Status: Completed.


Cause you don't see.

Harry watched the girl sleep from his side of the bed in content. Having Olivia here just felt right. It amazed him how he could feel better just at the sight of her. He really did love her and for once, he was ok with that. He gently climbed from the bed after placing a kiss on her forehead. He tugged on his blue jeans as he headed to the kitchen with a yawn. He knew she wasn't use to the time change but he was wide awake since it was already 10 in the morning. He made some tea and chuckled to himself as he decided to attempt to make coffee for Olivia. She was so American and she didn't even know.

"What are you doing?" He heard and spun around to see the girl with a smile on her face.

"Making coffee."

"Trying to you mean."

A frown hit his lips, "for you not me."

She chukled and stepped to him taking the coffee from his hand, "So sweet." She whispered raising up to kiss his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah."

She flashed him a smile before quickly putting the coffee in the coffee pot he had never used.

"Oh that isn't that hard..."

She laughed and turned to face him, leaning against the counter.

"Have I mentioned how happy that I am you're here?"

"No, I know."

He laughed sliding his arms around her waist, "Oh you do?"

She nodded and he brushed her hair back from her face.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

He kissed her forehead and pulled her to his chest, "Can we just stay here all day?"

Before she could respond his phone went off and he groaned before sprinting to the bedroom. Ironically it was his sister and he couldn't help but grow nervous.

"Hello?" He spoke after clearing his throat. He walked slowly back to the kitchen where Olivia was pouring coffee into a cup.

"Well hello dear brother. Been home for two days and yet you haven't seen your family."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Sorry, Olivia is here."

"Olivia? Louis's cousin? You are still with her?" She asked in surprise.

Harry groaned, "Yes! I am."

"Mhm. Interesting."

"Right, I think I'm going to bring her to mum and dad's later if you'd like to come by."

"You're bringing a girl home?"

"Bloody hell! Yes I am! I'll see you around noon!" He spoke before hanging up and Olivia chuckled, "Right, such a great relationship."

Harry laughed, "Do you mind if we go over there around lunch?"


"Alright, well, why don't you go get ready because it takes you longer."

She made a face and he chuckled leaning in and kissing her lips, "What? It's true!"

"Actually I think you take longer, but I'll amuse you and go first."

The boy laughed and she patted his chest before leaving the kitchen. Harry smiled and leaned against the counter. He didn't care what his sister said. He wasn't surprised this was working out. Olivia was amazing and there was no one else he'd rather be with.

"Told you." Olivia stated wrapping her arms around the boy from behind as he still messed with his hair in the bathroom mirror.

Harry rolled his eyes and dropped his hands from his hair. Her hands on his bare torso causing him to shiver.

"Well are you ready?"


He grinned and placed his hands over hers. She pressed her lips to his back before removing herself from him and he spun around quickly.

"Will you go pick out a shirt for me?" He asked grasping her waist. His eyes scanning over her only to land on her lips.

"And why should I?"

"Because you love me and I take forever."

"That you do."

He grinned and she sighed, "Ok."

Harry pulled her in and finally kissed her.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered between their kissing and she had to force her hands off him.

"Let's just stay here." He tried to convince her and she shook her head, "We already told them we'd come by."

"So? I can blow them off they are my family after all." He said pulling her back to him and she laughed, "Oh my gosh. No. We are going."

He stuck his bottom lip out hoping that would help. He just wanted to stay here locked up in his apartment with her for the rest of the day or hell, even week.


The boy sighed realizing he wasn't going to get his way.

"I'm already preparing myself for the embarrassment ahead."

She laughed and placed her hands on her face, "It'll be fine. If it makes you feel better, I'm very nervous."

"What? Why? Don't be. You're perfect. I just know they are going to embarrass me." Harry said seriously.

She grinned before pecking his lips, "I'll go get your shirt."

He nodded and she quickly left the bathroom. He breathed in trying to calm himself. Whether she knew it or not this was a big deal to him. She came back with a button up shirt which he quickly threw on.

"You act like you've never seen your family before." Olivia stated as they headed out to his car.

"It's not that. It's just...this is a big deal, love. I haven't ever brought a girl home, Liv." He breathed out as he started the car.

"Really?" She asked a bit surprised. Sure, she knew he wasn't the relationship type, but she really didn't think it was this big of a deal.

He nodded and she spoke, "We don't have to go, Harry."

"No." He said glancing over at her, "No, we are going. I want them to meet you. It just makes me nervous is all."

She watched him from her seat and he reached over grabbing up her hand, "It's fine. Really. I love you, Olivia."

"Love you too." She whispered and he gave her hand a squeeze as they continued their drive.

It wasn't long after that they arrived at his parent's home. Harry had to force himself from the car and he grabbed Olivia's hand as they made their way to the door.

"Calm down." She chuckled and he rolled his eyes, "Easy for you to say."

He knocked before opening the door, "Mum?" He called out pulling her into the home. Her eyes wondered around as he called for his mom again. Pictures of him and his sister were basically everywhere and she was brought back from her thoughts as his mom appeared.

Harry dropped her hand in order to hug the woman.

"I told the brat she better be here since she made such a big deal about me being in town."

Mrs. Styles laughed, "Your sister went to the store with your dad real quick and stop being rude, you must be Olivia." The woman said with a smile and Olivia returned it quickly, "I am. Nice to meet you." She responded shaking the woman's hand.

"You too. You are not what I expected. I mean that in a good way. The girls Harry usually gravitate to are ones you don't want your parents to meet if you get what I'm saying."

Olivia chuckled and Harry groaned rolling his eyes, "Mum!"

"Which is probably why he hasn't ever brought one home." They heard only to see his sister walking in with Mr. Styles.

"Hello Gemma." He mumbled and she messed up his hair, "Oye, brother. How have you been?"

He rolled his eyes swatting at her hand.

"You must be Olivia. I'm Gemma." The girl spoke with a smile.

"Nice to finally meet you."

"Finally? Surprised he even metioned me!"

Harry rolled his eyes and Olivia laughed, "Oh don't let him full you. He missed you."

"Awe." Gemma responded and Harry groaned, "Olivia."

Olivia laughed and Harry pulled her to the couch. He had to sit down if they were going to keep embarrassing him.

"I was going to make some lunch, are you two going to stay?"

Harry nodded and Olivia spoke, "Do you need help?"

"Oh no honey. Gemma is going to help."

The girl rolled her eyes causing Olivia to chuckle as the two went into the kitchen.

"Feel better now?" She asked Harry and he grinned, "A little. I mean, I wasn't worried about them liking you. Who wouldn't?"

She rolled her eyes and he smiled before kissing her cheek. Oddly he was happy to be here. Yes, he had been nervous but now that he was with his family and she was here with him, well it seemed to all feel right.

"I'm going to go get us drinks. I'll be right back."

She nodded and he pecked her lips before heading to the kitchen where his family was gathered. All eyes went on him and he shifted on his feet, "What?"

"She's lovely Harry." His mom said and he grinned.

"Yeah, she's pretty. I'm a bit shocked." His dad joked and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Think this will last?" Gemma asked of course cutting straight to the chase.

"Yes, Gem. It will because I love her." Harry grumbled. He hated how little faith they had in him. It was a bit insulting.

"Love?" His mom asked with a raised eyebrow. That was not a word she was use to hearing from him.

"Yes. I love Olivia. That's why it's going to last."

"Does she love you?" Gemma asked causing Harry to groan once more, "Yes!"

"Are you sure?"

"Are you saying it's impossible? Look, I went through hell to get her so yes, I know it's true. The girl hated me for weeks!"

His mother flashed him a smile, "Well if you two are in love that's wonderful. Maybe I will have grand children one day after all!"

"Bloody hell...I'm going back in there." He grumbled quickly leaving the kitchen and falling back beside the girl.

"What happened to our drinks?"

"It was brutal in there. I failed."

She laughed and he slid his arm around her waist and pressed his lips to her jaw.

"However my family likes you already. They don't believe you love me, but I mean, I guess I don't either so..." He joked and she looked up at him, "But I do."

"I know." He whispered bringing his hand to her cheek, "Just you know, makes no sense to."

"Well, guess you need to accept it."

He chuckled, "I do."

He kissed her quickly and held her to his chest. He didn't care if it made no sense, he loved her and she loved him and really that's all that he cared about. If she said it, he believed it. It was that simple. Hopefully she felt he same way.
♠ ♠ ♠
They're so cute. :3
But prepare yourself. Drama lies ahead. ;)

I literally have 6 active stories, I really don't know how that happened, but that explains my slow updates in case you were wondering. :/

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