Status: Completed.


Does all the things, I know that I could.

"So, here is the plan. We go back to California and pack everything and I have someone going to pick it all up and ship it here." Harry said cupping her face with a smile.

"So resourceful, Mr. Styles."

He shrugged a smile still plastered on his face, "Only for my girl."

Olivia rolled her eyes and he laughed before kissing her forehead, "So, we leave tomorrow morning." He spoke walking over to grab up his ipad.

"Mhm ok." She responded falling onto the couch. He glanced over at her as he sat down and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"What's the matter?" He asked squeezing her hand before focusing on the screen of the ipad.

"Nothing. Just nervous about being back here."

"You have no reason to be."

"I do. Just wait. I'll run into my parents because my life sucks."

Harry laughed, "You will not and if you do it'll be fine. Maybe you should talk to them."

"No. I don't think so."

"People change, Liv. Maybe they are just nervous to contact you first."

"Doubt it. I mean, you don't know them. They only worry about themselves."

Harry sighed and looked down at the girl, "Who could only think of themselves whe they have you in their lives?" He asked his eyes narrowed in a serious look.

Olivia chuckled, "Charming."

He laughed and brought his hand to her cheek, "It's true. I can't go hours without thinking of you. It just seems mental to me that someone could go months without doing so."

A blush hit the girl's cheeks and he gently pressed his lips to hers.

"You don't have to see them, I just don't think it would hurt anything."

"Yeah, I don't know, it might hurt a little." She whispered and he brushed her cheek, "I'll go with you."

"Why are you so adamant about this?"

"Because Liv, I mean, if something ever happened to them you'd regret it and you don't want that."

Olivia sighed, "Ok, maybe you are right for once."

Harry stifled a laugh, "For once?!"

A grin hit the girl's lips and he chuckled, pressing his forehead to hers, "You're cute."

"Mhm. I insult you and you call me cute?"

He chuckled, "What can I say? You're my love."

She kissed his cheek and cuddled into his side as he focused on the ipad still resting in his lap.

"So what time in the morning?" She mumbled into his shoulder.

"Around 8, love."

"So early."

He chuckled, "I know, the sooner the better though."

"True. Can we nap?" She asked tugging on his arm and he chuckled once more as he looked up at her. His green eyes met hers and he quickly set the ipad on the couch before wrapping his arms around her, "Sure."

He pressed his lips to hers before pulling her from the couch and to his bedroom.

"No pressure, but I kind of need to know where to have your things shipped to." Harry spoke as they settled on his bed.

Olivia stared at him as he laid his head on his pillow and brought his hand to her hair, "Seriously Liv, I won't be mad if it's with Louis. I just need to know."

"Do you want it to be with Louis?" She questioned unsure of how serious he was about his earlier statement.

He rolled his eyes, "No. I meant what I said. I want you to move in with me."

"You sure?"

Harry chuckled, "Yes, Olivia. I'm sure."

"Ok, I mean that's a big step..."

"Yeah well, I love you so why wouldn't I take it with you?"

She shrugged and he kissed her forehead, "So if you want to I'm all in."

"And if I don't?" She questioned and he brushed her hair with his fingers, "Then you don't. I just want you in the same country. I don't care where exactly that is."

She nodded and he gave her a grin before she buried her face into his shirt. She wanted to move in with him, but she was just worried. Things were finally going well for them and she was scared that living together would ruin it all. She simply wasn't ready to take the risk yet.

"I think I'm going to move in with Louis for now." She mumbled and Harry tried not to show his disappointment.

"Alright." He finally got out.

"Are you mad?"

"Olivia, no. I told you I wouldn't be. It's fine."

Her eyes met his and he kissed her nose. He wanted to tell her it wasn't ok. That it wasn't fair for Louis to have her all the time. Afterall, Harry was the one who loved her. He wanted to be able to wake up beside her and fall asleep in the same fashion. He wanted to share his place with her and be able to come home to her. He wanted all that stupid stuff he swore he would never want.

"At least we can kiss without being worried someone might bust in?" Harry questioned trying to lighten the mood so she wouldn't over think his silence.

Olivia couldn't help but laugh, "True."

"Mhm. Sounds really fun." He said with a smirk before kissing over her neck. He slid his hand slowly up her side under her shirt. He needed to get his mind off of this whole ordeal.

"Harry." She giggled and he tickled her side causing her to squeal and a smile hit his lips.


"Harry!" He mocked as he straddled her waist not bothering to stop tickling her.

She tried to pull away his hands as she laughed to the point of tears.

"Ok! Ok! Harry stop!" She breathed out and he chuckled resting his hands on her side.

"You're a jerk." She grumbled as she breathed heavily.

He couldn't help but grin and he leaned to her kissing her jaw, "I love you."

"Tell me you love me." He whispered when she didn't respond. He placed gentle kisses over her collarbone and the girl didn't respond as she shut her eyes.

"Baby." He cooed against her skin as he grasped her sides.

"No you're mean."

He chuckled, "Sorry I like making you smile. Plus, you have a really sexy laugh."

"Do not."

"Do so. Now tell me you love me back." He responded his playful eyes meeting hers.

"And if I don't?" She challenged and he fought back a grin, "It's bad news."

She couldn't help but laugh, "You aren't very threatening."

He pulled her to him as a smile hit his lips, "I can be."

"Not really."

"Well of course not to you, love."

"Oh so you are like that to others?"

Harry chuckled, "If I need to be I can."

"I'd like to see this."

Harry rolled his eyes, "I'm sure."

She grinned and he kissed her cheek, "So what are the plans for tonight before we go back to the lovely states?"

"Is that sarcasm? You know you love California."

"Of course I do. I mean, I like it for several reasons. The weathers nice, good food, and I met you there so..."

"Such a charmer."

He laughed, "I try, but trust me, it's true."

She raised up and he kissed her firmly on the lips, "Guess we can go to dinner with our idiotic friends."


"Hey thought you wanted to nap?"

"Oh yeah. I was, but you keep talking."

He shot her a look and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Fine. I'll let you sleep." He stated trying to move from the bed.

"What? No." She whined grabbing his arm quickly.

"Oh yes. You must sleep." He teased and she glared at him. A grin hit his lips before he crashed them to hers.

"What if I'm not tired?" He questioned and she shrugged.

"Oh doesn't matter huh?" He asked with an amused grin.


"Mhm. Not very fair if you ask me."

"Lie isn't fair, Styles."

He chuckled and kissed her once more, "Let's make a deal."


"How about, I let you sleep if you know, you let me kiss you some more first."

She laughed, "That's it?"

"That's all."

"Ok." She responded pulling him to her causing laughter to leave his lips, "Wow, never seen you this excited to kiss me."

"Oh because I never am really." She joked and he frowned, "That's mean."

"I'm kidding! I always want to kiss you."

"How come you don't then?!"

She laughed, "Oh you just want me to kiss you whenever I have the urge?"


She laughed, "You're crazy."

He kissed her quickly, "Shush. I'm trying to nap!"

She laughed as he threw his arm around her, letting her cuddle close to him.

"I'm so happy you are going to be here. You have no idea." He whispered as he shut his eyes.

"Yeah, I am a little happy as well."

He chuckled, "Such a jerk."

"I'm kidding. I am happy I'll get to see you more." She mumbled into his shirt.

"Well when you aren't touring." She added and he sighed, "Yeah."

"It'll be fine."

"Course. Better than having you across the world when I do get home."

"I love California though."

"I know. We can spend every vacation there if you'd like." He whispered.

"Oh we are going to have vacations?"

"Of course! Just you and me."

"Already planning our future?" She joked and he chuckled, "Guess I am, yeah? But I mean, are you not wanting a future with me?"

"Yes. Just amusing to hear you talking like that."

"Why? Because it's weird for me to want to have an actual relationship for longer than a month?"

"Well yeah."

He stifled a laugh, "You're right. You are a jerk."

She giggled and he kissed her cheek, "Yes, Olivia. I have no problem planning out things because I want to keep you forever." He whispered into her ear and she bit her lip to contain the butterflies in her stomach. He always made her feel that way for some reason.

"At least as long as you let me." He added as he brushed her hair with his fingers.

"You might change your mind when you are around me more than a few weeks."

Harry rolled her eyes, "I know that won't happen. Is that why you won't move in with me?" He asked bravely and she sighed, "No, just that everything is going well, I don't want it to be too much at one time."

"Liv, come on, we spent weeks living together basically. It isn't too much. For me anyways."

"I just want us to go about this the right way."

He sighed in frustration as he brushed his hair from his eyes, "Ok." He managed to say hoping she didn't pick up his mood. He understood where she was coming from, but Harry was never a patient person. He wanted what he wanted and he wanted her living here with him. There was something's he couldn't help but be selfish on and he wasn't going to give up so easily.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it's been a while...and sorry this is a bit of a filler. :(

I really just want to stress about how new being with someone is to Harry. He's still absorbed in what he wants and Olivia's too worried about getting hurt. If they can sort it out surely it will work out! ;)

Thanks for the comments;