Status: Completed.


If only time, could just turn back.

"Why is Louis and Liam coming again?" Harry mumbled as he watched the two across the aisle giggle like two school girls. Jenna laughed from her seat of the airplane, "Because we will need help and they volunteered."

"I could have done it all."

"of course." She responded in a sarcastic tone he had grown use to over the weeks spent with her.

The shaggy haired boy rolled his eyes before glancing at the time to see how much longer this flight would last. If anything he was anxious to get the girl moved to England. He felt as if she would back out at any moment and he needed to get her there while she seemed to be liking the idea.
Harry seemed to tune out the loud guys next to them as he gazed out the window in thought. For once he wasn't being the loud one and it was odd to even him. Then again, he was certain everyone thought it was odd how he had been acting since he met her, but he couldn't help it. She was changing him. Maybe not intentionally, but she was and he was starting to like it. He was quickly brought back to reality by her hand sliding into his and his eyes diverted over to the sweet girl beside him. An unknowing grin hit his lips causing her to return the gesture just as quickly.

Quiet, innocent moments like this is what he loved the most. It was like for once they were on the same page about everything. That no matter what in this moment they both knew how much they loved and cared for each other and nothing needed to be said to make it certain. Olivia raised up and kissed his cheek before relaxing her head against his shoulder.

The journey to California didn't seem as long as Harry thought and by the time they were at her house he realized how exhausted he in fact was. A yawn escaped his lips as he covered his mouth with his hands. Liam looked around the rather big house and let out a sigh, "Let's start tomorrow. I mean, after all I would say we are a bit jetlagged."

Olivia nodded not daring to disagree she really didn't want to do this anyways. It was going to be a major hassle.

"I'm so glad you are going to be home." Louis said with a wide, sincere smile as he wrapped the girl up in his arms. She of course let out a groan as he squeezed her tightly.

"Going to be like old times and mum and dad are so excited. plus, you and me living together?! How brill is that?!" He asked excitedly as he dropped his arms. Olivia couldn't help but laugh him, "Pretty brill I must say."

Harry rolled his eyes as he fell onto the dark couch. He hated that he felt this way. Yes, he was happy that she would be close by but he just didn't get why she wanted it to be with Louis and not him. He couldn't decide whether it hurt his heart or his ego more. It was hard for him to tell them apart now a days. He never had to consider the heart part before.

Olivia looked around the room and let out a sigh. Was she really ready to leave this life she had worked so hard to obtain? Sure, she would be closer to Louis and she had grown fond of all the guys, but was that worth her giving this up? Was love worth it either? Her eyes diverted to Harry who was talking to Liam and she watched him carefully as he brushed his hair from his eyes and showed off his dimples unaware of the effect it left on her heart. The thought of not seeing him seemed to make her sick more so then the thought of accidently seeing her parents by moving. She hated to admit how much she felt for the boy, but not being around him seemed to be hard to fathom. Then again, what if this didn't turn out the way she imagined? What if she got there, things went bad and she was stuck there yet again. She shook the thoughts from her head. She really couldn't afford to think like that.

The boys all decided to take a nap while they had the chance and Olivia settled on the couch as Harry went to put their bags in her room. She really would miss this place. She had several memories here she would never forget.

"I like being here."

Olivia looked up as Harry sat beside her with a grin.

"Why?" She finally asked and he pulled her closer to his side, "I don't know. This is where I met you. So it brings back good...oh and bad memories because you treated me like shit."

"I did not!"

"Did so."

"Well I don't now."

"Course not because you finally gave in to the Harry charm." He teased and the girl groaned, "OH gosh here we go again."

Harry couldn't help but to laugh, "I'm kidding, but if you think you were all rainbows and sunshine you are very mistaken, love."

"Ok, so I wasn't that sweet, but you were annoying."

"I did nothing to you!"

"Why are we talking about this now!"

Harry laughed once more, "It's just funny now. Deny it all you want love, but guess who won? Me!"

"Because I let you!"

"Oh you think?!"


He laughed and pulled her to him, "Fine, maybe so, but I love you so I don't care how it happened I just want you."

"You have me." She whispered and he pressed his lips to hers firmly.

"So should we start doing something or nap like our useless help?"

Olivia laughed, "Nap."

"Oh we get to be useless to?!" He teased as he picked her up causing her to squeal.

"Shush don't wake up the sleeping beauties!" Harry said carrying her over his shoulder and she couldn't help but to laugh even if all the blood was rushing to her head.

"Well Louis is pretty. He is related to me afterall."

Harry chuckled and laid her on her bed, "I'm sure he wouldn't like the fact that you call him pretty."

"He is. Zayn is pretty dreamy too."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Dreamy and pretty are two different things!"

"Well I can't call Louis dreamy! That would be gross."

"Well why can't you call Zayn pretty?"

"Because he can't be pretty! He has tattoos!"

Harry rolled his eyes, "Then what am I?" He asked as he placed his hands on his hips with a serious look covering his sweet face.

She chuckled from her place on the bed, "Pretty and dreamy?"

"Oh? Is that so?"

She giggled and grabbed his shirt pulling him onto the bed, "Yes, awe are you jealous because I think Zayn is dreamy?"

"No." He grumbled as she brushed her fingers through his hair. A grin hit her lips as the pair stared at each other.

"I mean, as long as you think I look better..." He added and she chuckled as she moved closer to him, "I do." She whispered and he brought his hand to her cheek as the gap between their lips seemed to grow smaller.

"Then I don't care."

"I love you." She mumbled before he kissed her softly. He pulled her close and wrapped her in his arms as the silence filled the room.

"I love you too." He finally responded as he shut his eyes, taking in the smell of her hair. He wished he could just make her happy and move here, live with her, but he, along with everyone else knew that wasn't possible.

"I hope you don't regret moving, Olivia. Nothing would kill me more. I'm so worried that you are going to be there permanently and then realize you hate it and then hate me."

"Harry, this is my decision. It's going to be fine. I could never hate you anyways."

"Right." He whispered unsure about this whole ordeal now.

Was it worth it ending horribly? I mean, if he wanted to he could make the distance work. He hated being the one who questioned things. Usually he just jumped into something without much thought, but not lately. He felt like every decision revolved around her and all he wanted was to keep her around.

The next day Olivia and the three boys got to business. Boxing everything imaginable and she was glad Louis was there to help with everything because if it was up to Harry he would have put everything in one box which would drive her insane.

"How does one small girl have this much stuff?!" Liam asked as he taped up, what felt like the 100th box.

"It's a house! It's not like I lived in one bedroom!" She defended as she watched Harry put more dishes in a box.

"Why are you watching me? It's making me nervous!"

"Because you make me nervous!"

"I'm not doing anything!"

"Not now! But you just tried to put cups in a box with books!"

"I still don't see the harm in that..." He grumbled and Liam began to laugh, "I swear you two fight like an old married couple."

"We should bloody be she gets on to me all the time!" Harry stated and the girl rolled her eyes, "Because you are young and stupid."

"Oh and what does that mean for you since you are dating this young and stupid bloke?" Harry asked glaring up at her causing Liam to laugh even more. He couldn't help it. The two of them together was amusement to him.

"I felt bad for you."

Harry scoffed as Louis walked in and glanced between the pair and a laughing Liam.

"What did I miss?"

"Harry and Olivia fighting."

"We are not fighting." She stated as Harry leaned against the counter, "Oh no. She's just pointing out everything I do wrong and calling me names."

"Don't be such a girl." She responded patting his chest and he rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Let's finish this."

Several hours later the crew was spread out amoungst the living room exhausted and all they had managed to do was the kitchen and living room.

"This is hell. Why did I volunteer?" Liam asked and Olivia chuckled, "Because you love me."

"Right. I forgot."

"I'm starving but I'm too tired to move."

"Order pizza."

"Then go pee for me." Liam joked and they laughed, "Not possible." Louis stated and Liam forced himself up as Louis called a local pizza parlor.


His eyes moved to hers and she sighed, "Are you really not talking to me?!"

He shrugged and she rolled here eyes, "Harry!"


"I was just kidding!"


She sighed and hovered over the boy who was laid out on the floor, "I love you."

He nodded not really wanting to talk now. He was just exhausted from the work really.

"Say it back." She said seriously and he felt a grin hitting his lips, "I love you. You know that."

She kissed him quickly and he felt all the anger that was built up leave his body. That was another reason he could never be without her. She did things to him he didn't even know were possible. Such simple things that meant so much to him.

"Move in with me, Olivia. I want you home with me. You are going to spend most of your time there anyways. I just don't see the logic in your things being at Louis's house when you are going to be in my bed every night." He spoke honestly. He couldn't hold it in any longer. He was doing good on a few days. She was lucky it lasted that long. Harry's eyes met hers and the silence made him a bit nervous. Maybe she didn't want to. Maybe she assumed it wouldn't last once she was there. Maybe he knew nothing at all afterall.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who should my next One Direction story be about?! I'll let you guys decide! :]

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