Status: Completed.


I watch your eyes

The kitchen quickly filled with the 5 boys and Louis flashed Olivia a smile once he noticed the food, "What a good host you are."

"Shush." She said elbowing him lightly and he chuckled as the boys grabbed plates of food and sat at the table.

"You can sit in my lap." Zayn said wiggling his eyebrows at the girl once he realized the chairs were taken.

"No thanks." She laughed as she sat her plate down to go get a chair from the living room.

"No, sit here. I'll go get one." Niall said standing up quickly and she shook her head, "It's ok. I can get it."

"Sit down." He said seriously and she sighed before doing just that as he walked off.

"Niall fancies you." Zayn said smiling widely.

"Does not."

"Does so."

Harry rolled his eyes running his hand through his hair, "He does." He said speaking up for once. He had been too quiet lately. He didn't need everyone on his case. Louis was enough.

Louis' eyes diverted to the boy and Harry shrugged as he looked back at the mess he had made of his eggs. He wasn't really hungry anymore. It was silly really. To be head over heels for a girl he just met. It was impossible right? He barely knew her.

Niall returned with a chair and slid in beside the girl with a grin which he returned. A part of her didn't agree with the boys. He just seemed to be a gentleman. That didn't mean he necessarily liked her.

"So what are we doing today?" Liam asked excitedly.

"Aren't you guys suppose to go to some cd signing?"

"No that's tomorrow. You get to spend all day with us again!" He said happily and she rolled her eyes.

"The joys..." Olivia joked and Zayn chuckled, "You love us. Don't lie."

"Yeah, a few of you aren't so bad."

"A few?!" Niall said causing her to laugh, "I'm kidding. Well, sort of."

"What?! If you're referring to me I'm going to hurt you." He said seriously.

"I didn't suggest that did I?"

"Yes. Yes you did. Who's your favorite then?"

"Uh, Louis. Duh."

Louis smiled proudly and Zayn rolled his eyes, "He doesn't count. He's your family. You have to say that."

"Go ahead and say Niall." Liam said with a smirk as the girl got up with her plate, a blush lining her cheeks. Well, he was her favorite of course simply because she had spent hours talking to the boy.

"Shut up." She grumbled and they laughed minus Harry of course. He got up, his plate still full as he headed to the kitchen. She was placing her plate in the dish washer as he emptied his into the trash.

"You ok? You barely ate." She said concern on her face as he looked over at her.

"Oh uh, yeah. Just still a bit tired." He lied and she nodded holding out her hand for his plate. He thanked her and leaned against the counter. Unsure what to say or do to get him out of the rut he felt like he was in.

Beore he could do so Niall walked in, "Liv, come on, we're going back onto the beach." He said carrying the remainder of the plates and putting them in the dishwasher for her.

"Thanks." She responded and he nodded with a grin grabbing up her hand, "No problem. Come on Harry." He said oblivous to the boy's problem as he pulled the girl out of the kitchen.

Louis walked in as Harry tried to calm himself.

"Tell him if it's really that big of an issue. You can't be mad at him when he doesn't know." He stated and Harry breathed in, "I know. Doesn't matter really. She wouldn't like me."

"Why not?" Louis asked with a raised eyebrow, "Are you losing confidence?"

"No, but there is no telling what she's heard about me ."

"Well Harry, it's probably all true."

"Thanks for agreeing I'm a shitty person, Louis." The boy grumbled.

"I never said that. I know you're not. You just give in to your hormones way to often."

"Yeah, well I can't go back and change that can I?" Harry asked getting a bit aggravated as he looked over at the boy.

Louis shrugged in response, "No, but you can show her who you really are. I'll talk to her, ok?"

"What? No."

"Not about you. Just to see if she in fact likes Niall. She'll tell me."

Harry breathed in, "Ok. Fine. Enough about this. I need a drink." He grumbled as the two went to find the others on the beach.

Niall was chasing around a laughing Olivia as they reached the spot the group had claimed and Harry immediately rolled his eyes.

"Stop it, Niall!" She yelled as she giggled and Harry groaned, "I want to punch him."

"Be nice." Louis shot back and Harry fell back onto his towel with a sigh.

Niall tackled the girl into the sand and she glared up at him. He smiled widely placing his hands on each side of her into the sand.

"Hey Niall, stop flirting with my cousin and come play volleyball!" Louis yelled and Niall blushed immediately causing Olivia to laugh.

He glanced down at her, "What are you laughing at?"


He brushed a strand of her hair back, finding himself more drawn to her than he should. He knew it was crazy, but staying up all night with her made his crush on her go into a hardcore like.

He bent down and rubbed his nose against hers causing her to giggle, "Is that what you do in Ireland?" She joked causing him to laugh, "Oh yeah. It's how we get the ladies."

She laughed and he pulled her from the sand, giving her a wink before running over to join the guys. She breathed in trying to rid herself of the butterflies he caused her. Was it foolish of her to like him? She sighed as she sat back on her towel watching the guys fool around and play frisbee around the water.

"Hey let's rent a boat!" Liam said randomly and she laughed, "Why?"

"Because it'll be awesome!"

"Yeah. It would. Where can we rent one?"

"You can rent like a sailboat at the pier I'm sure."

"Oh yeah! Let's go." Zayn said excitedly as he slid his feet back into his flip flops.

She shook her head no. She had no problem getting in the water, but being out to where she could no longer touch the sand scared her.

Harry stared at her, picking up on the fear she was trying to hide.

"Come on love. I won't let anything happen to you." He said sticking his hand out to help her up from the sand. A smile hit his lips as he tried to talk her into it. He wanted her to trust him. He wanted to slowly win her over if possible and trust would be a big first step.

She stared up at the blue eyed boy as he stood there bent over with his hand waiting patiently. She finally gave in and placed her hand in his. His endearing smile made it hard to say no.

His smile grew wider as he gently pulled her up and she reached over for her shorts and slid them on.

"If I die I'll come back and haunt you." She said as she slid her sandals on. The boy chuckled, "If I have to jump in after you I will. You will not die I can promise that."

"Ok. My trust is in you Mr. Styles." She joked and he chuckled, "Good."

She gave him a grin before Niall called her name and she sprinted over to him. Harry watched the girl jump on the boy's back as the two laughed. He was really going to hate this.

He sighed and ran his fingers into his wet hair as Louis stepped to him, "So..." He started casually as they walked towards the pier.

"So what?" Harry grumbled as he adjusted his board shorts.

"You know, do you think it's just because we haven't been around another girl in a while?"

Harry rolled his eyes as they passed a group of people lounging on the beach. His eyes diverted to the girl sun bathing in her bikini and felt nothing. Not the slightest bit of want.

"No. Afraid not." He mumbled with a frown.


"How can it be that serious already?!"

"I don't know! I don't understand it either! She just intriques me!"

"Do you hear yourself?!"

"Ugh!" Harry groaned in agony as he tugged at his drying hair.

"I think it may be simply because for once you want someone who doesn't want you..." Louis stated honestly.

Harry shrugged not wanting to argue anymore as they reached the pier. It didn't take them long to rent a sailboat and Olivia grew nervous as she bit her nail watching the man show them exactly what to do.

"We get life jackets." Harry said handing her one and she thanked him softly. He already had his on and he helped her buckle hers.

"Just relax. It'll be fun. Nothing is going to happen." He responded with a grin and she simply nodded in response as she bit her bottom lip.

"Trust me?"

She nodded again knowing for some strange reason she did in fact really trust him.

"Then it'll be ok." He said cupping her face and she let her bottom lip go.

"Ok." She managed to get out and he kissed her forehead before grabbing her hand gently and leading her to the water.

Once on the boat she was trying not to freak out and tell herself that the life jacket would save her if she fell off, but that didn't calm the nerves.

Harry was laughing with Zayn as the boy tried to keep the sail up and Niall slid beside Olivia.

"We're gonna stop and swim. Going to go out?"

She shook her head no and he stared at her oddly, "What's wrong?"

"Can't swim."

"What? But you live on the beach."

She laughed, "Yes, but I'm from England."

"You should have told me. I would have just stayed behind with you." Niall said sincerely and she shook her head, "No. You shouldn't have to miss out. It's ok. Really."

He rolled his eyes, "Right because you being on a boat scared is ok."

"Yeah. I mean, Harry said he'd save me if I went overboard." She said chuckling.

"Oh yeah. Real comforting..."

"Plus too late now." She added and he sighed, "Still..."

"It's fine." She spoke with a smile and he took off his life jacket. She watched him as he dropped it onto the floor and grabbed her hand, "Come on. We're going to teach you how to swim." He said as the boys yelled about swimming since the waves had calmed.

"What no." She said clinging to him and he chuckled, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"There is sharks and scary things in there." She said clinging to him for dear life.

He chuckled, "I promise it will be fine."

"No. You go. I'll watch." She said as Zayn dived into the water. Niall kissed her nose, "Sure?"

She nodded and he dropped his arms from her giving her a smile before Liam pushed him in.

Harry watched from across the boat and debated on sitting with her. Her eyes proved she was nervous and before he knew it he was beside her.

"You ok?" He asked and she nodded with a weak grin, "Yeah. Thanks."

"What if you get in with me?" He asked trying to get her fear to subside.

She shook her head no and he pulled her up causing her to groan because she had already been through this with Niall.

"Come on." He stated sitting his life jacket down, "I'll teach you how to swim, you can keep your jacket on and hold on to me."

"I don't know..."

"It'll be fine. Look." He said leading her to the edge and he sat down. He patted the spot beside him and she cautiously sat beside him letting her feet dip into the water.

"See." He whispered before pushing himself off the edge. She watched him float and he held his arms out to her, "Come on. I've got you. I promise."

She breathed in and he placed his hands on her waist pulling her in as she slowly pushed herself from the edge.

"See." He said calmly as he held her with a smile, "This scares me. Can't we do this in a pool where things don't threaten to eat us?"

He chuckled, "We could, but what makes you want to swim more than fear?"


He chuckled, "I'm kidding. Look. Nothing is around. Now I'm going to let go..."

"What? No." She said grabbing him instantly and he tried not to laugh, "Ok, or not."

"Look. I'd just feel better if we did this somewhere where one of us could touch."

"Yeah probably a good idea so you don't drown me in the process."

"This was your idea."

He chuckled, "I know. But, we are going to do this once we get on land." He said helping her back onto the boat.

Niall had stopped splashing Zayn a long time ago and was now burning a hole into Harry.

"Someone's trying to steal your girl." Liam said chuckling and he splashed the boy before swimming to the boat. He'd be damned if that happened. Harry was not going to ruin something good for him. Not again that is...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm seriously loving writing this story, which is why I keep updating so quickly...ha.

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