Status: Completed.


I die a litte.

"So is this what you do everyday? Play in the ocean, eat pizza and sit here watching the sun set?" Niall joked as they sat on the porch doing just that.

She threw the crust of her pizza at him causing everyone to laugh.

"You're not a nice girl."

"Because you're not nice!"

He stuck his tongue out at the girl and she rolled her eyes,"No. I'm in school at UCLA."

"And you live here by yourself how?" Liam questioned. What kind of girl at college could afford such a place?

"Me." Louis said with a mouthful of pizza.

"You?" Zayn asked with a questionable look on his face.

"I pay for it."


"Why is that so surprising? Yes. I pay for it. She's like my sister. Her parents suck and so I take care of her. The end." Louis said and Olivia gave him a weak grin.

Harry's eyes were now on her. It was like there was so much to her and every time something came out he was a bit stunned. What did Louis mean her parents sucked?

"Such a nice lad." Liam said patting the boy's shoulder and he rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

Olivia chuckled, "He is."

"Awe. Tomlinson love." Niall joked causing everyone to laugh.

The boys slowly started retrieving back into the house once the sun no longer existed. Olivia leaned back against the chair, pulling the small blanket she had higher up.

Harry hadn't said much, just watched her from his seat, the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore making him a bit tired.

"What are you in school for?" He asked just trying to strike up a conversation with the beautiful girl.


"Yeah?" He asked not expecting that answer. There she goes again taking him off guard.

She nodded with a smile, "Don't sound too surprised."

Harry chuckled, "I'm not."

"It's ok you can be."

"Fine. I am little simply because you're rather beautiful." He stated boldly and she was thankful for the darkness because her cheeks were now turning a pink color.

"Besides that, do you miss home?" He asked not wanting an uncomfortable silence to fill the space between the two.

"I miss Louis. Other than that not really." She replied with a weak grin as she got up from her seat to fold the blanket.

There was a lot about back home Olivia did not ever want to discuss so she wanted to just leave it at that.

Harry watched her intensely as she folded the blanket and neatly sat it on the chair.

"You know you don't have to tell me anything." He said softly, "Just trying to make conversation. Wrong way to go about it I assume."

Her eyes met his blue ones and she smiled, "No, it's ok. I just don't like to even think about England anymore. Come on. It's getting cold, let's go inside."

Harry forced himself up and followed her in.

"This time change has officially killed me." Zayn spoke with a yawn.

"Agreed." Liam responded rubbing his eyes.

"Get off his bed." Olivia stated and Niall glared at her, "You're the asshole."

"Awe, Niall, want me to read you a bed time story?"

"That's it." He grumbled before standing up quickly and grabbing up the girl. She laughed as he carried her down the hall over his shoulder.

"Pretty strong for a little boy." She joked and he dropped her onto her bed.

"I mean is that forever going to be held over my head?!"


"Well in that case we need to start over!"

She giggled as the boy looked down at her with a playful grin, "So hi, I'm Niall. You are?"

He said holding his hand out to the girl as she sat up.

She smiled, "Hello Niall, I'm Olivia, Liv for short."

"Oh Liv is it? See, this starting over made me learn something new."

She laughed and he chuckled sitting beside her.

"I think we might be friends this time around."

Niall chuckled, "Good to know."

Once Harry and Louis got settled into their room the two crawled into their beds. Harry sighed as he stared up at the ceiling in the quiet room. His mind was racing with thoughts of the pretty girl down the hall.

"Louis?" He finally said and the boy mumbled a huh.

"So what's up with Olivia and her parents?" He asked not bothering to keep it discreet. Him and Louis were probably the closest so he didn't feel bad about asking.

Louis sighed before speaking, "They're just unsupportive. Always have been. She's such an amazing person and they just don't care. They're more into themselves and it pisses me off. So yeah, I just took it upon myself to help make her dreams come true. She deserves it. I mean, I know I'm her family and that probably doesn't mean much coming from me, but it's true. The reason I am where I am today is because of her so I owe her everything anyways."

Harry took in his words as he stared at the blank, white ceiling.

"That's messed up. She's really nice." Harry said sincerely.

"Yeah she is. That's why I wanted to get her away. I didn't want them to corrupt her in some form or fashion."

"Makes sense." He whispered placing his arms behind his head.

"You like her."


"You like Olivia."

"I uh, well, she's different." Harry fumbled out unsure as to how Louis would take that.

Louis couldn't help but laugh at Harry, "Wow. It's been a day and you're mesmerized by someone you barely know."

"Would you rather me just be trying to get in her pants?" Harry asked seriously.

"No. By all means look like an idiot around her I don't care, but if I see you trying your typical moves on her I'll murder you. I mean that. She's not a slag, Harry."

"I know she's not." Harry said defensively, "I mean, I'm not that bad, Louis..."

"Yeah, Well I hope not. She is my family afterall."

"Yeah, I know." Harry mumbled and the room grew quiet. Eventually the boy fell asleep as he tried to come up with a plan to get the girl he wasn't certain he could even get.

The next morning Harry woke up before Louis and he forced himself out of the bed to go find the bathroom. The house was quiet so he didn't bother to put clothes on, just headed from the room in his boxers as he tried to push down his unruly hair. He let out a yawn as he tried to find the bathroom.

"Bloody hell." He mumbled as he shut the door to the closet he had opened. He finally found the door he was looking for and quickly went inside. As he left the bathroom he ran straight into Olivia causing her to squeal. He grabbed her arms before she could hit the ground.

Her eyes met his and the pair stared at each other, his hands still holding onto her.

"Sorry." He finally got out and she forced a smile, "It's ok I didn't think anyone was up."

"Me neither." He got out and a blush hit her cheeks realizing he was just in his boxers as she stepped into the bathroom. He gave her one more smile before they parted ways. Harry sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. When did he become so pathetic?

Olivia got ready for the day before leaving the bathroom. The boy's were still asleep probably due to the weird time difference. She quickly went to her room were Niall was passed out on her bed still. He had fallen asleep with her last night after they stayed up talking and laughing. She smiled at the sleeping boy. He was easy going, funny, adorable. She was certain they were now going to be good friends.

She then slid on her shoes before heading to the kitchen, deciding to cook some breakfast for everyone and as she made eggs Zayn walked in, "Good morning." He spoke with a smile as he watched what she was doing.

"Good morning."

"Have you seen Niall? He isn't in his bed."

"Oh he's in my room."

Zayn's eyebrow raised and Louis walked in, raising his voice once he heard that, "What does that mean?!"

Olivia rolled her eyes, "We fell asleep talking! Relax."

Zayn chuckled as he stole a piece of bacon, "Well, Niall definitely wouldn't try anything."

Louis shrugged in agreeance, "True..."

Niall walked into the room with a yawn, his hair flattened to his head and his basketball shorts hanging low on his hips. All eyes went to him and he raised his eyebrows, "What did I do now?"

"Nothing...yet." Zayn said chuckling as he walked to the living room.

"What happened?" Niall asked the girl as he leaned over her and grabbed a piece of bacon. She smacked his hand lightly and stuck his bottom lip out causing her to roll her eyes, "Take it."

He smiled and kissed her cheek quickly. She laughed and he slid his arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder, "Want me to help? I mean...I can put biscuits in an oven."

The girl giggled, "Sure." She said as Harry walked in. His eyes immediately went to the two. The flirting was clearly obvious and the way Niall had his arm around her almost made him jealous, which he never got over a girl.

Niall pulled away from Olivia to grab a pan and her eyes diverted to Harry.

"Good morning. Again." She responded with a grin and he had to force a smile, "Good morning."

He walked into the living room sitting beside Louis not in such a good mood anymore. He crossed his arms and Louis glanced over at him.

"Niall's moving in on your woman." Zayn said snickering and he glared at the boy.

"In his defense he doesn't know you like her." Louis said calmly.

"So he doesn't get the talk, but I do?"

"We both know Niall isn't like you, Harry." Louis answered honestly and Harry rolled his eyes, "Whatever." He grumbled.

He loved how is friends really viewed him. Like he was a man whore. Sure, he had slept with several girls he has never talked to before, but he had needs and if a girl was willing why would he deny? But he wouldn't go out of his way to hurt someone just for sex. He wasn't that heartless.

"Wow, Niall. I'm so proud." Olivia said pulling the now cooked biscuits from the oven. He chuckled and pushed off from the counter, "Yeah. I'm pretty much a chef."

She laughed and he smiled as he crossed his arms, "You're proper cute, you know?"

A blush immediately hit her cheeks ad he chuckled in amusement, "Let me go get the boys."

"Ok." She fumbled out as he left the kitchen yelling at the boys in his overly cute accent. She shook her head immediately. She really didn't need to get involved with any of them. Especially since they were only here for 2 months at the most and then who knows when she would see them again. Niall had to realize that too right?
♠ ♠ ♠
I was planning on updating once I hit ten subscribers, didn't expect it to happen so soon! Ha. So thanks! And thanks to who already recommended this. :)

Comments/thoughts would be lovely. :)