just really miss you. I'm not use to going this long without you." He said honestly.

"I know. I love you too. I can't wait to see you."

The pair said goodbye and Harry was now so happy he couldn't stop smiling. She was going to be here in his apartment. With him. It made him a bit nervous actually. Nervous to have her in his world. What if she changed her mind about him?

He tugged on his hair before forcing himself to his laptop to buy her a plane ticket. She would be here by 2 in the morning which he knew he'd still be up, but he wasn't sure how ready he was for it.

He texted her with the time and that the ticket was ready for her and then quickly called Liam. He would make him feel better about it.

"Hello?" Liam said all too happy and he sighed, "I talked Olivia into coming for a few days and I'm bloody nervous and I don't know why. What if the guy I am here isn't who she thinks I am there and..." He rambled and Liam cut him off, "Relax."

Harry took a big breath and exhaled feeling a bit better.

"Mate, she loves you. That isn't gonna change. You aren't a different person here. Relax."

"Right..." Harry mumbled as he settled on the couch trying to calm himself.

"Just be happy that she's flying out here even if it is only for a couple of days."

"Right. You're right. Thanks man."

Liam chuckled, "You really aren't use to this huh?"

"Use to what?"

"Truly liking someone."

"Well...guess not."

Liam chuckled, "Well, just call me if you need another pep talk and bring Liv over soon."

Harry laughed, "She'll probably rather see you guys then me anyways so ok."

The pair said goodbye and Harry decided to clean up his apartment while he wasted time. To be honest, it was the slowest day of his life. He changed outfits 20 times before finally deciding on one and he then had to spend the next hour hanging everything back up. By the time one came he was beyond anxious. He drove to the airport as if running late and he ended up pacing waiting for her for 30 minutes.

"And how long have you been waiting?" He heard and spun around quickly. A smile immediately hit his lips at the girl in front of him.

"Bout half an hour." He managed to get out and before he could move her arms were wrapped around his torso.

"I've missed you." She spoke into his shirt and his smile widened, "You have no idea." He whispered throwing his arms around her tightly. He breathed in the smell of her hair as he shut his eyes tightly.

"Let me grab your bag so we can go." He spoke forcing himself to let her go. The girl nodded and he quickly went to retrieve her suitcase.

The pair didn't say much as they walked to the car. He honestly was too content with her beside him. Once in the car he grabbed up her hand, placing kisses over the top as he drove to his apartment.

"I bloody love you." He breathed out and she watched him as they came to a stop at a red light. He glanced over at her and a grin hit his lips, "What?"

"Nothing. You just seem different."

"Different in a good way?" He questioned as the fear he discussed earlier hit him.

"Yeah. Just seem more calm here."

He laughed, "I seem more calm driving you mean."

She giggled, "Yes. Definitely."

He leaned over and kissed her cheek quickly before the light turned green.

"You live alone?" She asked as they pulled up at his place.

"Scary huh?"

"A bit."

He laughed as he grabbed her bag from the back.

"A bit offended by that."

She smiled and he led her to his door. He unlocked it and allowed her in first.

Her eyes came in contact with the rather clean room as he flipped on the light.

"Mhm. Doesn't look like a boy lives here."

"Thanks? I think..."

She laughed and he dropped her bag on the floor.

A grin hit his lips as she studied his place. His eyes never left her as she looked over some pictures his sister had placed in frames months ago. He assumed it didn't look like a guy's place afterall.

"Is this your sister?" She asked and he instantly nodded, "Yeah. Last christmas I believe."

"You look alike."

He chuckled, "Don't tell her that. She hates hearing that."

She laughed softly her eyes moving to a family photo.

"Do you want to meet them?" He asked nervously. He didn't know why that made him nervous. Probably because he had never let a girl meet his family, but for some reason he wanted her to meet them. He wanted to prove he could find someone worth dating.

Her eyes moved to him immediately and he shoved his hands into his pockets as he waited for her to answer. Maybe that was too much.

"I'd love to." She finally said her eyes diverting back to the pictures. A weak grin hit his lips. He didn't know why she made him feel so vulnerable, but times like this made him not regret it.

"I'll ring my mum tomorrow then."

She nodded and stepped over to him. His green eyes met hers and she wrapped her arms around him.

"You make me nervous." He whispered as she pressed her face against his chest.

She moved enough to look at him with a serious look on her face and he quickly spoke, "Not in a bad way. I just, I don't you make me want to be makes me nervous."

She pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth as her fingers tangled in his hair at the back of his neck.

"I love you." She whispered and he grasped her waist, "I love you too."

"You really aren't a bad guy, Harry Styles."

A grin hit his lips, "I could've told you that."

She chuckled and he pulled her in, crashing his lips to hers. He didn't have to say anything else as he carried her to his room. If they could work out the distance, he was certain nothing would get in between what they had.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe. Harry is so love struck. :3

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WhoAreYouJudy (Awe, I'm glad you think so! :) )