Status: Completed.


The way that I would.

Harry honestly was a bit shocked by his reaction to the whole situation. He assumed he would be upset, but this he wasn't prepared for. The wave of emotion that took over was something new and that alone told him he shouldn't give up so easily. Afterall, how many times could you find someone that made you feel so amazing? He couldn't just let it go like it was nothing.

"Well?" Harry asked stumbling to his feet as Louis walked back outside.

Louis shook his head in sadness clearly because he felt bad for the boy.

Harry's heart fell into his stomach as hurt covered his usual sweet face.

"Louis, I did nothing wrong." He spoke cautiously, unable to use too much emotion because he was scared he would cry.

"I know."

"Then what's the problem?"

"She just, I don't know man. She has just had a lot go on in her life and I think it scares her when she gets close to someone now."

"But she's already with me! I just don't get it!"

"Yeah, you're right, but if she's at this point then she must really love you because it's scaring her."

Harry breathed in and ran his hand down his cheek, "So what? I just let her go? I can't do that."

"Well you can't make her stay either. Just let her go, and when she sees that you aren't going anywhere. I don't know, maybe she'll realize you aren't like everyone else she knows."

"I'm not."

"Then just prove it to her."

"Can you not talk to her?"

"I tried!" Louis responded throwing his hands up in defeat.

Harry groaned, "Louis!"

"What?! I told you what to do! Sorry it isn't up to Harry Styles speed."

"Ha! This relationship has never been up to speed!"

Before Louis could respond Olivia walked out towing her bag behind her. Harry's eyes went immediately to her and she tried to avoid his sad gaze.

"Funny how you are supposedly older than me but yet you're acting like a child. I mean when I love someone I don't run from them." Harry spat out. He couldn't help it. It was a defense mechanism.

"Or was that true at all?" He added crossing his arms over his chest. Olivia bit her lip trying to keep herself together while Louis just stood there unsure if he should get involved.

"Was it?!" Harry asked again. This time louder than before causing the girl to jump slightly.

"Harry..." Louis spoke trying to calm him down.

"Answer the question Olivia!" He responded ignoring the boy's words.

"Shut up!"

"No!" He shouted, "No! You think you are going to just leave?! You love me and I love you!"

"Harry." Louis warned, growing a bit more protective.

"No! This is bullshit! Complete bullshit! You are so worried about getting hurt, but what about you hurting me?!"

Louis placed his hand on Harry to keep him at bay as the boy breathed heavily. His anger showing, but his heart breaking.

"Go back to California, Olivia. I hope you're miserable there." He spat out pushing Louis from him and stepping inside slamming the door shut.

Louis looked over at Olivia who was unable to even move.

"You're an asshole." Louis grumbled snatching up her suitcase and heading to the car without waiting on her. Olivia forced herself to move as her heart seemed to beat unevenly. Was she doing the right thing? She really didn't know anymore.

"You're making a mistake." Louis said as the ride to the airport hit an uncomfortable silence. The girl shrugged not wanting to argue anymore.

"Harry loves you. I love you. Why are you wanting to leave? Olivia, I even think you are afraid to be around me for too long and that kind of hurts. Afterall, I've done a lot for you. I would assume you'd trust me."

"What? Louis, I do trust you. I love you. You're like the brother I never had. You know that."

"The brother you rarely talk to. Olivia, maybe you need to just meet with your parents. Clear the air so you can get everything worked out for yourself."

Olivia couldn't help but laugh, "I don't think so."

"Do you love Harry? I want an honest answer."

"Yeah. I do."

"He's right you know? You are so worried you'll be hurt that you don't realize how much you hurt others. You're hurting Harry, you hurt me when you first left. How is that make you any different from them?"

Olivia took in his words as her eyes began to water. She had never thought of it like that and it was like a light had been turned on and she wanted nothing more than for it to go off again so she didn't feel so exposed.

"Liv, I don't want to upset you, but it's true."

"I know." She whispered as she started sniffling, "It just scares me and I don't know how to stop it because I've done it for so long."

"Let me take you back to Harry. It can end with him."

"He's mad..."

"He's hurt."

"He probably wishes I'd just go home by now." She mumbled wiping her cheeks as she relaxed in her seat.

"You are so delusional. Harry is proper in love with you."

"Louis, do you think I should move back?" She asked a bit off topic, but she didn't see another way this Harry thing would work and if she was going to try she had to have it all figured out ahead of time.

"I do. I mean, we all miss you and Harry, well, he begged me to talk you into moving back anyways." Louis responded with a chuckle.

"It isn't like you can't go to school here." He added, "I mean, you can enroll, move in with me if you'd like. It'll be like old times."

A grin hit Olivia's lips, "I would like that."

"Exactly. Plus, think about it. You would get to spend holidays with me and my parents again! Yes, I really want you to move back. It isn't going to hurt my feelings if you do."

"Ok." She responded before she had even logically thought it over. She missed home. She missed her family and she knew very well she would miss Harry no matter how hard she tried not to.

"Can we turn around now?" Louis asked and the girl nodded.

"Man, Harry is right. You do listen to me."

"Shut up." She responded hitting his shoulder lightly and the pair laughed together. The mood in the car was now better as he headed back to Harry's place. Olivia of course grew nervous simply because she knew how crazy she probably looked and how mad the boy really was.

"He'll be fine." Louis spoke as if he could read her mind. Olivia rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag from the back before making the short journey to the door. She breathed in before opening it and stepping inside slowly.

"Zayn, go away. I'm not in the mood for your shit." Harry grumbled from the couch he was laying face first on. She shut the door behind her, leaving her bag by it as she inched into the living room.

"Mate! I said go!" He spoke. His head shooting up only to see her and he shut up immediately. He stared at her as he tried to convince himself to move or to even say something, but he couldn't seem to do either.

"Harry..." She whispered unsure what to even say at this point. Harry finally sat up and ran his hands through his hair.

"Did you forget something?" He grumbled and she shook her head no.

"Then what the fuck is it?"

"I'm going back to California."

Harry stifled a laugh, "Thought that was understood. Are you mental now?"

"I'm going back to California to get some of my things and so I can pack everything up because I'm going to finish school here."

Harry stared up at her blankly. The words taking their time processing.

"I'm going to move back and live with Louis and just finish school..."

"And what about me?" He asked softly.

"...And be with you." She added and a weak grin hit his lips, "You're gonna move here?"

"Yeah. Looks that way."

His smile widened causing his dimples to show and it still made her swoon a little.

"I get to see you all the time?"

"Well, I mean, you do tour and all..."

He got up from the couch quickly and wrapped his arms around the small girl. He couldn't be mad anymore. Not right now anyways.

"You're trying for me?" He whispered into her hair and she clung to the boy's frame.

"Yeah because I kind of love you and I need to stop being stupid."

"You aren't stupid." He defended as if it was someone else saying this.

Olivia chuckled, "Sort of am."

He kissed her cheek before pulling back, "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"No, it's ok. I would have done the same thing."

He sighed and cupped her face. He was a bit frustrated, but she was here and he didn't seem to mind.

"Don't ever do that to me again." He spoke seriously and she nodded.

"If I would have came home and you would have been gone I would have torn this house down."

Olivia rolled her eyes and he pulled her closer, touching his forehead to hers.

"I'll go back with you and help you out, love." He whispered stroking her hair softly.

"You don't have to."

"I want to."

"Why? Scared I won't come back?"

"That and because I'm your boyfriend and it's my job to do so."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine."

"So you're going to move in with Louis?" He asked and the girl nodded before falling onto the couch. He eyed her uncertain if he should say what was on his mind, but it was out before he could stop it, "You should move in with me."

Do you want me to?" She asked a bit surprised by what he said.

"Well, I mean, yeah." He responded rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I mean you don't have to. I just wouldn't mind you being here you know..."

"I just didn't know you would want me to. I mean, it would be longer than a week or two."

"I spent like 3 months with you. I think I could handle it, but like I said, don't feel obligated to. I'm just putting it out there that you can and I wouldn't care." He said knowing he sounded stupid, but he couldn't help it. She always made him mess up what he really wanted to say. No one else ever had done hat so he couldn't help but believe that was what made her even more special.

"No, I mean, I want to. I just wasn't going to ask." She responded quickly. Not wanting him to think she hadn't even considered his place an option.

"You never had to. You could have just left everything here and I would have been fine."

Olivia chuckled, "I'm sure."

"I would, but whatever you decide to do, I'm ok with. I just want you in town."

The girl nodded and he kissed her forehead. Hell, as long as he had her in this country he didn't care where she stayed. Although he was a bit certain that he could persuade her to move in with him. Then again, he didn't even persuade her to stay. How much control did he have if even any at all?
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