Status: Completed.


Whenever you kiss him I'm breaking.

Olivia couldn't believe she had been nervous about meeting Harry's family. By the end of the night she felt like she had been around them for years. It just felt normal.

"It was lovely to meet you, Olivia. You must come back." Mrs. Styles spoke at the door as the pair slid there coats on, "It was nice meeting you too and I definitely will."

Harry grinned as he hugged his mother, "She's a keeper Harry. Try and do the right thing."

"Trust me, I will." Harry said sincerely. They said goodbye to his dad and sister and the couple quickly ran to the car to try and get back to being warm.

"I love your family." Olivia stated halfway back to his house. A smile lit his lips before he spoke, "And they loved you." He responded grasping her hand, "As do I." He added and she diverted her eyes to him as he kissed the top of her hand softly.

"I love you too."

He gave her hand a squeeze and the drive back to his house was silent. Once their he led her inside where he stripped out of his coat and shoes. He fell onto his bed and patted the spot beside him urging her to joing him she laughed as she sat her coat down and moved beside him.

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to him, "I just want you to stay here with me."

"You know I can't. I tried so hard to get away from here." She whispered and he sighed, "But that was before me. I can't leave here. I mean I could, but that would be the end of one direction."

"I wouldn't ask you to do that, Harry."

"But I would if I could. I would in a heart beat." He said seriously, "Just because while we were apart I realized something. The thought of coming home to you here or being able to sleep with you every night, it just really got to me. I want that. I want to know when I have time like this from touring that I can spend it with you."

She bit her bottom lip as she stared at the green eyed boy. She wanted that to, but it wasn't that simple.

"I can't do that. Louis has invested too much in me and my schooling."

Harry knew she was right about that and he couldn't blame her, but it still didn't mean he hated it.

"What if you transferred to a school here? Then it wouldn't be."

She sighed and he waited for her to speak.

"Do you not love me?" He asked his eyebrows narrowing together. What if she didn't love him as much as he loved her?

"Harry, of course I do."

"I just don't know how this is going to work, Liv. How am I going to keep you if I can't even see you?" He asked and she shook her head, "You already have me. I'm not going anywhere."

He groaned and buried his face in the pillow.

"Harry." She spoke softly running her fingers into his hair.

"Look, when I graduate. I will move in with you. I promise."

"Which is when?" He asked raising up to look at her.

"Two years."

He winced and dropped his head back to he pillow.

"Two years? Bloody hell Olivia. That's a long time."

"I know..."

Before he could speak his phone rang and he groaned as he reached over for it.

"Hello?" He answered and Niall's voice hit his ears, "Hey, so last minute, but we have a interview that we have to go to. Supposedly it's a big deal. Can you be ready in 30?"

Harry groaned, "Yeah. Guess so."


Harry hung up with a sigh, "I've gotto run to an interview real quick. You going to be ok? You can come if you want." He spoke as he got up from the bed and grabbed a blazer from his closet.

"No. I'm fine. I'll stay here."

"Ok, shouldn't take long." He said seriously as he leaned down to kiss her.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered and he kissed her once more, "Don't worry about it, love. Seriously. If this is the way it has to be well, we will figure it out. I'm not planning to be without you." He added with a grin.

She nodded and he brushed her hair back, "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Ok. Have fun."

He nodded and quickly fled from his place in order to make it to Zayn's so they could ride together.

Once he arrived Zayn happened to be walking with Louis to his car.

"Oye, wait up!" Harry shouted sprinting to the car.

"Oh sure. You can ride."

Harry rolled his eyes and jumped in the back.

"Where's Olivia?" Louis asked and Harry spoke, "Home. She didn't want to come."

"What's wrong with you?" He asked sensing something was off about the boy.

"Nothing. I just asked Olivia to move here and of course she won't because she said you've invested too much and yeah I get that, but it's not like she would stop her schooling." He said just spilling his guts.

"I wouldn't care..." Louis said seriously. He honestly wouldn't. He just wanted her happy. The money really didn't matter to him.

"Well you should tell her that."

"Why do you want her here?" Zayn asked and Harry rolled his eyes, "Because she's my girlfriend."

"Not what I meant."

"Why wouldn't I? I just don't want to live miles apart. It sucks."

"But you want her to live with you? I mean, that's serious shit."

"I know it is. I've already thought it through and yeah, I actually do want her to live with me. I love her."

"Mate, I'll talk to her." Louis said seriously only because he wanted both of them happy and he was worried what the distance would do to Harry. He already couldn't believe the boy had kept this relationship up and wanted to continue the process.

"Thanks." Harry mumbled as he leaned against the door. Hopefully Louis would talk her into just staying. Yes, he would be touring for a while, and maybe he was just being selfish, but it just seemed logical for her to stay here. Then again he didn't want her to be unhappy. If her living there and him here was what she wanted he'd just suck it up and do it simply because he couldn't be without her. He wasn't ashamed to admit that.

"When will you talk to her?" Harry asked and Louis laughed, "When we get back I will. Relax."

Harry sighed. He was just going to stay positive. Afterall, there was a possibility that Louis could talk her into moving back and he couldn't let that hope go quite yet.

The interview eemed to last longer than heliked and the more personal the questions got the more ready he was to leave.

"That wasn't too bad." Liam stated and Harry shrgged as he looked down at his phone for the time. He just wanted to get back to Olivia.

"Want me to drop you two off at Harry's? I'm not getting involved." Zayn said once in the car and Louis nodded.

Harry breathed in, "I don't know. She'll get mad at me."

"Can I not just come see my cousin?!"

Harry shrugged. Well he did have a point. Once Zayn dropped them off Harry followed Louis inside.

"Liv?!" Louis called out and h found her sitting on the couch.

"Well hello dear cousin." She joked and he chuckled falling beside her, "How's it going?"

"Oh great. Just trying to figure out where you are going with this."

Louis chuckled as Harry shot him a look, "I'm going to shower." He grumbled not knowing what else to do. Louis simply nodded ad the boy quickly left the room. Once he heard the water running he decided to speak, "Move here."

"Figured Harry said something."

He chuckled, "Yeah well of course. It's Harry afterall."

She shrugged and he continued, "Liv, look, you could never disappoint me, don't ever think you can't do what you want. Seriously, just do what makes you happy. If being here would. That then do it. You aren't going to hurt me in anyway or make me mad. Not like you'd be dropping out of school."

"I know, I just wanted away so badly."

"Right and you got away for two years. Maybe you should come home. Plus, Harry is here. I'm here. What would be so bad about it?"

She shrugged and he sighed, "Not like I'm making you see your parents, Liv."

"I know."

"But I can't make the decision for you. Only you can, but you should at least think about it."

"I will."

Louis nodded with a grin, "Great. Well my work is done. Don't be mad at him for saying something. He just wats to be with you."

"I won't." She whispered and he patted her head, "I'll see you later."

She rolled her eyes and he kissed her cheek, "Love you Liv. You know, I wouldn't mind you being here again. It would be like old times."

She smiled, "I know."

The pair said goodbye and she relaxed against the couch thinking over his words. She knew she was right but the thought of being back here forever made her feel trapped and she hated that, but the again, things would be different this time around. Her thoughts were interrupted by Harry walking in freshly showered in just his jeans as he towel dried his hair.

"You mad at me?" He asked assuming she would be and the girl shook her head no.

"No?" He asked a bit surprsed and she shook her head once more. He dropped the towel onto the couch before sitting beside her. His green eyes studied her as if this was a joke.

"Then what's the matter?"

"Nothing. Just thinking."

He simply nodded and she brushed his damp hair from his forehead. He didn't bother to move just watched her intently as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"I'm not trying to be a jerk you know? I mean, I want you to be happy. If that's in California, then so be it. Don't do something just because I want it." He said seriously.

"I know, Harry."

He grinned weakly and she kissed the corner of his mouth, "I love you though."

"I love you too which is why we will figure it out."

She threw her arms around him and he pulled her to his chest. He really didn't know if anything had been resolved, but he decided he just needed to relax. He only had a few days wth her and he didn't want to ruin it over something that he would be able to work around. He had no problem flying every weekend to spend a day with her. If he had to he would. Guess he was in love afterall...
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter things are going to get interesting. ;)

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