Status: Completed.


That I've always been dying to tell you.

"This is sad." Olivia stated as she looked around the now room filled with only boxes.

Harry placed his arm around her and kissed her temple.

"I know, love. Don't worry, we will come back soon."

"Won't be the same."

He kissed her cheek once more, "It will be, love. You'll see."

She looked up at him and he smiled, "Come on. The guys are waiting. We are going to miss our flight."

The girl nodded and Harry gently grabbed her hand and pulled her from the house. The ride to the airport was quiet and Olivia tried to keep herself calm. She now couldn't believe she was doing this. It seemed more realistic now.

Harry tried not to stop looking at her and he held onto her hand tightly afraid she was just going to tell him she wanted to stay now.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked once they boarded the plane. The silence was becoming nerve racking to him and he couldn't handle it anymore.

"Oh...yeah. I'm fine." She whispered buckling herself into the seat.


The girl looked up and he brought his hand to her cheek, "It's going to be ok, love. It's going to be ok." He whispered and she grinned weakly, "Ok."

"I love you." He added stroking her cheek gently. His green eyes not daring to look from hers.

"Love you too." She whispered back as she relaxed a bit from his words alone.

He grinned and kissed her gently, "Everything is going to be fine, love. I promise."


"Do you trust me?"

She nodded and he kissed her forehead before relaxing in his seat, not daring to let go of her hand.

Olivia rexlaxed her head against his shoulder and shut her eyes. At least if she fell asleep she wouldn't have all this time to think over everything.

Once Harry was certain the girl was asleep he sighed and relaxed his head on the head rest.

"You ok?" Louis asked from across the aisle and he nodded, "Yeah, just, I know she isn't going to stick around for long."

"I think you're wrong."

"I hope I am."

"Me too since you just bought a beach house." Liam chimed in and Harry couldn't help but laugh, "Shut up."

The boys chuckled and Liam finally spoke, "She's staying Harry. She's just nervous. Wouldn't you be?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"But she loves you and that's why she's on this plane..."

Harry nodded knowing he was right. She was here. That's what matters.

"Just don't fuck up Harry." Louis said seriously, "She hasn't trusted someone like this in a very long time."

"I won't." He said seriously. If there was one thing he meant it was that. He loved her. He wouldn't screw this up.

The plane ride didn't seem too long and once they landed he held onto Olivia's hand tightly s they wet to claim their luggage.

"All your things should arrive in about 2 days." Harry spoke as they followed the others out to where Zayn was picking them up at.

"I see. Thanks to my wonderful boyfriend." She joked and he rolled his eyes with a smile, "Yeah, he's pretty amazing."

She chuckled as they finally reached the car and Zayn helped them put their things in the car.

"Hey little lady. Have fun?" The dark eyed boy asked as he hugged her tightly.

"I guess so. How are you?"

"Good, of course." He said with a smile as they parted.

The girl laughed as they got into the car and Harry was talking loudly from the backseat to Niall who was in the passanger seat.

"Can you two not wait and talk later?" Zayn asked once he started the car.

"Look Zayn, Harry missed him. You know how strong their bromance is." Olivia joked causing the boys to snicker minus the pair in question of course.

"Yep. Don't worry Niall, when we get out of this car you're getting a bromance hug and kiss." Harry joked with a smirk. Nothing ever phased him really.

"Oh can't wait!" Niall responded with just as much sarcasm as Harry.

"I know. Liv don't get too jealous. Just know that he was first. I can't throw him to the side. Even if he does have braces."

"Hey!" Niall yelled causing everyone to laugh.

"So this is odd, I'm dropping you off at Louis'?" Zayn asked and Olivia nodded, "Yep."

Harry's stomach seemed to turn at that statement. Sure he had been with her all weekend, but he still didn't like the fact that she wouldn't be living with him. Of course he would never vocalize that ever again.

Once at Louis', Harry got out with the girl going to grab her bags from the back for her. This would be the first night in weeks that he had spent a night without her and it was more unsettling then he assumed it would be.

He followed the two to the door and Louis opened it only turning around for a moment, "I'll give you two a minute."

Harry nodded and the boy shut the door after taking Olivia's luggage from him. The door shut and Harry flashed her a soft smile, "You ok?" He asked cupping her face.

"Yeah, just a bit beat from the plane ride I assume."

He nodded and kissed her forehead, "See you tomorrow?"

The girl nodded, "Yeah, of course."

"I could get use to this."


"Having you only minutes away."

She grinned and he kissed her lips, "I love you."

"Text me when you get home?"

"Why? Scared of Zayn's driving?" He joked and she laughed, "A little."

The boy chuckled, "No worries. I'll call you. Gotta tell you goodnight afterall."

"Yeah, you do."

He laughed once more before kissing her quickly, "Ok I've got to go. Call you in a bit."

Olivia nodded and he swiftly moved off the porch and to the car. Olivia turned and walked into the unfamiliar house. It was weird that Louis lived on his own now. She was so use to being around his whole family.

"Awe, it's actually cute."

Louis chuckled, "You can thank the girlfriend for that."

She laughed and sat down on the couch with a sigh.

"You should've just moved in with Harry. You two can't bloody spend hours apart."

Olivia laughed, "Yes we can."


The girl rolled her eyes and Louis fell beside her, "You know, he told me not to tell you something, but come on we're um, well, he bought your house."


"Yeah. He knew how sad you were about it and so he wanted you to always be able to go back if you want...even if it was without him."

Olivia shook her head in disbelief, "And you let him?!"

"Liv, he loves you. It didn't matter what I said. He does whatever he wants anyways. You know that."

"I am going to kill him!"

"No you are not! You aren't even suppose to know!"

Olivia groaned and fell against the back of the couch, "He's so ridiculous."

Louis laughed, "He is not. He's in love, Liv. Give him a break. Not everyone is heartless." He joked and she smacked his arm.

"I am not heartless! He just shouldn't have done that!"

"I get it, but he did."

"He drives me mad..." She grumbled and Louis laughed before moving from his seat, "I'm going to shower and order some food. You hungry?"

She nodded and he spoke, "Ok. Give me 30."

The boy headed up the stairs as Olivia's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" She answered knowing it was Harry.

"Baby, I'm home. You can relax now." He joked and she rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

The boy chuckled on the other line, "It's going to be weird..."


"Not having you in bed with me."

"Well you need to get use to it. I won't be with you on tour."

"I know. I just like having you here though." He mumbled and she sighed, "Harry, why did you buy that house?"

The line went silent and a few seconds passed before he cleared his throat, "Fuck Louis. Are you mad?" He asked and she sighed, "Why would you do that?"

"Because you love it and I love you. I already feel guilty for taking you from there and I just wanted you to be able to go back whenever you wanted."

"Harry, this was my choice."

"Yeah, a choice that wouldn't have even been thought of if it wasn't for me."

"Harry, either way it's ridiculous. You don't just go buy a house!"

"Love, with all do respect, it's my money and I can do what I want with it and what I want to do with it is buy that house."

She sighed as she rubbed her forehead in defeat, "Ok."

"Don't be mad. I did it for you."

"That's the problem..."

"How is that a problem?"

"Because Harry, what if we break up, or end badly or anything and then you are stuck with that house!"

"Olivia, we aren't going to break up or end badly, whatever that means..."

"You don't know." She grumbled and he sighed, "Stop it. We aren't going to break up, Olivia. I love you and you love me and if we keep that up nothing can split us, you got it? Get out of your head. I'm not leaving. I never will. I'm nothing like the other people in your life. I promise you that."

"I know." She whispered her eyes filled with tears now. She hated how she always set herself up for disappointment. Especially when it came to him because nothing about him was disappointing.

The line grew silent and she sniffled softly.

"Don't cry, baby." He cooed over the phone.

"I can't help it. You're right and I'm sorry."

"No. Don't be. It's fine. I get it. You've been through a lot and you're trying and that's all I can ask for."

"I want you to come over." She mumbled rubbing her eye and he chuckled, "Louis is probably sick of seeing me, love."

"But I'm not."

"You make it hard to say no."

"Do you want to say no?"

Harry chuckled, "No, definitely not."

Olivia laughed and Harry let out a sigh knowing he was going to give in, "I'll be there in a few minutes."


He chuckled, "You act like you haven't seen me, when in reality it was oh ten minutes ago."

"It feels like longer."

"Just think, you'd still be across the bloody world if you didn't move."

"Yeah, that would suck."

"Ok, let me get my shoes on and I'll be over."

"Ok, be careful. Love you."

The two said goodbye and Olivia sat back with a sigh as Louis walked down the stairs.

"Harry is coming over."

Louis laughed, "Lasted longer than I thought you would."

Olivia rolled her eyes and he smiled as he picked up his phone, "So, food for 3 huh?"

"4. I'm texting your girl right now to make up for it."

Louis chuckled, "Alright, 4 it is then."

Olivia nodded with a smile as he spoke into the phone. For some reason it was then that she knew she made the right decision about moving here. Sure she would be facing some of her fears head on, but that would be ok since she had not only Louis, but Harry by her side.

How she had managed to live without them or the other guys for so long she was unsure, but she was not going to mess it up that she was certain of.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only one chapter left. :'( I'm a bit sad about it as well...

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