Status: Completed.


'Cause I got three little words.

Olivia stared into the boy's hopeful eyes as she bit her bottom lip. Her heart now racing in her chest. She knew he was right. She had no way to justify her thoughts besides that she was scared to do so.

"I already told Louis I would." She fumbled out a lame excuse that even he knew wasn't good enough.

"Right..." He grumbled and she sighed, "I mean, I'll make sure I don't spend too much time at your place if it makes you feel better."

Harry rolled his eyes as he proped himself up on his elbows to be closer to her, "Why can't you move in with me?" He challenged.

"It's too soon, Harry! We haven't even been together that long!"

Harry licked his lips as his eyebrows narrowed together in thought. She clearly was growing frustrated and for once he needed to think about what to say.

"It's just not logical. You being with me 24/7 is the same thing. What? Does it make it less real if your clothes are at his bloody place?"

Clearly it didn't matter. Whatever he said never came out right. That he was certain of.

"You realize when you don't get your way you act like a child right?"

Harry glared at her instantly, "Do not."

"Yeah, you do." She responded standing from the floor and he immediately did the same.

"I do not. I just don't see why you wouldn't!"

"Exactly! You don't because you want me to! You only see things from your perspective!"

"You make it seem like I never put you into consideration, which is all I've been doing since I've met you!"

"I'm not saying that. It's just that you never can see how anyone can disagree with you!" She shouted back and he groaned running his hand down his cheek.

Before anything else could be said Louis stepped into the room carefully, "Everything ok here?" He questioned unsure if he should even attempt to help.

"Yep. Just brill." Harry grumbled before walking to the front door and slamming it behind him.

Olivia sighed as her eyes met Louis's, "What happened?" the boy asked and Olivia shook her head, "You know how he acts when he doesn't get his way."

"He loves you Liv. He's just not use to feeling this way about someone. Give him time. He has the best intentions."

Olivia groaned, "Why must you be logical?"

"Hey, it happens." Louis chuckled and she grinned before following after Harry. She knew Louis was right. She couldn't be mad at him for that.

It didn't take her long to find the boy sitting on the sand as he stared off into the ocean, his hair blowing wildly about and his arms draped over his knees.

She didn't speak just sat beside him causing his eyes to divert in her direction. She placed her arms around him from the side and buried her face into his shoulder.

"I love you." She mumbled and he sighed before bringing his hand to her hair, "I love you too and I'm sorry."

"Harry, it's not that I don't want it to happen eventually it's just that I don't want to rush into anything. I want it to be perfect the first time around." She whispered raising up to look at the green eyed boy.

"I know and I truly understand. I do. I'm just stubborn."

"I know."

Harry shot her a look causing her to giggle.

"I do not however mind if you're there everyday. You know that right?"

She nodded and he brushed her cheek lightly with the back of his hand, "Good because I just want you with me. Whether you live there not not. I mean that. I won't bring it up again, ok?"

She nodded once more as their eyes met and a comfortable silence covered the pair.

"We're ok, yeah?" He asked softly and she grinned, "Yeah."

He touched his nose to hers, his fingers tangling in her hair gently as he shut his eyes. He needed to relax. She was right. He couldn't control everything and there was nothing he wanted more than her so he just needed to keep his mouth shut.

Olivia didn't put much thought into quickly enclosing the space between them to kiss his lips. It amazed her that he still caused butterflies to errupt in her stomach all from such a simple action.

"I love you." He whispered between kisses. He felt the need to tell her that more than most, but he really didn't have any words good enough to make her understand how much he felt for her.

She cuddled into his side and he let out a sigh as he looked back at the crashing waves. He wished he could stay right here with her forever.

"I'm really going to miss this place." She finally said breaking the silence.

"It's still going to be here."

"I don't know, I mean, Louis pays monthly for this place. There will be no point for him to continue to do so and I definitely can't afford it." She responded with a shrug and he nodded, "Right..."

His mind pondered with her words as they made their way back in the house. Once they walked in they noticed the guys hovering over pizza which wasn't surprising.

"Food's here." Liam said with a mouthful causing Olivia to laugh as she walked to the kitchen.

"Hey, Lou, question..." Harry spoke falling beside him and the boy looked up from his plate.

"Are you going to, I don't know, keep paying for this place?"

Louis shrugged, "I wasn't planning on it. I need to call the guy actually."

"I will."

"You will what?" He questioned, disregarding his pizza for a moment.

"I'll pay for it."

"What? Why? Think she'll move back?"

"No. She just loves it here and I want her to be able to come back when she wants." Harry said quietly in order for Olivia not to over hear.

"Are you serious?" Louis questioned and the boy nodded, "Yeah."

"Who are you?..."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Sod off."

Louis couldn't help but chuckle, "Ok, fine. I mean, if you want to you can. Just know she isn't going to like this."

Harry shrugged, "She doesn't like anything I do basically! I just won't tell her. I think I'm just going to buy it."

"Right, ok. Well if you want to mate, you can." Louis finally said as he picked up his slice of pizza.

Harry nodded in response as his mind thought over the idea quickly.

Harry finally made himself get off the couch and before he could walk into the kitchen Olivia walked out holding two plates.

A smile immediately hit his lips, "I was coming. You didn't have to." He said kissing her cheek as she handed him a plate.

"It's ok."

He kissed her quickly, "I'll get us drinks, love."

She nodded and grabbed the plate back before heading to the sofa.

Harry knew it was a bit impulsive to buy such a place he would rarely see, but it was for her and if she ever wanted to return he wanted it to be here where she already felt at home. He would just keep this to himself for a while. Maybe after they were together for a few more months he would tell her. You know, when they were to a point where she couldn't threaten to leave him.

He grabbed two cans of soda from the refrigerator before quickly rejoining the group.

"Thanks." Olivia spoke with a grin and he brushed her shoulder with his as he flashed her a smile of his own.

"Must you two always flirt?" Liam asked and Harry rolled his eyes, "We aren't flirting."

"You are if it's possible!"

Olivia giggled and Harry shrugged, "Sorry! I mean, look at how fucking cute she is! How could I not?!"

He gestured towards the girl who rolled her eyes as Liam laughed, "Right, ok."

Harry chuckled as the girl glanced at him. He gave her a wink and a blush hit her cheeks without even a word said. It's just how it happened with him and she hoped it never went away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the slow updates. Also, to add on to the sadness, this story only has 2 chapters left! :)

Thanks for commenting;
Shes so high.

Well it was a tie between Niall and Zayn and well, I picked Zayn! But have no fear, there will be a Niall story soon! :)

Not Afraid Feat. Zayn Malik