Status: Completed.


Oh how I wish that was me.

"Olivia, can you bloody hurry up I'm starving!" Harry whined and she emerged from his bedroom.

"Dude, I'm putting on my shoes!"

"Never call me dude..." He said laughing although he was trying not to.

"Why? Are you not?"

"Well yeah, but see, when a girl calls a guy that, it's an insult. It's like, oh she calls him dude, they will never be more than friends."

She laughed, "Ok, that is true, but we are together so..."

He rolled his eyes with a grin, "Are you ready?"

She nodded and he held out his hand, "Then come on pretty girl."

She placed her hand in his and he smiled, "Sure you can handle the chilly air? It's been a while." He teased as they left his place.

"Shut up."

He laughed as they started their short journey to get some dinner.

"Hi Harry." Some blonde girl spoke as she passed the pair. He mumbled a hello and Olivia really didn't think anything of it. Afterall, he was a bit famous.

Another girl waved to him as they crossed the street and Harry sighed as he pulled her into a small resturant.

"Should have invited the guys." She said and he rolled his eyes, "No. I'm selfishly keeping you to myself while I have you."

She laughed as a waitress walked up and Harry immediately shifted in his seat.

"Can I get you two anything to drink?" She asked and Harry tried to focus on the menu to distract himself.

"Um water please."

"The same." He said forcing himself to look up at the girl he didn't really know, but knew better than he wished if that makes sense.

"Oh Harry, you're back in town." The girl said smiling as she flipped her hair from her shoulder.


Olivia snickered as she looked over the menu. Her eyes only diverting up due to the next thing that left her mouth.

"You should call me when you have some free time." She spoke giving him a wink before walking away. Olivia's eyes went to Harry who sighed, "Don't ask."

"So wait...the girls that we passed coming in wasn't fans I take it."

He sighed, "Olivia...yes, ok? I have a past. I can't change that."

"A past with the whole town."

"That isn't fair."

"Isn't fair that you're a man whore?"

He groaned, "Oh come on! Seriously Liv? How am I man whore when I've been with you since beginning of the summer!"

"Fine let me rephrase that. You were a man whore."

He rolled his eyes, "Maybe so, Liv. But I'm clearly not now."

Olivia shook her head and just decided to shut up before she said something that she couldn't take back.

"What Olivia? What? Just fucking say it. Since when do you hold anything in?" He asked crossing his arms clearly growing a bit aggravated.

She laughed and got up leaving the table. Harry sighed and placed his face in his hands. He just didnt understand. What just happened here?

"Oh. Where did your yank friend go?" He heard and looked up to see the girl he couldnt remember the name of.

"She's not my friend. She's my girlfriend." He said seriously. He just didn't understand why people couldn't take him seriously.

"You have a girlfriend?" The girl asked chuckling as if she didn't believe it.

"Yes. In fact I do. I've got to go." He said throwing some money on the table before sprinting out of the place to try and find the girl. Hopefully she could keep her as his girlfriend.

He sprinted down the sidewalk to catch up with her as his mind raced.

"Olivia." He breathed out grabbing her wrist and she sighed, "What?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For whatever I did wrong."

She laughed and pulled her wrist from his grasp, "I know you aren't use to dating a normal girl, but that doesn't work that easily, Harry."

He groaned and reached out grabbing her waist before she could get too far away from him.

"Harry let me go."

"No. We're gonna bloody talk about this." He said not caring how much she struggled to get away.


"Doesn't work like that."

"Of course it doesn't. We can't do anything opposite of what Harry Styles wants."

He clinchd his jaw tightly knowing very well she was just trying to get him all worked up.


"And of course..." She started to say and he cut her off, "Olivia!" He said a bit louder as he pulled her to him until her back hit his chest.

The girl shut her mouth trying so hard not to just turn around and punch the boy in his pretty face.

"Hey, I love you, ok? I love you. Only you." He whispered as he cuddled her to him, his chin relaxing on her shoulder. He felt her relax in his arms and he pressed his lips to her neck, "Tell me what's the matter. Please. It's driving me crazy."

"Just not fun finding out that everyone who sees me with you probably thinks I'm just your flavor of the week."

"But you're not. I know that. You know that. Everyone that knows us knows that."

Olivia kept quiet and he kissed her cheek, "I can't go back and change everything I've done. I wish that I could, but I can't. What's done is done."

The girl sighed and he slid his hand to hers, "Come on. We can go home and order in."

"Fine." She mumbled and he began to lead her back to his place. The silence he wasn't use to and it made him worry that there was more to what happened then she was letting on.

"Liv." Harry spoke after he ordered chinese that they decided on. Well that he decided on, she just nodded. The girl was sitting on the couch indian style and she looked over at him once he entered.

"You're mad at me still." He spoke honestly as he leaned into her.

"I am not."

"You are so."

She shrugged and he kissed the corner of her mouth, "I just wish you'd tell me why."

"I'm not mad."

He sighed, "Well I have to go pick up the food. Wanna come with me?"


He groaned and rolled his eyes. He was getting frustrated and he didn't know how to stop it.

"It's ridiculous that you are mad at me for something I have no control over."

"I am not mad! I will be if you keep asking me though!"

"Whatever." He grumbled grabbing up his coat before leaving. He sighed as he dialed Louis's number. He could walk to the chinese place so he figured he'd do that to cool himself down.

"Ello?" Louis answered and Harry sighed, "Olivia's mad at me for something I can't control!"

Louis chuckled, "I love how you call me like I can change her mind."

"You usually can."

"Tell me what happened."

Harry didn't waste time going into the whole spill and once he was done he felt a bit relieved already.

"Harry, did you ever think she just wanted you to may be mention to these girls or hell anyone but us that you have a girlfriend? Maybe she does feel like another one of your girls because you're treating her like she is."

Harry came to a stop outside of the restaurant and sighed, "Fuck. I am. Well, I mean, not completely but still."

"Right. Well glad I could help. I need to start charging for my services." Louis joked and Harry stifled a laugh, "Whatever. Bye."

The pair hung up and Harry felt a bit better simply because he now had hope he could fix the issue at hand. He breathed in and walked inside the place. He paid for their food and on the way out he ran into the waitress girl from earlier. He bit his lip as the girl smiled.

"Find your girlfriend?" She asked and he nodded, "Clearly."

"Shame. Well when you get bored. Give me a call."

"I'm not going to get bored, and it's best if next time you do not speak to me. Especially if she's not around me."

"Why? Is she jealous?"

"No, I'm just over my mistakes being trown in her face."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Whatever. She must have been upset earlier. Poor baby."

He stifled a laugh, "Trust me, if she would have been mad she would have said something to you. See you around." He mumbled before leaving her standing there. He breathed in as he headed back home. He didn't blame Olivia for being upset with him. He had a past that even he was ashamed of and he probably should have given her a heads up about it. It now seemed stupid not to bring it up.

He finally walked into his home and Olivia was still itting where hpe left her. He placed the bag of food on the tale before moving to where she was. He sat on his knees in front of where she sat and she had no choice but to look at him.

He slid his arms around her waist and a sigh left his lips, "I love you, Liv and I'm sorry for not telling that stupid girl that you are my girlfriend. I didn't think it through and I'm sorry for not telling you what you were getting yourself into by dating me. Yeah, I have a shitty past, but who I was then is not me now. Meeting you changed everything, Olivia." He breathed out and she bit her bottom lip feeling herself crumbe thanks to his sad, green eyes.

"But I'm with you not anyone else and I want it that way." He added bringing his hand to her cheek.


He sighed, "Ok? I'm not really sure if that's actually ok."

She grinned softly, "It does."

"So you're not mad at me?"

"I never was."

"Right. Well I just want us to be ok. You only have a few more days here and I don't want them to be spent apart."

"They won't." She spoke and he leaned in kissing her lips, "Still love me?"

She chuckled, "Yes Harry, I love you."

He grinned, "Good. Do you wanna eat now?"

She nodded and he kissed her once more before moving to his feet. He grabbed the bag and she followed him to the kitchen. They sat at the table across from each other and Harry watched her carefully.

"I honestly hate how that happened. It wasn't like I'm hiding things from you, Olivia. I just, I can't change things that happened before I met you."

"Harry, I know. It's fine." She responded honestly. She felt bad for how she reacted. She just didn't think it through, but now that she saw how much it bothered him she wish she had. He nodded although she knew it was still on his mind.

"I love you. It's fine. I just freaked out a bit and I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. I would have done the same."

She grinned and the pair finished eating in a comfortable silence. At least for her it was. For him it didn't seem so simple. His mind was still racing from everything that happened. He just couldn't seem to shake the awful feeling now residing in his stomach. He now understood those people who said the past would come back to haunt you. It seemed like it happened in full force and he hadn't prepared for it at all. It could only hope that it was over.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thoughts? Predictions? :3

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I can't believe how many subscribers/Recommendations this story has. Makes me really happy in case you were wondering. :)