Status: Completed.


He looks at you.

"Look, I hate that things keep coming up." Harry said feeling guilty that he had yet another interview he had to go to. It was the 2nd one in 3 days and he felt bad about leaving her for several hours.

"No, it's important. It's fine. Really."

He sighed and messed with his hair before stepping to her.

"You're amazing." He spoke sliding his arm around her waist and placing a kiss to her forehead.

"Yeah, I know."

He chuckled, "Date night with me?"

He asked and she smiled, "Should be able to make that happen."

He laughed, "Oh well just let me know if you can fit me in to your busy schedule."

"I'll try."

He smiled and pulled away from her, "See you soon. Love you."

"Love you too. Have fun."

Harry left his place with a grin on his lips. He couldn't help it. He was happy. Content with life. If only he could convince her to stay here with him.

He pushed that aside once he got in his car. It wasn't going to be a too bad of a day afterall.

Olivia looked around Harry's room trying to find something to occupy her time with. She wasn't mad about him having to go. She knew it was his job. If only one of them could stay to keep her company. She sighed and grabbed up his laptop just to have something to take up time. She browsed her schooling sight, checked her e-mails and then chuckled to herself as she typed in one direction into the search. She really was amazed by how big they were. She guessed since she knew them she just didn't really see it.

She went into another fit of laughter when she found a website dedicated to no one else, but Louis. Well, that sure was weird. Hell, they knew more things about the boy than she did. Of course she stopped her scrolling when a picture of Harry caught her attention.

Her breathing stopped at the picture of Harry and that stupid waitress from the restaurant and a small paragraph written under it that said something about it not being Louis' cousin. She breathed in deeply as she read what people wrote. Ranting about how they didn't like the waitress basically as much as she did.

She sighed and shut the computer with a slam. She knew she shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, but they looked too friendly in the picture and it was right in front of the chinese place he went last night. Was that why he suggested that place? She groaned unsure what to do. She hated being paranoid, but she wasn't use to dating someone like him. Someone who was so known, and someone who had such a history. It really scared her no matter how confident she seemed. She just didn't want to get hurt. She had been hurt too much in her life. From family, friends, boys. She just didn't want to endure it anymore.

She just needed to go back to California. Where it was safe and away from the charming British boy. After she laid on his bed thinking through her options she finally got up deciding to pack. It just made the most sense. She sat in the floor and began folding her clothes so everything would fit inside. Once she finished, she went to the bathroom and gathered her things.

"What are you doing?" She heard as she placed it in her suitcase. Startled she spun around dropping her hairspray.
Harry stood in the door his eyebrows scrunched together as he tried to make sense of what was before him.

"Why are you home so early?" She asked quickly picking up the bottle.

"Interview wasn't long. What are you doing?"

Olivia sighed and zipped up her bag, "I'm leaving."

"What?" He managed to get out and she nodded, "I really can't be in the middle of all this."

"In the middle of what? Baby, you said you were fine with it. I could have skipped the interview." He said his heart racing as nerves hit his gut.

"No, it isn't that, Harry." She mumbled as she sat up the suitcase.

"Olivia. I, I mean, what happened? Tell me so I can fix it. I can fix it." Harry finally got out. His eyes now completely sad and Olivia couldn't look at him. How did his day do a complete turn around?

"It's just not going to matter. You are always going to be this guy and I'm never going to be ok with it." Olivia said opening the laptop and his eyes met the picture on the screen.

A groan left his lips, "Fuck Olivia, that was last night. I ran into her. I told her never to speak to me again. This looks worse than it is. Trust me."

"You just don't get it. There is always going to be that girl." She responded pointing to the picture, "Maybe not exactly her, but there will always be one because you are who you are."

"But why does it matter if we both know I'm with you?! Olivia, I love you. I don't care who they pair me with because I have you. I don't want anyone else!"

"But it bothers me! It makes me question my trust in you and I hate that!"

Harry's jaw clinched as he glared at her. He was hurt mostly, but it felt the anger boiling in him from those words alone.

"Sorry girl's find me attractive. Sorry people talk badly about me. Sorry for being me, Olivia." He grumbled and she shook her head not bothering to respond to his sarcastic remark.

"I can't believe you are doing this to me. To us. All because you are scared."

"I'm not scared!"

"You bloody are! But fine! Go back to California! Pretend to be a yank and have a perfect life and block out everything you try so hard to pretend doesn't exist because you are just scared to face it all!" He shouted.

"Shut up!"

"No! You just think that I'm going to stand here and be quiet while you pack up, break my fucking heart and leave?!"

She stared harshly at the boy and he breathed in, messing up his shaggy hair. The pair stood there awkwardly as an unsettled silence covered them for a wile.

"Liv, please. Please. I'm begging you. I love you. Don't go. It seriously will kill me." He finally whispered, his eyes now filled with the fear of losing her. He had tried so hard to keep their relationship where it is at and he thought it was working. He should have seen this coming. He knew she was off ever since their outing. He just didn't want to face it.

The room grew silent once again and Olivia bit her lip trying to hold herself together. Harry felt his chest tighten from the silence which seemed to kill all hope. He just needed to give her what she wanted.

"I'll call Louis so he can pick you up." Harry mumbled leaving the room quickly. He walked outside as he shakily called the boy.


"Louis, come get Olivia. She's um, she's going home." Harry trembled and he almost wanted to slap himself for how weak he sounded.

"What? Why?"

"Just, come get her." He grumbled before hanging up. He sighed and sat down against the door, craddling his face in his hands. How was this his fault? Why did everything always turn out this way? This was why he tried not to get close to anyone. He bit his bottom lip hard in order to not to cry like he wanted. He forgot what it felt like; being upset that is. He hadn't cried in forever.

He tugged on his hair trying to focus on something besides his emotions.


He looked up to see Louis with a concerned look on his face.

"I didn't even do anything, Lou. I didn't do anything wrong. I've tried so hard."

"I know, mate. Let me talk to her ok?" Louis said sympathetically and Harry moved enough so he could slide into the door. Louis walked in unsure what he was getting himself into.

"Liv?" He called out as he headed to Harry's bedroom.
The girl sat on the bed putting on her shoes and her eyes met his once he walked in.

"What have you done to Harry? He's falling apart outside." He spoke surveying her now packed things.

"I'm going home. I mean, there is no point in dragging this out anymore. Yeah, it's great, but it isn't going to last so why pretend?"

"Olivia..." He spoke sternly and she crossed her arms, "Why are you really doing this?"

She fiddled with her jeans and he sighed, "About that waitress girl? Harry told me."

"I just now find myself paranoid about it..." She mumbled, "And I am not like that you know?"

"Liv, fuck everyone else. Seriously. Harry loves you. He hasn't even looked at another girl since you. He's trying so hard for you. You can't just give up because you're scared."

"Why does it have to mean I'm scared?!"

"Olivia you have a tendency to run from things that get hard or hurt you."

She glared at him and he sighed, "You know it's true. Your parents, that boy Paul you dated forever and now Harry. Olivia, you can't keep doing this. Give him a chance. You told him you love him. He took that to heart. Now you are hurting him how you are afraid he'll hurt you. How is that fair?"

Well, she hadn't thought about it like that and now her heart felt even heavier.

"He isn't going to hurt you and for me to say that it must be true. Yes, he has a horrible past, but what's done is done. Focus on now."

"Well, we can while I'm here but what happens when we are across the world from each other?"

Louis sighed, "Don't you trust him?"

"It isn't that..."

"You're worried he's going to find someone else."

She shrugged focusing on her nails and he spoke, "Did you miss the part where I said he loves you? Harry Styles loves you. He doesn't love anyone, Olivia. So yeah, I don't think you need to worry about that."

"It's just going to be hard..."

"Yeah, but it would be hard even if you were here or he was there because we tour a lot, Liv. So your excuse isn't valid anymore." Louis stated growing impatient with the girl.

"Just leave me alone, Louis."

The boy rolled his eyes, "Fine. Fine. Ruin the one good relationship you have and go back home alone." He grumbled clearly not in the mood to put up with her ways today.

"I'll be in the car." He added and she watched him storm out. She didn't really know what would be the right or wrong thing to do anymore. Clearly Harry wouldn't be the only mad if she left and yeah, maybe Louis was right in some way. She ran from things she had no control over, or things that tended to surprise her. Maybe she just needed to face everything head on. That included her future and her past...
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe. Poor Harry. :(

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